
Thirty-six plans to get away with it

author:Ben tells history
Thirty-six plans to get away with it

Want to get away with it

‖ original text‖

If you force it, you will rebel; if you go, you will reduce the momentum, and you will not be forced to follow. Exhaust their strength, dissipate their fighting spirit, scatter and then capture, and the soldiers do not bloodshed. Need, there is fu, light.

‖ Translation ‖

If the enemy is forced to nowhere to go, it will fight back desperately. Letting the enemy escape reduces its momentum. The enemy who flees must be closely followed, and must not be too persecuted, so as to consume his physical strength and disintegrate his fighting spirit. Wait until the enemy is demoralized and the army is demoralized and the army is discouraged, so that unnecessary bloodshed will be avoided. In short, by not pushing the enemy and convincing him of this, you can win a bright war outcome.

‖count allusions‖

"Wanting to get away with it" is first of all a kind of ideological guidance. "What he will take, he will give first." Only when there is a loss is a gain. Start by paying a small price in exchange for the biggest victory.

People who are good at fishing know that it takes a long line to catch big fish. When a big fish is hooked, there must be certain conditions. There is no "long line", no "waiting", and the big fish will not be hooked.

In war, the same is true of enemy tactics. If the enemy is pressed too tightly, the enemy will pounce; he may deliberately let go of all the way and let him escape.

The first is that when the enemy is very strong, we deliberately show weakness, make the enemy proud, paralyzed, and relax our guard, and then we can take the opportunity to attack. Second, when our side grasped the initiative in the war, our side adopted the method of not chasing after the enemy, giving the enemy a way to live, and creating a fighter plane that was more favorable to our side.

The "indulgence" of "wanting to catch the old and indulging" is conditional. The enemy of ours is yes." The enemy who came by hand" was let go again. "Capturing" the enemy is our goal, and "indulging" the enemy is our means. The enemy who "indulges" must be beneficial to the overall situation. The enemy who "indulges" is not to let the tiger return to the mountain, and he cannot be captured. Those who use this plan must have vision, and must not be preoccupied with small profits in front of them, and it is impossible to suffer gains and losses.

Thirty-six plans to get away with it

Zhuge Liang character Kong Ming

During the Three Kingdoms period, Zhuge Liang was known as the god of war, and he once captured seven of them. This historical fact has become a typical example of the "desire to get away with it".

Meng Yu was the chief of an ethnic minority tribe in Yunnan and often harassed the Shu state. In order to solve the problem of border passes, Zhuge Liang personally led an army to march south.

Meng Yu sent three marshals to meet the battle, and all of them were defeated. He personally went out on the expedition, because he fell into the ambush circle of the Shu army, suffering heavy casualties, and the Shu army captured Meng Yu alive in one fell swoop.

Zhuge Liang released thousands of prisoners to reunite them with their families, and the generals of the Southern Army were very touched and wept away. But Meng Yue said, "I just got ambushed, let me go back, straighten out the soldiers and horses and fight with you again, if I can capture me alive, I will be convinced!" Zhuge Liang immediately released him. The crowd was puzzled, and Kong Ming explained: "To completely pacify the South, it is better to make them happy and convinced. After Meng was captured, he punished the defeated general with torture and forced his subordinates to attack the Shu army. The generals thanked Kong Ming for his grace not to kill, and hated Meng For not having a way, so they kidnapped Meng Ming to see Kong Ming. Meng Wonai was not convinced on the grounds that "his men harmed each other". Kong Ming let him go back to the camp again.

Meng Yue sent his younger brother Meng Youtuo to resign from the door to thank Him. With hundreds of barbarian soldiers, he sneaked into the Shudi barracks first, preparing to cooperate inside and outside. Unexpectedly, they were all drunk by Kong Ming. When Meng Yu led his troops straight in, he was captured again. He failed under the pretext that his brother was greedy for alcohol. Kong Ming let him go for the third time.

Meng Yu asked for troops everywhere and gathered 100,000 men and horses to prepare for another battle. However, he saw the sudden withdrawal of the Shu army. There was a lot of grain and grass left in the battalion, and it was expected that there must be an emergency in the Shu kingdom, so he led his troops to pursue urgently, but unexpectedly, the Shu army was ambushing behind him, attacking back and forth. Meng Yu was caught again. Meng Yu believed that "mistaken in trickery" was not convinced. Kong Ming let him go for the fourth time.

