
The cooking squad leader let the idle chatter veteran boil water, and the guard was shocked afterwards: Mr. Zhu, why are you here? Foreword (1) The boss who boiled water (2) Zhu De (3) Zhu De's background (4) The father of the Red Army (5) The real Zhu De

author:One zero history

<h1 class="pgc-h-center-line" data-track="1" > preface</h1>

There was such a thing on the Long March Road, that is, Mr. Zhu De was once called by a cooking squad leader to boil water, and Mr. Zhu obediently did it, until the guards shouted out in surprise, and everyone knew that the veteran who boiled water was actually Mr. Zhu De.

The cooking squad leader let the idle chatter veteran boil water, and the guard was shocked afterwards: Mr. Zhu, why are you here? Foreword (1) The boss who boiled water (2) Zhu De (3) Zhu De's background (4) The father of the Red Army (5) The real Zhu De

Pictured| Jude

So what's going on?

<h1 class="pgc-h-center-line" data-track="114" > (1) the boss of boiling water</h1>

It was still the period of the Long March, and one day, the Red Army had just gone through a few days of rapid marching, preparing to take a short rest, and the large contingent camped on the side of the road.

Many of the warriors were busy with their own business, some collecting firewood, some burning fires, and others gathering together as if they were talking about something.

No, a few wounded little soldiers not far from the cooking class were chatting in a pile, and they seemed to be having a good conversation.

"You know what? A few days ago, Commander Li in front of our team directly engaged in an encounter with the enemy, and directly beat those fools..."

"What do you mean by that?" Some time ago, there were several times as many enemies around us, and if we hadn't gone in time, it would have been bad! ”


At this time, in the crowd, an old comrade suddenly walked in, talked with everyone, several people chatted happily, and everyone saw that this old comrade also wanted to join, but did not refuse.

But slowly, everyone felt that this old comrade who was not proud of his appearance was really extraordinary, and he told all the things about the Nanchang uprising and Jinggangshan in great detail, and he was also very good at telling stories, and everyone listened to them with relish.

Under the emotional narration of this old comrade, the soldiers around them gathered more and more, but just as everyone was talking about the world, suddenly the crowd went out with a voice:

"Hey, the one who tells the story, everyone is busy, you're telling the story here, hurry up!" Hurry up! Come and help the big guys boil some water. ”

The cooking squad leader let the idle chatter veteran boil water, and the guard was shocked afterwards: Mr. Zhu, why are you here? Foreword (1) The boss who boiled water (2) Zhu De (3) Zhu De's background (4) The father of the Red Army (5) The real Zhu De

Everyone followed the prestige, it turned out that the cooking squad leader was shouting, the cooking squad leader was an old soldier, everyone saw him open his mouth, and he was not embarrassed to get together again.

Everyone quickly dispersed, leaving only the old comrade who told the story, and the head of the cooking squad looked at the old comrade, who did not know the idle old man, but was still a little angry when he saw a group of people chatting there.

Because the troops have just passed through the rapid march, it is time to rest and need manpower, but at this time, there are still people telling stories, how can you say that he is not angry? So he shouted, wanting the idle veteran to boil water.

The comrade heard the cooking squad leader's angry shouts, and there was no reaction, but he quickly responded: "Oh, it's coming soon!" ”

I saw him get up from the ground, pat the dust on his body, go to the place where the squad leader pointed out, and walk over. The head of the cooking squad saw that he was so cooperative, and his face was much better, and he looked at the man and turned back to collect firewood.

Before leaving, the old comrade did not forget to tell the wounded: "We must pay attention to the body!" Take good care of your illness, and I will tell you a story when I have the chance! After saying that, he went to boil water.

The old comrade skillfully set up the firewood and the pot, and then set up the fire, and the speed of the fire made the cooking squad leader on the side a little surprised, you must know that on the Long March Road, this fire is not good, and this old comrade seems to have done a lot of such work.

Just when several people were constantly adding firewood, Comrade Zhu De's guards were a little anxious, and just now Mr. Zhu De said that he wanted to go away and relax, but after this incident, the kung fu in the blink of an eye was actually gone.

The cooking squad leader let the idle chatter veteran boil water, and the guard was shocked afterwards: Mr. Zhu, why are you here? Foreword (1) The boss who boiled water (2) Zhu De (3) Zhu De's background (4) The father of the Red Army (5) The real Zhu De

The | guard

There was no way, the guards could only ask around, fortunately someone said, "The boss is chatting with the wounded over there!" The guards hurried to that side, but the wounded saw it, but the boss didn't see it!"

