
She is a new generation of "car model queen", a charity ambassador, and the road to popularity is very unexpected

author:Kanye plays with cars

At this year's auto show, Mercedes-Benz invited a heavyweight car model, she is known as the charity ambassador of the car model industry, and has participated in many movies, she is known as the "car model diva" Jin Meixin.

She is a new generation of "car model queen", a charity ambassador, and the road to popularity is very unexpected
She is a new generation of "car model queen", a charity ambassador, and the road to popularity is very unexpected

Speaking of Jin Meixin, I believe that many car friends who pay attention to the auto show are very familiar, this time Jin Meixin standing next to Mercedes-Benz AMG is also very charming, red leather coat with black short leather pants, so that her figure is perfectly displayed.

She is a new generation of "car model queen", a charity ambassador, and the road to popularity is very unexpected
She is a new generation of "car model queen", a charity ambassador, and the road to popularity is very unexpected

Once at the 2012 Beijing International Auto Show, she won the "Best PopularIty Star Award" with her own perfect temperament and hard work, and since then, her fame has become more and more famous and has continued to become popular.

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