
What happened on August 18 in history

author:Life's Experience

I. August 18, 648 Tang Dynasty minister Fang Xuanling died

Tang Taizong Li Shimin period famous sage, is one of the planners of the change of Xuanwumen, but also li Shimin "zhenguan rule" of important figures, Li Shimin should not need to say it, read the history knows, sent the xuanwumen change, killed his eldest brother Li Jiancheng, forced his father Li Yuan to abdicate.

Emperor Taizong of Tang claimed that he had "the merit of planning and planning and fixing the society", and even married his daughter Princess Gaoyang to Fang Xuanling's second son Fang Yi'ai. Later generations took him and Du Ruyi as examples of good looks, and collectively called "Fang Mou Du Duan".

2. On August 18, 1925, the National Revolutionary Army was formally established

After the establishment of the National Revolutionary Army, Zhou Enlai, Lin Boqu, Li Fuchun and others served as party representatives of the army On August 18, 1925, the Military Commission of the National Government decided to abolish the names of several major local armies under its jurisdiction and unify them into the "National Revolutionary Army". Initially organized into 5 armies, the party army formed on the basis of the Whampoa Military Academy student army was changed to the First Army, with Chiang Kai-shek as its commander.

The main purpose is to overthrow the reactionary rule of the Beiyang warlords under the support of imperialism, to complete the national revolution, to realize the independence and reunification of the country, is the slogan put forward by Sun Yat-sen before his death and the revolutionary goal determined, because this army was established in Guangdong, so this war is also called the "Northern Expedition War", the Northern Expedition War is a revolutionary and just war jointly carried out by the kuomintang and the communist party, but on April 12, 1927, the new warlord of the Kuomintang represented by Chiang Kai-shek betrayed the revolution and launched a counter-revolutionary coup. The anti-imperialist and anti-feudal Northern Expedition ended in failure.

3. August 18, 1933 World Cup goal record holder Fontaine was born

Football this team sport is certainly not unfamiliar to everyone, each country has its own domestic league, such as the Premier League, Ligue 1, Serie A, The Netherlands, La Liga, the Chinese Super League, etc., of course, there is a 4-year World Cup, which is the stage for each football player to show his value, at the end of each cup there will be an award "World Cup Best Scorer", perhaps everyone is more familiar with Ronaldo, Klose, Muller, Pele and so on.

In 1958, Brazil won the Fifa World Cup for the first time, but the famous French center Giuste Fontaine not only won the title of the top scorer of the World Cup with a record of 13 goals, but also set a record for the most goals scored in a World Cup, which has not been broken so far.

4. August 18, 1950 Representatives of all Chinese scientists gathered in Beijing

It was the first national conference of representatives of natural science workers in China held in Beijing, and 451 representatives of science, industry, agriculture, and medicine from major administrative regions attended the conference.

5. August 18, 1966 Mao Zedong received the Red Guards

On that day, Mao Zedong wore the Red Guards armband and inspected the Red Guards for the first time in the Beijing City Tower, and since then the Red Guards organization has swept the country On August 18, 1966, the "Mass Conference to Celebrate the Great Proletarian Cultural Revolution" was held in Tiananmen Square in the capital, and Mao Zedong and others received the masses and Red Guards from all over the country for the first time in Tiananmen Square.

6. August 18, 1984 Beijing draws an accurate map of the Great Wall

Until then, the map of Beijing had not been able to accurately and completely indicate the direction, distribution and damage of the entire Great Wall.

Over Beijing, the overall deployment of aerial remote sensing carried out three flights, with a total flight area of more than 40,000 square kilometers, thousands of color, black and white aerial films and color infrared photos, in addition to multispectral and infrared scanning tape disks. According to these information materials, urban planning, environmental protection, geology, gardens, agriculture, water conservancy and other drawings have been drawn up successively. For example, the total length of the Great Wall in Beijing, how many passes the Great Wall has, the city platform, the classification of the damage to the Great Wall, etc. are clearly seen on the map.

7. August 18, 1996 Japanese right-wing forces planted a marker on the Diaoyu Islands

Every time a major event in China is quickly related to Japan, this is not the day of August 18, 1996, when some Japanese right-wing elements erected a sign with a sun flag painted on the disputed Diaoyu Island between China and Japan, which caused the extraordinary anger of our people.

In fact, in an interview with the editor and publisher of the United Press Agency on May 19, 1978, Deng Xiaoping said: Japan's claim to sovereignty over the Diaoyu Islands is untenable.

On January 12, 2014, Japan made another farce of "buying an island".