When he looked around, he passed the cooking class, and by chance, he caught a glimpse, but unexpectedly found that the boss was gray, bending down to boil water there, and holding a blower in his hand.

When the guards saw this scene, they were shocked: "Mr. Zhu, why are you here?" ”

When he shouted this, the people next to him were also stupid, this veteran who boiled water was actually The boss of Zhu De? The cooking squad leader was also stunned, he had just asked Mr. Zhu to boil water?

"You're really going too far, you actually let the boss..." The guard just wanted to get angry, and Jude waved to stop him.

"What's the fuss? Don't you just boil water, why are you making such a big fire on them! ”

The crowd, along with the cooking squad leader, quickly stood up and saluted him, and Judd smiled, patted him on the shoulder, and left with the guards.

In fact, throughout the course of the Red Army's Long March, many people had close contact with Comrade Zhu De, and when everyone saw him, there was no burden, because Mr. Zhu De was such a person with detached moral character and broad mind.

Of course, what makes people "laugh" is that Marshal Zhu De was mistaken, and another reason was because of his "unassuming" appearance.

The cooking squad leader let the idle chatter veteran boil water, and the guard was shocked afterwards: Mr. Zhu, why are you here? Foreword (1) The boss who boiled water (2) Zhu De (3) Zhu De's background (4) The father of the Red Army (5) The real Zhu De

<h1 class="pgc-h-center-line" data-track="115" >(2) "Guy Head" Jude</h1>

When it comes to Mr. Zhu De, there will always be a lot of keywords in his mind, like the commander-in-chief of the three services and the head of the ten marshals, but what many people don't know is that Mr. Zhu De once had a nickname of "brother-in-law".

In an article written by Chen Yi, who was also the Tenth Marshal, he once described the commander-in-chief Zhu De as follows:

"The masses and many enemy soldiers and prisoners were very surprised when they first saw the famous Commander Zhu De, because the appearance of the mangshoe shoes and ragged shoes really made people think of a figure like Zhu De, and if they were not introduced, at most they could only estimate that he was a man's head."

From that time on, he became the "nickname" (hùn) of Zhu De, the commander of the Fourth Army.

This guy head was not made up out of thin air, in fact, this nickname is recorded in many documents, such as an American writer named Nime Wells, who wrote in his "Journey to the West": "His nickname is 'Guy Head' because he is like an ordinary warrior." ”

What can be more evidenced by this is the poem left by the anti-Japanese patriotic general Xu Fanting when he first met Mr. Zhu in Yan'an: "When people did not know the general's face, they were as simple as peasants."

The cooking squad leader let the idle chatter veteran boil water, and the guard was shocked afterwards: Mr. Zhu, why are you here? Foreword (1) The boss who boiled water (2) Zhu De (3) Zhu De's background (4) The father of the Red Army (5) The real Zhu De

Figure | continues Fan Ting

Xu Fanting also did not expect that the commander of the three armed forces who was famous all over the world was actually a simple person like a peasant old man. Not only that, many later articles about Marshal Zhu De almost mentioned a word called "simplicity".

So why does Jude make such an impression? Why did Marshal Chen Yi mention the word "gang head"?

This has to start with the story of 1927.

In November 1927, according to the orders of the organization, Zhu De set out from Chongyi Starry Night with a guard to rucheng to have a secret conversation with a representative named Fan Shisheng.

At that time, shortly after the "April 12" occurred, our party launched a series of counterattacks such as the Nanchang Uprising, and this high-ranking Kuomintang official Fan Shisheng was the aid that Zhu De had brought by taking advantage of his personal classmate relationship, and Zhu De tried to establish a united front with him.

Later generations of literature record that it was with the help of Fan Shisheng that the Shonan Rebellion and the Jinggangshan Huishi were able to proceed smoothly.

But what many people don't know is that In the process of negotiation, Zhu De once encountered a great crisis, and it was precisely because of Zhu De's simple appearance that he escaped the disaster.

On Zhu De's way to negotiate, they passed a place called Trench Head Wei, and when the group arrived, it was late, and Zhu De asked everyone to stay in a nearby ancestral hall.

Originally, according to the usual arrangement, the news that everyone was resting here would not be leaked out, but who knows, in the middle of the night, "Bang! bang! Two sudden gunshots woke everyone up.

Everyone got up violently, picked up their guns and went straight to the commanding heights, Zhu Dehe was preparing to go out from the ancestral hall to observe the situation, when suddenly, he heard a noisy footstep outside.

The cooking squad leader let the idle chatter veteran boil water, and the guard was shocked afterwards: Mr. Zhu, why are you here? Foreword (1) The boss who boiled water (2) Zhu De (3) Zhu De's background (4) The father of the Red Army (5) The real Zhu De

The | ancestral hall

"Oops!" Zhu De screamed darkly, at this time a band of bandits directly knocked open the gate of the ancestral hall and rushed to the backyard, and they met a man wearing a dude apron.

