
Wang Yan dropped out of the top school three times, still punched in the world's famous enterprises, and was later questioned by Microsoft's global ban on the road to study of science teenagers, and the road to Tsinghua to find the ideal university "hurt Zhongyong" questioned

author:It's a human sight

"The power of belief is enormous, and if you don't believe you can do it, you probably can't do it."

The Ministry of Education issued a document to promulgate a "double reduction policy" to reduce the homework burden of primary and secondary school students and reduce the subject-based off-campus training institutions, and shut down all on-campus curriculum tutoring institutions, the purpose of which is to curb unhealthy classroom work.

For the real education process, the excessive burden of schoolwork is not conducive to the growth of children at all, let alone the decision to achieve career achievements.

Wang Yan dropped out of the top school three times, still punched in the world's famous enterprises, and was later questioned by Microsoft's global ban on the road to study of science teenagers, and the road to Tsinghua to find the ideal university "hurt Zhongyong" questioned

The cramming education model has a long history in China, and in the early days, the scope of education was widely improved, and later more and more children could receive higher education, and many parents expected their children to be able to enter institutions of higher learning, "entering a good university, it is equivalent to one foot into a large company", such a statement can be seen everywhere.

There are also many parents who directly instill in their children the idea that they must enter the best university, either Tsinghua or Peking University, otherwise it is not a success. But I never thought that someone would voluntarily drop out of Tsinghua, or the doctorate that many people dreamed of, he was a "genius teenager" - Wang Yan.

Wang Yan dropped out of the top school three times, still punched in the world's famous enterprises, and was later questioned by Microsoft's global ban on the road to study of science teenagers, and the road to Tsinghua to find the ideal university "hurt Zhongyong" questioned

<h1 class="pgc-h-arrow-right" data-track="4" > the path of science teenagers</h1>

In 2005, a post titled "The Crushing of Tsinghua Dreams" suddenly appeared on the Internet, most people thought it was a fanciful novel, and when they clicked on it, they found that it was an accusation of a crazy youth, he wrote: "If Lu Xun was an artist when I was a child, then when I was a child, I was a scientist. ”

He made no secret of his talent and talent for scientific research, and considered it a perfectly normal thing to do.

He devoted himself to learning because of his love of science, but found that he spent a lot of time writing with pen and paper, but left the source of science - experimentation and operation.

Wang Yan dropped out of the top school three times, still punched in the world's famous enterprises, and was later questioned by Microsoft's global ban on the road to study of science teenagers, and the road to Tsinghua to find the ideal university "hurt Zhongyong" questioned

When this teenager who was still in high school wanted to do a magnetic levitation experiment with the enlightenment teacher, he was accused of doing nothing to help the test results, which extinguished his enthusiasm, and he began to look forward to doing real scientific research in Tsinghua University, the ivory tower that everyone yearned for.

When he was still in his second year of high school, his mother brought him the test papers of the previous college entrance examination, and he finished the test papers with the mentality of trying it out, and even got the score of being able to go to Tsinghua University. Wang Yan felt very happy, as long as it was another year, he could step into the dream university to do real scientific research.

He is still obsessed with studying advanced issues that are completely untouched by the high school years. He hated the daily curriculum, thinking that they were useless repetitive tasks, not creative, and not actively doing college entrance examination revision.

Wang Yan dropped out of the top school three times, still punched in the world's famous enterprises, and was later questioned by Microsoft's global ban on the road to study of science teenagers, and the road to Tsinghua to find the ideal university "hurt Zhongyong" questioned

Teachers and parents were worried and advised him to do some revision preparations, but he irritably refused, and when the college entrance examination results came down, he was two points away from the undergraduate line of Tsinghua University.

<h1 class="pgc-h-arrow-right" data-track="6" > the twists and turns of Tsinghua Road</h1>

Unable to enter the school of his dreams, Wang Yan felt very frustrated. But if he re-reads again, he will have to carry out a step-by-step high school course, and he cannot refuse to review, he feels very distressed, and can only accept to go to Sichuan University for college.

Wang Yan dropped out of the top school three times, still punched in the world's famous enterprises, and was later questioned by Microsoft's global ban on the road to study of science teenagers, and the road to Tsinghua to find the ideal university "hurt Zhongyong" questioned

After entering the university, the high-pressure military training and dormitory environment once made him think of dropping out of school, but he persevered.

Later, he overheard that he could apply to tsinghua university as a direct doctoral student, and he went to apply with confidence, although he almost failed to pass the interview because of his athletic achievements, but because of his outstanding learning ability and talent, he got the opportunity to enter Tsinghua University.

