
Appreciation of fine books: Qing Dynasty jinshi zha sheng xingshu, the font is old and healthy, and the view is relaxed

author:Qing Accord


Disclaimer: This article was first published by the original Qingyage Calligraphy and Painting, if there is a reprint, please indicate the source, thank you!

About the Author:

Cha Sheng (1650-1707), Zi Zhongwei, Trumpet Sound Mountain, Haining Yuan Huaren. Qing Kangxi twenty-seven years (1688) jinshi. The calligraphy is exquisite, and the charm of Dong Qichang is particularly exquisite. The Kangxi Emperor praised: "Other people's books are tacky, but Cha Sheng is a vulgar ear." The work is different from the work for a long time."

The original text of the Heart Sutra reads:

Contemplating oneself as a bodhisattva, practicing the Prajnaparamita Heart Sutra when one goes deep into Prajnaparamita, seeing that the five aggregates are empty and overcoming all suffering. The relic, the color is not different from the void, the emptiness is not different from the color, the color is the emptiness, the emptiness is the color, the desire to act, the same is true. The relics are the void phases of the dharmas, which are neither born nor destroyed, neither dirty nor pure, neither increasing nor decreasing. It is why there is no color in the air, no thoughts and deeds, no eyes, ears, nose, tongue and body, no color, sound, fragrance, touch, no vision, and even the unconscious world. There is no confusion, there is no end to ignorance, not even old death, no old death. There is no suffering to extinguish the Tao, no wisdom and no gain, for the sake of having nothing to gain. Bodhidharma, according to Prajnaparamita, has no obstacles, no obstacles, no terror, far from upside-down dreams, and ultimate nirvana. The three Buddhas, according to Prajnaparamita, attained the three bodhisattvas of Ajanta. Therefore, it is known that Prajnaparamita is the great god mantra, the great ming mantra, the supreme mantra, the no-wait mantra, which can remove all suffering and is true. Therefore, to say the Prajnaparamita mantra is to say the mantra: revealing the truth, revealing the truth, revealing the truth, revealing the truth, bodhidharma.

Appreciation of fine books: Qing Dynasty jinshi zha sheng xingshu, the font is old and healthy, and the view is relaxed

Appreciation of the calligraphy work "Heart Sutra"

Appreciation of fine books: Qing Dynasty jinshi zha sheng xingshu, the font is old and healthy, and the view is relaxed
Appreciation of fine books: Qing Dynasty jinshi zha sheng xingshu, the font is old and healthy, and the view is relaxed
Appreciation of fine books: Qing Dynasty jinshi zha sheng xingshu, the font is old and healthy, and the view is relaxed
Appreciation of fine books: Qing Dynasty jinshi zha sheng xingshu, the font is old and healthy, and the view is relaxed
Appreciation of fine books: Qing Dynasty jinshi zha sheng xingshu, the font is old and healthy, and the view is relaxed
Appreciation of fine books: Qing Dynasty jinshi zha sheng xingshu, the font is old and healthy, and the view is relaxed
Appreciation of fine books: Qing Dynasty jinshi zha sheng xingshu, the font is old and healthy, and the view is relaxed
Appreciation of fine books: Qing Dynasty jinshi zha sheng xingshu, the font is old and healthy, and the view is relaxed
Appreciation of fine books: Qing Dynasty jinshi zha sheng xingshu, the font is old and healthy, and the view is relaxed

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