The man looked anxious and was about to go outside, when the leading bandit stopped him with his gun and shouted, "Speak quickly! Where is Jude? ”

"In the back." The man pointed to the backyard.

Several bandits rushed forward in the direction he was pointing, and the "brother-in-law" looked at them and prepared to leave quickly, but at this time there was a small leader who stopped him.

"What do you do?"

The man did not expect the leader to speak, he wiped his hands on the apron, and replied with some fear: "I... I'm a guy! ”

The leader rolled his eyes and said, "Hum! You still want to lie to me, you: You're clearly pretending! After saying that, he pulled the man under the oil lamp and looked at it carefully.

However, the leader looked at it for a long time, only to see that the man's face was full of stubble, his clothes were washed white and tattered, and the apron was dirty. The little leader looked at it several times, but he didn't see anything, especially since this man's appearance was too ordinary, as if he was really a guy, and finally he waved his hand with great disgust: "Fuck, come on!" ”

The cooking squad leader let the idle chatter veteran boil water, and the guard was shocked afterwards: Mr. Zhu, why are you here? Foreword (1) The boss who boiled water (2) Zhu De (3) Zhu De's background (4) The father of the Red Army (5) The real Zhu De

Figure | bandits

When the little leader left this man and prepared to go to the backyard, the "guy" in the back fired a shot directly in the back, and after a gunshot of "boo", the little leader fell in response.

And the guy, directly opened the back window and jumped out, disappeared into the night...

This man was naturally Zhu De, when he was too late to hide, in a hurry, he picked up the apron from the kitchen and pretended to be a brother-in-law, which escaped, and then Zhu De also mentioned this matter to others, and he also laughed:

"You see, this looks like a guy, and he can also save his life!"

<h1 class="pgc-h-center-line" data-track="116" > (3) The essence of Jude</h1>

There is another anecdote about Jude, don't look at Marshal Jude", "his appearance is not proud", but he is a serious "returnee", he once studied at the University of Göttingen (Germany), and now Jude's former home is still next to the Göttingen Opera House.

The reason why I want to mention this matter is to illustrate one thing, that is, there is no vain man under the fame.

At present, many people will feel that Marshal Zhu De, as if he did not have any particularly great military achievements, became the commander of the three armed services; others say that it was because Marshal Zhu De went to Jinggangshan with more than 800 revolutionary seeds after the Nanchang uprising, and these 800 people gave birth to a total of 3 marshals and 2 generals, marshal Zhu De had such a status.

The cooking squad leader let the idle chatter veteran boil water, and the guard was shocked afterwards: Mr. Zhu, why are you here? Foreword (1) The boss who boiled water (2) Zhu De (3) Zhu De's background (4) The father of the Red Army (5) The real Zhu De

Pictured| Nanchang Uprising

In fact, the real answer is that although Marshal Zhu De is generous and grounded, he does have a background that far exceeds others.

In terms of character, Zhu De surpassed many people. Zhu De was born in Yilong, Sichuan in 1886, and as soon as Zhu De was born, he grew up in a big family, and although more than a dozen people lived together, it was rare that uncles and concubines (zhóu li) (the collective name of brothers and wives) all lived in harmony.

In such an environment, Zhu De has benefited a lot from childhood, and the principles of his ancestors in the world, the attitude of doing everything in detail and self-discipline, he has also heard about it, and these excellent qualities are one of Zhu De's heritage.

For his relatives and fathers, Zhu De tried his best to fulfill his filial piety, in 1937, because of the chaos of the war, Zhu De had been missing from his family for 10 years, including Zhu De's birth mother and adoptive mother, at that time, after some news, he directly sold his Nanxi library, as well as most of the property, and gave all the huge money of four hundred yuan to his two mothers to support them

In 1944, near the end of the Anti-Japanese War, Zhu De wrote an article to commemorate his deceased birth mother with full of thoughts and reluctance.

At the time of the revolution, Zhu De was very concerned about the descendants in his family, often writing letters to inquire about the situation, and some silver dollars from the province were also attached. After the founding of New China, Zhu De took great care of these sons and nephews, and he asked his brothers and sisters to send their children to Beijing to study, and he was responsible for it.

Of course, Zhu De is not only cultivating his own descendants, he also pays great attention to the restraint of the younger generations, he said, "Those who hope to rise to the ranks and get rich should never come to me!" Moreover, Zhu De regarded the cultivation of his descendants as successors to the proletarian revolutionary cause as the greatest responsibility in life.

