
Genius Wang Yao's surprising remarks blew up netizens: The theory of relativity is a hypothesis, Einstein is a civil science [New Zhiyuan Guide] Net red code nong Wang Yan is on fire again, and he is going to shoot at Einstein this time, clearly pointing out in the latest blog: Einstein is basically a "civil science"?! Einstein is a bit panicked netizens: who is the "civil science"?

author:New Zhiyuan

Source: zhihu

Edit: Emil

<h1 class="pgc-h-arrow-right" data-track="112" > [New Zhiyuan Guide] Net red code nongWang Yan is on fire again, and he is going to shoot at Einstein this time, clearly pointing out in the latest blog: Einstein is basically a "minke"?! </h1>

Three doctoral withdrawals, the code farmers who were blocked by Microsoft Wang Yan is on the hot search.

Genius Wang Yao's surprising remarks blew up netizens: The theory of relativity is a hypothesis, Einstein is a civil science [New Zhiyuan Guide] Net red code nong Wang Yan is on fire again, and he is going to shoot at Einstein this time, clearly pointing out in the latest blog: Einstein is basically a "civil science"?! Einstein is a bit panicked netizens: who is the "civil science"?

This time, the Einstein coffin board was almost unable to press.

Genius Wang Yao's surprising remarks blew up netizens: The theory of relativity is a hypothesis, Einstein is a civil science [New Zhiyuan Guide] Net red code nong Wang Yan is on fire again, and he is going to shoot at Einstein this time, clearly pointing out in the latest blog: Einstein is basically a "civil science"?! Einstein is a bit panicked netizens: who is the "civil science"?

The whole incident began with an article published by Wang Yan on his blog site:

Genius Wang Yao's surprising remarks blew up netizens: The theory of relativity is a hypothesis, Einstein is a civil science [New Zhiyuan Guide] Net red code nong Wang Yan is on fire again, and he is going to shoot at Einstein this time, clearly pointing out in the latest blog: Einstein is basically a "civil science"?! Einstein is a bit panicked netizens: who is the "civil science"?

More than 5,500 words, facts, reasoning, and scriptures are quoted to argue that the special theory of relativity proposed by Einstein 116 years ago is about equal to "civil science".

What's going on?

<h1 class="pgc-h-arrow-right" data-track="111" > Einstein a bit panicked</h1>

Let's first see what Wang's logic is. In the article, Wang Yu summarized Einstein's three major flaws in relative essays and two major problems in Einstein's own motivation for doing scientific research.

First of all, as a masterpiece, Einstein's essay on special relativity is extremely obscure, and Einstein's original essay "is a book of heaven, and it is not clear." Before I could say what problem I was going to solve, a bunch of complicated formulas were thrown away."

Genius Wang Yao's surprising remarks blew up netizens: The theory of relativity is a hypothesis, Einstein is a civil science [New Zhiyuan Guide] Net red code nong Wang Yan is on fire again, and he is going to shoot at Einstein this time, clearly pointing out in the latest blog: Einstein is basically a "civil science"?! Einstein is a bit panicked netizens: who is the "civil science"?

This is obviously hardly worthy of the title of "master".

Because "according to my experience of reading papers in other fields, the papers written by real masters are generally more superficial and direct than ordinary people, because real masters do not need to be mysterious, but Einstein's papers are not superficial."

Second, Einstein's paper does not have any citations. It violates the general rules of scientific publication and is suspected of plagiarism.

Genius Wang Yao's surprising remarks blew up netizens: The theory of relativity is a hypothesis, Einstein is a civil science [New Zhiyuan Guide] Net red code nong Wang Yan is on fire again, and he is going to shoot at Einstein this time, clearly pointing out in the latest blog: Einstein is basically a "civil science"?! Einstein is a bit panicked netizens: who is the "civil science"?

Third, the ideas and conclusions of Einstein's papers are rarely confirmed and reproduced in reality.

For example, during the long eclipse of 1919, a team of researchers observed the light of a cluster of hundreds of stars called Hyades, which is 153 light-years away from Earth, because of the bending of the Sun's gravity. This is considered a great discovery capable of proving special relativity.

