
Why can't fans take off their powder?

author:Mr. LUCKY

I believe that every girl in the rice circle has more or less some impressive moments of her own or her own fan circle in the process of chasing stars. It can be the first stage and the first concert of its own idol.

Why can't fans take off their powder?

Or the first time I met Aidou himself, the first time I went to his concert.

Why can't fans take off their powder?

Or maybe it's because of some moving moments that go in both directions. For example, when aiding outside, Aidou sent a response to fans.

Why can't fans take off their powder?

For example, in some special moments, the other party's heartfelt true feelings are revealed.

Why can't fans take off their powder?

But it can also be a night when you are sad and sad to digest your sad emotions alone because the house collapsed into your own home.

Why can't fans take off their powder?

So, today we will take a look at those star-chasing moments that are either worthy or humble!

Why can't fans take off their powder?
Why can't fans take off their powder?

Instantly into the pit

When asked what is the reason for a person to fall into the pit love beans, I believe that many people's answer will be the first stunning first glance at the first stage. Sometimes it only takes a look or a movement to poke a point in the heart and then enter the pit vertically.

Why can't fans take off their powder?

There is also the most common "starting from the appearance, finally the talent, caught in the character" of the rice circle, which is also a sentence that many people like to use to describe their experience in the pit.

Why can't fans take off their powder?

If you have ever known Bo Yuan, you must have more or less heard of his not very smooth star road.

Why can't fans take off their powder?

Because of this, he also cherishes his dreams all the time. Because this sincere pit of fans is not a minority.

Why can't fans take off their powder?

In fact, in addition to the pit small composition, fans have many songs written to idols, and the lyrics are also large-scale resonance scenes, and people with star chasing experience understand it. For example, Wang Junkai's fans wrote to him "Three Lives are Lucky".

Why can't fans take off their powder?

There is also this song from Li Maru fans. Writing the first meeting into the song and singing it to everyone is also a kind of romance that belongs to the star-chasing girl.

Why can't fans take off their powder?
Why can't fans take off their powder?

Humble moments

The number of scenes frequently produced by these big melons this year is amazing, and it is jokingly called by many netizens as the "first year of the collapse of the internal entertainment house". All kinds of outrageous and shocking news made the melon-eating masses eat one after another, which of course was indispensable to the rice circle girls who had collapsed.

Why can't fans take off their powder?

Take the previous post posted in the goose group, although it is said that the star chasing still needs to maintain a proper distance, but this kind of real feeling is close at hand, but the powerless feeling between the two is like a galaxy or across the screen can be felt.

Why can't fans take off their powder?

The R1se fan's video also resonates with many frontline fans. Waiting at the airport for hours but not waiting for people to pounce, crying and shouting by the railing, is the degree of sadness when passing by.

Why can't fans take off their powder?

There are also small essays from Jiang Daniel's fans. At that time, the news of Jiang Dan's love also shocked many people, when the red idol had a problem with the contract after the end of the limited group, fans worried about his future and helped him set up a personal studio.

Why can't fans take off their powder?

And the Solo single has just been exposed to love, or actively want to know the woman. "But Jiang Dan, when I can't sleep for you, who are you sleeping with?" "It can be directly sealed as the ceiling of the heart attack."

Why can't fans take off their powder?

The ex-girlfriend of Deyunshe cross-talk actor He Jiuhua's sentence that "people will only remember the people who trekked through the mountains and rivers to meet, and will not remember the people who waded through the mountains and rivers to meet him" is also a side confirmation of the humility of fans. Myocardial infarction +1.

Why can't fans take off their powder?
Why can't fans take off their powder?

Worth the moment

Although there are occasional collapses, some memorable and special two-way rushes account for the vast majority.

Why can't fans take off their powder?

For example, the surprise prepared for fans at Wu Lei's eighteenth birthday party - the sonic ring, scanning the code can also hear the voice of Sanshi's brother.

Why can't fans take off their powder?

This fan is even more bluntly said that "the first time in my life to be given a ring by the opposite sex is Wu Lei."

Why can't fans take off their powder?

The other fans' speeches were also very crying, and a year later, they could clearly recall every scene at that time, and it could be seen how seriously Wu Lei was preparing for this birthday party.

Why can't fans take off their powder?

There is also a luxurious souvenir prepared for fans at the previous Qianxi brother's juner concert. The blessing on this greeting card inside is handwritten by the four-character brother, and the words are full of blessings and their own ideas, and they are not inferior in other big-name products.

Why can't fans take off their powder?

Even if he looks handsome and has a good body and a yan control paradise, Zhou Keyu can also be regarded as a love bean that can often make fans feel the two-way rush.

Why can't fans take off their powder?

I made a calendar of every day related to fans since I entered the industry, and attached my own thoughts for that day, not all fans were touched by this intention.

Why can't fans take off their powder?
Why can't fans take off their powder?

Depowdering instantly

On August 20 this year, Bobby Kim Ji-won of the iKon group announced that he would be married and would become a father, and on September 27, he was promoted to father. As a love bean, there are naturally not a few fans who have depowdered.

Why can't fans take off their powder?

The phrase in this little powder-off essay on this station is "You go to the grand event of life, I go to my next summer." It is even more instantaneous, and it is called "the last romance" by many fans.

Why can't fans take off their powder?

This sentence from Jin Zhiyuan's microtube group " Lang Lang teenager has embarked on a new journey of life, and my youth can only stay here forever." "It's also very sad, passers-by see also the degree of heart attack."

Why can't fans take off their powder?

This sentence "Sometimes I dream of you, it is you who has not yet debuted, the one who plays with your brothers and loves sugar." "It is also the scene of the broken defense." The length of the three- or four-page memorandum, the sincere text, is not a fan who will shed tears when they read it.

Why can't fans take off their powder?

Of course, not all fans will choose to forgive when their own love beans make mistakes. For example, the recent Meng Meiqi Chen Lingtao incident, which occupied the hot search. When the popular female love beans were exploded into the feelings of others, many fans were waiting for her statement.

Why can't fans take off their powder?

As soon as the response came out, carefully flipping through the comment area, there were still many fans who lay flat and ridiculed or directly depowdered, and their statements could also be said to be very rational.

Why can't fans take off their powder?

For example, this very out-of-the-loop sentence "the shame column of life, the great rift valley of taste, the black history of IQ, and the aesthetic Waterloo" is the classic de-powder comment from the fans after the accident of a male artist, and it is also retweeted to the extent that it is crazy to be retweeted on Weibo.

Why can't fans take off their powder?

It is said that "chasing the stars is a bright and righteous crush", they are on the stage, we are in the sea of people, you will experience happiness, happiness, you may also experience injury, disappointment. May you not chase the star that is far away in the sky, but the self you have never met.

Well, seeing this, do you have any star chasing moments of your own that you are willing to share? Come and let us know in the comments section.~

Article Source: ELLEMEN New Youth

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