For his future nephews, Zhu De is even more strict with his children, and thriftiness has always been the concept that Marshal Zhu De pursued all his life, and he asked his children and grandchildren not to have any special thoughts, nor to abuse any privileges.

Among them, the three chapters of the famous law of the covenant are set by Zhu De for his children, that is, they are not allowed to ride in the cars he uses, nor are they allowed to ask relatives and friends, let alone pay attention to eating, wearing, and other things.

As the leader of the party and the state, Marshal Zhu De has always asked the children to be self-reliant and work hard, and Zhu De has also been practicing. His only son, Zhu Qi, went to the Shijiazhuang railway locomotive section, starting as an apprentice and then working as a driver for half a lifetime, while his daughter Zhu Min also became an ordinary teacher, quietly working in the education post, teaching and educating people.

The cooking squad leader let the idle chatter veteran boil water, and the guard was shocked afterwards: Mr. Zhu, why are you here? Foreword (1) The boss who boiled water (2) Zhu De (3) Zhu De's background (4) The father of the Red Army (5) The real Zhu De

Picture | Zhu De, Zhu Min

Zhu De often said, "I am a member of the proletariat, and everything I have is public, the party and the people, so after my death, all my deposits and belongings will be handed over, and you can take and study the Marxist-Leninist books and Chairman Mao's works that I have read!" ”

Although this kind of arduous and simple style is very difficult and has a certain connection with Zhu De's family situation when he was young, the most important thing is that Marshal Zhu De has strict requirements for himself.

<h1 class="pgc-h-center-line" data-track="117" > (4) Father of the Red Army</h1>

In addition to the background of character, the reason why Marshal Zhu De has been able to stand under the torrent of history has a great relationship with his ability.

From the records of Marshal Zhu De in the history of the Party, it can be clearly seen that Zhu De was a real military scientist, and he was extremely powerful, and for the construction of the Red Army, in the early days, it was completely Mr. Zhu who undertook the professional military and tactical needs of the Red Army.

It is no exaggeration to say that at that time, Elder Zhu was the core of the army, and guerrilla tactics were invented by President Zhu and Chairman Mao together.

And it is very important that Mr. Zhu is almost all-rounder, whether it is strategic or major policies, he is familiar with it.

From a very obvious point of view, we can see how high Zhu De's military attainments are, at that time, Lin and Su did not study, but under Zhu De's teaching, they gained a lot of valuable practical combat experience, judging from the tactics formulated by the two in the past in actual combat, many of them have Zhu De's shadow.

The cooking squad leader let the idle chatter veteran boil water, and the guard was shocked afterwards: Mr. Zhu, why are you here? Foreword (1) The boss who boiled water (2) Zhu De (3) Zhu De's background (4) The father of the Red Army (5) The real Zhu De

Picture | Su Yu

Moreover, from the perspective of habits, the two were also influenced by a lot of Zhu, for example, Lin played Zhu's re-examination habits to the extreme, and after each war, the headquarters at all levels must be summarized, and many of them famous tactics benefited from the accumulation at that time, such as what four fast and one slow tactics.

For the Red Army, this habit of review is very important, from the evolution of position tactics can be clearly found that at first the Red Army was frustrated in many siege battles, but later, it was able to capture Jinzhou in 31 hours, which is the strength of tactical review.

This change, qualitatively, stems from Zhu De's habit of reviewing, and practice is not only the only criterion for testing truth, but also the best teacher for all.

The Red Army relies on the lessons of blood, constantly reflects and sums up, thus becoming a disciplined iron-blooded army, Zhu De pays attention to this core idea, he is objective and rational, seeks truth from facts, and attaches great importance to tactics and military training, so Liu Bocheng also calls Zhu De "the father of the Red Army."

Of course, Zhu De's military background was not generated out of thin air.

At a very young age, Zhu De realized the importance of learning, he studied hard from an early age, and he paid attention to the changes in the situation very early, in his youth, Zhu De read a lot of scriptures, and at that time, he had a strong patriotic feeling.

This was also the motivation for him to aspire to make achievements in the military direction after that, so Zhu De would leave his hometown in 1909 and go to the Army Lecture Hall in Kunming to study.

At that time, the Army Lecture Hall in Yunnan could be said to be one of the most progressive and "new" military schools in China, and many young people with revolutionary aspirations were very eager, and Marshal Ye Jianying, who was also one of the ten marshals, came out of there.