Genius Wang Yao's surprising remarks blew up netizens: The theory of relativity is a hypothesis, Einstein is a civil science [New Zhiyuan Guide] Net red code nong Wang Yan is on fire again, and he is going to shoot at Einstein this time, clearly pointing out in the latest blog: Einstein is basically a "civil science"?! Einstein is a bit panicked netizens: who is the "civil science"?

But this experiment cannot be reproduced. And based on the technical conditions and observation level at that time, "what if these astronomers were bribed, combined with each other, or there was an error in the equipment when shooting?" What kind of technology was the camera in 1919 that could accurately capture such a distant planet? With two shooting locations so far apart, how do they ensure that the two photos are taken at the same time with precision? The shape of the earth is irregular, how do they ensure that the geometric angle of the shooting is precise and can really be used for comparison? Lost in a thousand miles."

In addition, the claim that GPS adjusts the clock according to the theory of relativity is also questionable. On the one hand, from the principle point of view, the GPS positioning system does not need accurate timing, and for the time on the GPS satellite, it does not rely only on atomic clocks, but is synchronized with the time periodicity on the ground.

Therefore, according to the calculation of relativity, the error of 38 milliseconds per day between the satellite and the ground cannot be confirmed.

On the contrary, "the vast majority of Newton's theories are immediately verifiable, immediate, and have countless application scenarios."

Since the theory of relativity has not yet been experimentally confirmed, it can only be called a "hypothesis".

Thus it can be inferred that "all the theories based on it have not been confirmed." Have you ever seen a black hole, gravitational wave? Is there really such a thing as the Big Bang? It's all hypotheses, and it's probably all.

Genius Wang Yao's surprising remarks blew up netizens: The theory of relativity is a hypothesis, Einstein is a civil science [New Zhiyuan Guide] Net red code nong Wang Yan is on fire again, and he is going to shoot at Einstein this time, clearly pointing out in the latest blog: Einstein is basically a "civil science"?! Einstein is a bit panicked netizens: who is the "civil science"?

Next, Wang Yan talked about Einstein's personal style.

First of all, Einstein himself was "an obscure clerk who could publish several groundbreaking and sensational papers in such a short period of time." He meets many of the characteristics that are called "civil science."

"Even more suspicious when you think about it, where he works is a place where he can access a lot of other people's patent applications (secret ideas)."

Second, "Einstein always seems to be condescending, often talking about "humanity," such as "human stupidity," as if he himself were not human, but a god high above."

"When he became famous, he was just busy meeting heads of state and high society figures."

Genius Wang Yao's surprising remarks blew up netizens: The theory of relativity is a hypothesis, Einstein is a civil science [New Zhiyuan Guide] Net red code nong Wang Yan is on fire again, and he is going to shoot at Einstein this time, clearly pointing out in the latest blog: Einstein is basically a "civil science"?! Einstein is a bit panicked netizens: who is the "civil science"?

Not only that, in the article Turing also followed the "lying gun", Wang Yu said, "the technology and programming practices used every day have almost nothing to do with the Turing machine."

Genius Wang Yao's surprising remarks blew up netizens: The theory of relativity is a hypothesis, Einstein is a civil science [New Zhiyuan Guide] Net red code nong Wang Yan is on fire again, and he is going to shoot at Einstein this time, clearly pointing out in the latest blog: Einstein is basically a "civil science"?! Einstein is a bit panicked netizens: who is the "civil science"?

Finally, regarding his legendary experience, Wang Yan also explained his motivation in the article, "I have long felt that the scientific community has long been covering up real knowledge, making it more and more difficult to understand, and too many indiscriminate people writing some garbage papers. That's why I threw away three PhDs."

As for the latest situation, Wang Said, "I have recently been working to make seemingly esoteric knowledge simple and pass it on to others." ——This is the rhythm of doing professional science popularization to fight counterfeits.

<h1 class="pgc-h-arrow-right" data-track="68" > Netizens: Who is "Minke"? </h1>

Wang Yan's blog has triggered a heated discussion among netizens.

