
Northern New Year Dad homemade bacon, remember these 2 tricks, more delicious than Huai'an Chaigou Fort bacon [Dad homemade bacon] Ingredients: Preparation method:

author:Kitchen Lady Xiaoning

Northern New Year Dad homemade bacon, remember these 2 tricks, better than Huai'an Chaigou Fort bacon

The Spring Festival is coming soon, and in the north, every household will purchase New Year goods in advance and make Chinese New Year's Eve dishes for the New Year. Xiaoning family is the same, every year Chinese New Year's Eve dishes, Dad will prepare big elbows, plum button meat, bacon and other hard dishes, this is not, there is a month to go to the New Year, Dad bought a piece of fine pork belly today, ready to make homemade bacon, see Dad do bacon, Xiaoning feels that they all smell the New Year, too happy.

Northern New Year Dad homemade bacon, remember these 2 tricks, more delicious than Huai'an Chaigou Fort bacon [Dad homemade bacon] Ingredients: Preparation method:

Xiao Ning's hometown has a very famous Huai'an Chaigou Fort bacon, not only unique flavor, rich in nutrition, but also has appetizers, cold, digestion and other effects, fat is not greasy, thin and not stuffed teeth, the local people especially like to eat, even the Empress Dowager Cixi has eaten exaggerated, today's father to do is this kind of bacon, the article is a bit long, but all are dry goods, let's take a look at it!

Northern New Year Dad homemade bacon, remember these 2 tricks, more delicious than Huai'an Chaigou Fort bacon [Dad homemade bacon] Ingredients: Preparation method:

<h1>[Dad's homemade bacon].</h1>

Northern New Year Dad homemade bacon, remember these 2 tricks, more delicious than Huai'an Chaigou Fort bacon [Dad homemade bacon] Ingredients: Preparation method:


Pork belly, green onion, ginger slices, cooking wine, peppercorns, star anise, chili peppers, cinnamon, fragrant leaves, grass fruits, white sugar, Pu'er tea.

<h1>Preparation method:</h1>

1, prepare the best pork belly, first cut it into 10 cm square blocks, and then use cotton thread to tie it tightly, the purpose of this is that after cooking, the fat and lean meat will not spread. Then prepare the shallots and ginger slices for later.

Northern New Year Dad homemade bacon, remember these 2 tricks, more delicious than Huai'an Chaigou Fort bacon [Dad homemade bacon] Ingredients: Preparation method:

2, pour the appropriate amount of cold water into the pot, and then put the pork into it, add the onion and ginger slices, and then pour the appropriate amount of cooking wine to fishy, boil on high heat and then turn to medium heat, at this time the pot will float foam, need to pay attention to is that we must hit the foam in time, until the foam is clean, and then cook for about 10 minutes, wait until the soup color in the pot has a little turbid appearance, you can fish it out.

Northern New Year Dad homemade bacon, remember these 2 tricks, more delicious than Huai'an Chaigou Fort bacon [Dad homemade bacon] Ingredients: Preparation method:

3, the fished out of the meat should not be too cold, directly put on a plate of spare, this time to prepare the seasoning of the stew: 2 tablespoons of white sugar, appropriate amount of peppercorns, large ingredients, cinnamon, fragrant leaves, ginger slices and grass and fruit for later.

Northern New Year Dad homemade bacon, remember these 2 tricks, more delicious than Huai'an Chaigou Fort bacon [Dad homemade bacon] Ingredients: Preparation method:

4, below we start to stew meat, do bacon need to remember, must not use soy sauce, so the first time to color need to fry a sugar color: 2 spoons of oil added to 3 spoons of sugar, the whole low heat, until the amber color as shown in the picture, and then add a little water to stir evenly is sugar color.

Northern New Year Dad homemade bacon, remember these 2 tricks, more delicious than Huai'an Chaigou Fort bacon [Dad homemade bacon] Ingredients: Preparation method:

5, directly to the pot to add the right amount of water to boil, and then put the blanched pork belly into it, add peppercorns, large ingredients, cinnamon, grass fruit, ginger slices and a pepper, and then add the right amount of salt, salt should be put a little more, because the meat is very large, the salt is less than the taste, and then cover the lid and simmer for 2 hours.