Meng Yu retreated to the mountains, relying on the strict barriers, unable to retreat, planning to sit and wait for the Shu army to fight again when the grain and grass were scarce. Unexpectedly, Kong Wise took advantage of the natural danger and led the troops straight into the mountains. At this time, Meng Yu was already a rebel, so he was taken down by the cave master Yang Feng and taken to the Shu camp. Meng Yue complained that it was the people in the cave who had harmed each other to this point, and he was still not convinced. Kong Ming let him go for the fifth time.

Meng Yu designed to deceive Kong Ming, and was found by Kong Ming with 2,000 elite soldiers behind him, and he was captured in the hall. Meng Yue added, "I came to die on my own, not your skill." Kong Ming drank, "Your old nest has been served, what else can you do?" Let you go again, and if you don't obey, don't spare! ”

Meng Yu had become a lost dog, so he went to unite with king Ugo and borrowed 20,000 barbarian soldiers dressed in vine armor. This vine armor is known as a knife and gun. The Shu army's first battle, the Fuji Armor Soldiers, did suffer a big loss. Kong Ming therefore designed to lead the enemy troops into the canyon, attack back and forth, and set fire to death. The Fuji armor was completely destroyed, and Meng was captured alive by Ma Dai. Kong Ming said he would let him go. He wept and thanked him: "The seven captures and seven verticals have not been seen since ancient times, and I can't thank them enough." "It means that the five bodies are thrown to the ground, orally convinced, and never react again."

Kong Ming still appointed Meng Yu as the head of the tribe and made a friendly relationship with the Southerners. From this, we can see that convincing people with faith and righteousness is the long-term solution. After the Shu army returned to the division, the Shu Han generation, there was no more war on the southern border, and it was Zhuge Liang's use of scheming.

‖ Case ‖

Sue wanted to catch the thief

Thirty-six plans to get away with it

Huzhou Don't Drive Su Nameless

When Wu Zetian was in power, he once rewarded the Princess Taiping with two food boxes of treasures, worth hundreds of pieces of gold. Princess Taiping accepted it and hid it in the treasury, but it was all stolen. The princess told Wu Zetian, who was furious and ordered Luozhou to find out the thieves within a time limit. In this way, the order was issued layer by layer, falling on the heads of the guards and patrols, and they were ordered to catch the thieves within one day, otherwise they would be sentenced to death.

The guards and patrols were frightened, but they could not discuss any good solution. On the way, they met Huzhou Beichao Su Nameless. They had long heard that Su was nameless and intelligent, so they asked him to help in the county. As soon as the county commander saw the savior, he asked him how to catch the thief. Su Wuming asked Xian Ling to go with him to see Wu Zetian.

Wu Zetian asked, "Is there any way you can catch the thief?" Su Wuming said: "If I want to catch thieves, then don't set a date, don't hold the state capital and county commanders responsible, put the county thieves and pawns under my command, I can recover the treasure for you, please wait for the good news." ”

Su Wuming made a military order, and the officials all sweated for him, but he was not in a hurry, but told them to wait for a month or so. On the day of the Qingming Festival, Su Wuming summoned all the officials and assigned them tasks, so that five or ten of them would wait at the East Gate and the North Gate in groups. If a dozen Hu people dressed in burial clothes are found and go out of the city to visit the tombs of Beiqi Mountain, they will follow them and report their actions at any time.

The guards waited at the East Gate and the North Gate, and sure enough, they encountered the situation that Su Wuming had said. I saw a dozen Hu people in burial clothes come to a new grave to pay their respects, and they symbolically cried a few times, and there was not even a tear in their eyes. After removing the offerings, they looked around the grave and smiled. As soon as Su Wuming saw that the situation was as expected, he said happily, "The thief has been found." "Then he sent his officials to arrest all the Hu people, dig up the graves, and split the coffins to see where there were any dead people, but crystals and dazzling rare treasures!" So Wu Zetian was played.

Wu Zetian asked in amazement, "How can you expect things like gods like this?" Su Wuming explained: When he arrived in Luozhou, he happened to meet those Hu people who were buried. They cried loudly, but from the expression on their faces they were not sad, and on the contrary, they were a little panicked. At first glance, he guessed that the thieves were transferring the stolen goods outside the city, but he did not know where they had buried the stolen things. Sweeping the tomb on the Qingming Festival, it is estimated that they will go out of the city to see if the stolen goods are safe and sound. They wept without mourning, knowing that it was not the dead who were buried inside; and they walked around the grave and smiled, glad that the grave was not damaged. At first, he did not let the government catch the thief, because he was afraid of hitting the grass and frightening the snake, and the thief was in a hurry, and he would definitely take out the treasure and escape. If the government didn't check, they let their minds go, so they didn't take the treasure away.

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