Zhihu netizen @ Sightseeing Duck said, "People who do not have basic scientific literacy and like to drill the horns of the bull may be prone to make some remarks like civil science."

Genius Wang Yao's surprising remarks blew up netizens: The theory of relativity is a hypothesis, Einstein is a civil science [New Zhiyuan Guide] Net red code nong Wang Yan is on fire again, and he is going to shoot at Einstein this time, clearly pointing out in the latest blog: Einstein is basically a "civil science"?! Einstein is a bit panicked netizens: who is the "civil science"?

Because the conclusions of relativity have been verified countless times in physics today.

"As far as the measurement of electron spin anomalous magnetic moment in particle physics, written in textbooks, the verification of theoretical and experimental results has reached more than a dozen decimal points."

Genius Wang Yao's surprising remarks blew up netizens: The theory of relativity is a hypothesis, Einstein is a civil science [New Zhiyuan Guide] Net red code nong Wang Yan is on fire again, and he is going to shoot at Einstein this time, clearly pointing out in the latest blog: Einstein is basically a "civil science"?! Einstein is a bit panicked netizens: who is the "civil science"?

Although "the revision of the theory of relativity (basically general relativity) has not stopped," "cosmological and astrophysical experiments have repeatedly told everyone that "the broad phase is very stable."

Zhihu netizen @Hasaki Sauce refuted the main exposition in Wang Yu's article sentence by sentence.

1. The article is obscure: "A qualified physics graduate can understand his thesis as long as he is willing to work hard." For example, I can understand it. The author can't understand this paper, and can't prove anything but his lack of wisdom."

2. The point of view cannot be confirmed: "The difficulty of verification does not mean that the theory is unreliable. The magnetic effect is the relativistic effect, isn't the magnet an argument for the relativistic effect? GPS can never be manufactured without applying the principles of relativity."

3. Einstein was a small clerk: "Einstein is a doctor of physics at ETH Zurich. The author deliberately emphasizes his status as a patent office clerk while ignoring Einstein's academic background. In fact, Einstein was a physicist with complete scientific training."

4) The observations of 1919 have been verified by general relativity (not special relativity), and this is not an observation of Mercury's precession. The first experimental evidence for special relativity was the Aether Drift experiment of 1887. And the gravitational lensing effect verified by this experiment has been verified and reproduced countless times by subsequent physicists.

In fact, Wang Yu has also published many cross-border surprising remarks on his blog, such as this article "The Correct Way to Tune a Guitar".

In the article, he used his knowledge of the computer field to find that there was a major bug in the most commonly used tuning methods of guitars: he found that each string of the guitar was 5 semitones apart from the previous one, but not from the fifth string.

Genius Wang Yao's surprising remarks blew up netizens: The theory of relativity is a hypothesis, Einstein is a civil science [New Zhiyuan Guide] Net red code nong Wang Yan is on fire again, and he is going to shoot at Einstein this time, clearly pointing out in the latest blog: Einstein is basically a "civil science"?! Einstein is a bit panicked netizens: who is the "civil science"?

Therefore, he decided to adopt a new tuning method, which would adjust the syllable difference of the six strings to be consistent, and because of the inherent consistency, more beautiful music would be played:

Genius Wang Yao's surprising remarks blew up netizens: The theory of relativity is a hypothesis, Einstein is a civil science [New Zhiyuan Guide] Net red code nong Wang Yan is on fire again, and he is going to shoot at Einstein this time, clearly pointing out in the latest blog: Einstein is basically a "civil science"?! Einstein is a bit panicked netizens: who is the "civil science"?

And finally said quite proudly, "After writing this article, I laughed." Why would a person who only learned guitar for a month more than twenty years ago, from getting started to giving up, write an article like :)"

Then zhihu netizen @ Yibo Guitar studied for half a day, found that this is not at all an original, "he should want to talk about the method of 8 degrees of string tuning, but if you adjust according to his method, it is estimated that the guitar is finished calves, a lot of convenient size horizontal press and collapsed fingers can not be neat, I may have 6 fingers or even 7 fingers to be enough..."

I was looking forward to Wang Yan's next amazing discovery.

What do you think about that?


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