Northern New Year Dad homemade bacon, remember these 2 tricks, more delicious than Huai'an Chaigou Fort bacon [Dad homemade bacon] Ingredients: Preparation method:

6, although called bacon, but in fact, it is mainly boiled, so the time to cook meat must be enough for 2 hours, in these two hours, it is necessary to boil on high heat and then turn to medium-low heat and then ceasefire, and finally stew, these four steps are indispensable, and the time mastery should be accurate, so as not to cook overheat, resulting in the separation of skin and meat, the meat is cooked rotten, then it is not delicious and not good.

In the process of cooking, it is necessary to do "3 flips and 5 buckles", that is to say, the whole pork belly should be turned over three times, pressed down five times, to make the front of the meat turn to the back, the upper side to the bottom, the left side to the right side, and there must be no overlapping places, if the overlap, the fat in the meat can not seep out, the taste of the seasoning can not enter, then the taste will be much worse. Do not use the cooked meat directly, but soak it in the soup for at least 4 hours so that it can be more flavorful.

Northern New Year Dad homemade bacon, remember these 2 tricks, more delicious than Huai'an Chaigou Fort bacon [Dad homemade bacon] Ingredients: Preparation method:

After 7 or 4 hours, we take the meat out and control the dry soup for later; prepare the appropriate amount of Pu'er tea and white sugar for later, and we start smoking.

Northern New Year Dad homemade bacon, remember these 2 tricks, more delicious than Huai'an Chaigou Fort bacon [Dad homemade bacon] Ingredients: Preparation method:

8: Put a piece of tin foil in a dry pot, put the prepared Pu'er tea and white sugar on top of the tin foil, stir them well and set aside.

Northern New Year Dad homemade bacon, remember these 2 tricks, more delicious than Huai'an Chaigou Fort bacon [Dad homemade bacon] Ingredients: Preparation method:

9, and then put in a grate or cage drawer, put the pork belly up, this step also can not let the two pieces of meat overlap, because the smoking process is colored, the second is into the taste, overlapping together, the same can not be colored nor tasted, affecting the final taste and taste.

Northern New Year Dad homemade bacon, remember these 2 tricks, more delicious than Huai'an Chaigou Fort bacon [Dad homemade bacon] Ingredients: Preparation method:

10, cover the lid after the fire, this time you need to concentrate on observation, the pot began to smoke after a minute, and then quickly turn the low heat, the pot lid on the air vent plugged, the hood open, and then smoke for three minutes, the big smoke fixed color small smoke fixed taste.

Northern New Year Dad homemade bacon, remember these 2 tricks, more delicious than Huai'an Chaigou Fort bacon [Dad homemade bacon] Ingredients: Preparation method:

11, three minutes later, our bacon is ready!

Northern New Year Dad homemade bacon, remember these 2 tricks, more delicious than Huai'an Chaigou Fort bacon [Dad homemade bacon] Ingredients: Preparation method:

12, look at the tea leaves and sugar in the pot has been completely burned, but with the protection of tin foil, there is no change in the pot, so when making bacon, don't be afraid of what will happen to your pot, it will not be how, it will only be intact!

Northern New Year Dad homemade bacon, remember these 2 tricks, more delicious than Huai'an Chaigou Fort bacon [Dad homemade bacon] Ingredients: Preparation method:

The bacon made by this method is trembling, shiny, golden and beautiful in color, the skin of the meat is shining with crystalline grease, the color and flavor are complete, the smell is rich, the taste is mellow and delicious, and the aftertaste is endless.

Northern New Year Dad homemade bacon, remember these 2 tricks, more delicious than Huai'an Chaigou Fort bacon [Dad homemade bacon] Ingredients: Preparation method:

Remove the rope that binds the surface when eating, and then take a piece and cut it into pieces. Take a look, our bacon color is consistent in the table, the skin is rotten and tender, the entrance is fat but not greasy, lean and not chai, much more delicious than the outside delicatessen!

Northern New Year Dad homemade bacon, remember these 2 tricks, more delicious than Huai'an Chaigou Fort bacon [Dad homemade bacon] Ingredients: Preparation method:

It's going to be the New Year soon, if your family just has a piece of pork that has not yet been made, if it is pork belly is better, then you can try the bacon square that Xiaoning shared, do a good job of freezing it, directly present it during the New Year, then you will open your arms and wait for the praise of your family, and then remember to give Xiaoning's article a thumbs up!

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