The cooking squad leader let the idle chatter veteran boil water, and the guard was shocked afterwards: Mr. Zhu, why are you here? Foreword (1) The boss who boiled water (2) Zhu De (3) Zhu De's background (4) The father of the Red Army (5) The real Zhu De

Picture | Ye Jianying

In the spring of 1909, after more than 70 days of trekking, Zhu De finally arrived at the Tangwu Hall in Kunming from more than 3,000 miles away. After successfully entering the Lecture Hall, Zhu De began his long-awaited military studies, and judging from Zhu De's later memoirs, Zhu De was still very surprised that he could enter the Lecture Hall.

Because in Zhu De's view, at that time, the Tangwutang was the most progressive and up-to-date school in China, and the admission of students was very strict, and he was able to be admitted, which was indeed very happy and unexpected for him.

Zhu De cherished the opportunity to study here, he always wanted to be a soldier, and this martial arts hall was probably his best pedal. In the tense and exciting study life, Zhu De is particularly attentive and very studious, even if he has rest time, he does not dare to waste, either reading a book or exercising his body.

Zhu De was so diligent that he also gained greatly, and his achievements in military disciplines such as infantry, artillery, mounting, and engineering were particularly outstanding. Moreover, during the actual exercise, the queue commanded by Zhu De was clean and sharp, and the momentum was like a rainbow, and whenever a foreign consul came here to visit, the general office of the Wutang would definitely let Zhu De come out to command.

While improving his military quality, Zhu De did not forget to absorb advanced revolutionary theoretical knowledge, "Minbao", "Revolutionary Army" and other revolutionary publications, Zhu De is constantly looking at, and in order to seek the way to the future, Zhu De joined many organizations before joining the Communist Party - the China League Association, Wuhua Society, he has participated in it.

The cooking squad leader let the idle chatter veteran boil water, and the guard was shocked afterwards: Mr. Zhu, why are you here? Foreword (1) The boss who boiled water (2) Zhu De (3) Zhu De's background (4) The father of the Red Army (5) The real Zhu De

Figure | Minbao

And what he has always wanted to do is to enrich the country and strengthen the army and save the Chinese nation from danger.

Under the limitations of history, Zhu De also took many detours, for example, at the beginning, Zhu De adhered to the old democracy led by the bourgeoisie, but soon he found that he had done a lot of useless work, and the road he took could not be passed at all, nor could he solve the problem of the way out of the Chinese nation.

During that time, Zhu De was still a little anxious, and he kept reading historical books, hoping to learn from history and seek the real path. Fortunately, at this time, the tide of the October Revolution and the May Fourth Movement surged forward, and after zhu De's deep contact, he accepted Marxism very firmly and embarked on this road very firmly.

In 1922, Zhu De rejected the warlord's high-ranking official Houlu and went directly to Marx's hometown of Germany and joined the Communist Party of China.

In this way, Zhu De finally embarked on the revolutionary road after a very tortuous journey, and for Zhu De, although this period was very tortuous, the experience in this period was precious.

This is also the reason why Zhu De's heritage can far surpass others, because this is all step by step, and Zhu De's heritage has been increasing, whether it is the revolutionary period or the liberation war years, Zhu Deqin has not stopped learning and constantly making progress.

Moreover, under the influence of his own noble character, he has not been out of his own orbit, and the so-called "desirelessness is rigid" is this truth.

At the beginning of 1975, at the age of 89, Zhu De still did not forget his original intention, and he personally wrote a banner of "Revolution to the End" to encourage himself.

<h1 class="pgc-h-center-line" data-track="118" >(5) the real Jude</h1>

When it comes to what position Zhu De has in the history of the party, it is necessary to mention "Zhu Mao"; Chairman Mao and Zhu De can be described as a combination of pearls and indispensable. In the early days, Zhu De came to Jinggangshan with the seeds of revolution and met with the team led by the chairman, and it was at that time that the Red Army could grow and develop.

As far as the construction of the Red Army was concerned, at that time, Mr. Zhu was mainly responsible for military issues, while the chairman was generally grasping the political and strategic aspects; to use a metaphor, Chairman Mao was the wind, while Mr. Zhu was the silver bell in the wind.

The cooking squad leader let the idle chatter veteran boil water, and the guard was shocked afterwards: Mr. Zhu, why are you here? Foreword (1) The boss who boiled water (2) Zhu De (3) Zhu De's background (4) The father of the Red Army (5) The real Zhu De

Pictured| Chairman Mao and Zhu De

Therefore, this is the real Zhu De, who has a transcendent "status" in the history of the Party, but the most rare thing is that even in such a "status", Mr. Zhu still maintains a pure heart, so the chairman will evaluate him: "The measure is as big as the sea, and the will is as strong as steel!" And it was personally inscribed on his sixtieth birthday:

"The glory of the people!"

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