
Chaigou Fort bacon making technology recipe video tutorial, the real physical formula can start to open a store after learning

author:Meal-flavored snack technology
Chaigou Fort bacon making technology recipe video tutorial, the real physical formula can start to open a store after learning

The above is our seasoned material, with this material package, this is generally about 200 pounds of meat, that is, four material package cycles every two days to change a material package, each spice package has a pound of material. The main purpose of these spices is used in the process of brine for Titian. Our varieties will be a little more, for example, there are bibu, woody, white buttons, grass and nutmeg.

Chaigou Fort bacon making technology recipe video tutorial, the real physical formula can start to open a store after learning

White root, galangal, cloves, cumin, fragrant leaves, and then there are large ingredients and peppers, as well as peppers, galangal and wood aromas are mainly our fishy smell to remove odor, and can increase some of the fragrance. Nutmeg we make meat is generally inseparable from him mainly to increase the meat aroma, but also can effectively remove some of the bloody taste in meat products, nutmeg this does not need to be crushed it I reprocess it, can be used directly. Bib is also the same and he has a very strong deodorant effect. This material package is mainly different from the traditional material package in the north. It was improved after repeatedly pondering the northern material bag.

Of course, there are many similarities, this spice is basically we can buy from the market, their role is mainly to increase the fragrance, there is to remove the fishy taste, there is to increase the head incense, there is an increase in the bottom of the incense, which is very complete, the pepper is also to increase the appetite effect, the proportion of peppers in this is relatively high. Fragrant leaf cumin is mainly to increase the effect of meat products, in fact, chaigou fort bacon spices are not particularly special, are common in the market some spices, to say that its special place is our secret The biggest secret is actually in our smoking,

Chaigou Fort bacon making technology recipe video tutorial, the real physical formula can start to open a store after learning

Let's share the spice recipe of the marinated meat with all of you.

Boiled in water 15 pounds, 15 raw materials as an example:

30 g of galangal, 20 g of star anise, 20 g of grass fruit, 20 g of red dried pepper, 20 g of white cog, 20 g of cinnamon, 15 g of tangerine peel, 15 g of peppercorns, 15 g of bibo, 15 g of woody incense, 15 g of grass curd, 15 g of nutmeg, 15 g of coriander leaf, 15 g of white root, 15 g of cumin, 15 g of licorice, 5 g of cloves.

I am a food snack technology sharing, pay attention to me in the next issue we learn chaigou fort bacon making smoking method.