He thought that Tsinghua University gathered the brightest students in the country, and they could sit together and discuss, do experiments together, and explore science together. But I didn't expect that this is the ultimate test-taking education level, and if the test results do not meet the requirements, they may not even be able to graduate.

Wang Yan dropped out of the top school three times, still punched in the world's famous enterprises, and was later questioned by Microsoft's global ban on the road to study of science teenagers, and the road to Tsinghua to find the ideal university "hurt Zhongyong" questioned

The free research environment advocated by Wang Yan was replaced by strict dissertation requirements and laboratory research systems. He was very disappointed, but he couldn't change the status quo, so he chose to leave.

He also wrote an article "The Crushing of Tsinghua Dream" and posted it online as a withdrawal application, causing an uproar.

<h1 class="pgc-h-arrow-right" data-track="8" > looking for the ideal university</h1>

Although he left Tsinghua University, Wang's scientific ideals have not been extinguished. He took the GRE exam, quickly went abroad to study, and was admitted to cornell university, the best computer university in the United States. But he soon found that the education model here is the same as in China, but it is just a change of soup and not a change of medicine.

Wang Yan dropped out of the top school three times, still punched in the world's famous enterprises, and was later questioned by Microsoft's global ban on the road to study of science teenagers, and the road to Tsinghua to find the ideal university "hurt Zhongyong" questioned

People only care about where the paper can be published and what kind of benefits it will bring to the organization, but no one really cares about why the research is done, and what exactly can the results change?

So Wang Yan, with the same disappointment, submitted a withdrawal application from Cornell University again.

He obsessively searched for the ideal university in his heart, and traveled between the best universities in the world.

Later, he went to Indiana University, and the same result was that the learning environment here was not even as good as Cornell University.

Unexpectedly, this genius dropped out of school for the third time.

Wang Yan dropped out of the top school three times, still punched in the world's famous enterprises, and was later questioned by Microsoft's global ban on the road to study of science teenagers, and the road to Tsinghua to find the ideal university "hurt Zhongyong" questioned

Some people say that the best universities in the world can't get into Wang Yao's eyes, what is he insisting on? Will there come a day when even the earth will not be able to keep him?

Although it is a joke, it vividly shows Wang Yao's helplessness in the scientific world - it turns out that our ivory tower is not only scientific ideals, there are also systems under the ideals, and there are also human feelings.

The road to the workplace is not a smooth one

After dropping out of school several times, Wang Yan was no longer obsessed with finding a foothold in knowledge, and he began his career.

Wang's vision in the field of computing is long-term and avant-garde, and he has used a lot of practice to prove his ideas, but he has not found a leader and platform that can support his ideas. Even large international companies such as Google are imprisoned in the system.

Wang Yan dropped out of the top school three times, still punched in the world's famous enterprises, and was later questioned by Microsoft's global ban on the road to study of science teenagers, and the road to Tsinghua to find the ideal university "hurt Zhongyong" questioned

Employees are just small programs in a huge system that can only run according to established rules.

And Wang Yan is an excellent individual who is detached from the same kind of group, the system cannot follow his imagination, and he does not want to be dragged down.

Wang, who has worked at Google and Microsoft, deeply resents the institutional logic of the large companies, and even writes a critical article to tell the history of blood and tears. And Microsoft requires all subsidiaries not to hire him, which shows his influence, which is not insignificant.

Wang Yan dropped out of the top school three times, still punched in the world's famous enterprises, and was later questioned by Microsoft's global ban on the road to study of science teenagers, and the road to Tsinghua to find the ideal university "hurt Zhongyong" questioned

<h1 class="pgc-h-arrow-right" data-track="10" > the question of "hurting Zhongyong"</h1>

Some people say that perhaps Wang Yan is only slightly more talented, but he thinks that he is omnipotent with this point, and he has long lost his talents in the process of dropping out of top universities again and again, and the title of "genius" is just sensationalism, which is a typical case of "hurting Zhongyong".

But in fact, we have always lived in a variety of rules, can only endure the expected things, and will only achieve the expected goals, never thought that the rules are set to help achieve the goals.

Wang Yan dropped out of the top school three times, still punched in the world's famous enterprises, and was later questioned by Microsoft's global ban on the road to study of science teenagers, and the road to Tsinghua to find the ideal university "hurt Zhongyong" questioned

Wang Yan has never been afraid to break the routine in order to create extraordinary results, which is also the courage that all young people who "lie flat" lack the most.

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