
Ge Yuanren: Chairman Mao's guards talk about chairman Mao's past events

author:Guangzhou is against evil

On the last day of 2018, a friend asked me to eat together to bid farewell to the old and welcome the new. I came to the hotel as promised and saw an old man with white hair, strong spirits, and a tough body. After introduction, he is Comrade Li Zongxin, the 86-year-old former director of the Political Department of the Central Guard Bureau who once served as Chairman Mao's guard. People around Chairman Mao! I was in awe.

2018 is the 125th anniversary of Chairman Mao's birth, commemorative activities are being held everywhere, and today there are people around Chairman Mao present, and the conversation between the banquets naturally shifts to Chairman Mao. Everyone invited Elder Li to tell the story of his personal experience around Chairman Mao.

Elder Li turned and took out a photograph from the bag he was carrying, held it up in his hand, and told everyone that this was a photograph of Chairman Mao's meeting with all the soldiers of our first squadron in 1955. Chairman Mao's first words were: I am sorry for everyone, and I have only met you for the first time in 5 years since I entered the city. What are we doing here? He asked us. At that time, some comrades replied that it was for the realization of communism. Chairman Mao said, too. We are here to serve the people. You have come here to serve the people, and I have come to serve the people, and we are comrades-in-arms and comrades. When we heard Chairman Mao say that we and our ordinary soldiers were comrades-in-arms and comrades, our hearts were particularly excited. The chairman of the party and the state sees us as people like him, and who can not be moved!? Chairman Mao is so great, but he regards himself as an ordinary soldier, who can not sigh!?

Ge Yuanren: Chairman Mao's guards talk about chairman Mao's past events

On this day, when Chairman Mao invited us to dinner after receiving us, Jiang Qing and Li Na returned, and Chairman Mao said to Li Na: "Hurry up, uncles!" Li Na immediately bowed to everyone in a formal manner, shouting, "Hello uncles!" Chairman Mao let his children recognize us as "uncles" and regarded us as family members!

In order to contact the peasants and understand the rural areas, Chairman Mao asked us to take advantage of the opportunity to visit our relatives at home to investigate and understand the situation and write out the investigation materials and hand them over to him.

In order to help us do a better job in social investigation, we were also specially told about the importance of investigation and research and how to do a good job in investigation and research. He instructed us: In the future, you should go home, learn about the situation in the countryside, and come back to report to me, but don't say that chairman Mao sent you, and don't put up a shelf. You are not happy that I have put up a shelf for you, and neither are you unhappy that your regimental commander has put up a shelf for you. You must respect the village cadres, respect your parents, be thoughtful and humble, and only in this way can you investigate things.

He also wrote the "Code of Conduct for Business Trips" for our investigation:

(i) Confidentiality – Don't talk about the situation here. (2) Attitude - Do not put up a shelf. (iii) Propaganda - an explanation of the benefits of building industry and practising socialism. Vigilance - do not fall for the counter-revolutionaries. (5) Investigation - production, requisition, cooperatives, living, opinions on staff.

At the end of the Code, Chairman Mao also signed his name.

Speaking of this, Elder Li took out a photograph of the original "Code" written by Chairman Mao himself.

Ge Yuanren: Chairman Mao's guards talk about chairman Mao's past events

Since then, we have made rural surveys an important task. In accordance with Comrade Mao Zedong's instructions, he returned to his hometown in stages and batches to visit his relatives and conduct investigations. After returning to Beijing, Chairman Mao always personally listened to our reports and examined our investigation reports. The Chairman was careful, correcting the typos and punctuation marks in our report.

Elder Li took out another large photo and asked the author to help him pull away. Tell us that this is a group photo of Chairman Mao Zhou Premier receiving all the commanders and fighters of Unit 8341 on February 18, 1968. He said that when Chairman Mao saw that li na was in the photo, he asked Wang Dongxing what kind of cadre Li Na was and how could there be her? Wang Dongxing replied that Li Na was the editor-in-chief of the People's Liberation Army Daily. Chairman Mao said unhappily that she was still a doll and knew what! Whose problem is it! Soon, Li Na went to the "Five-Seven Cadre School" in Jiangxi, and later went to the countryside to join the team.

Ge Yuanren: Chairman Mao's guards talk about chairman Mao's past events

Everyone asked Elder Li to talk more about Chairman Mao's work. Elder Li said that Chairman Mao was so old, he still worked day and night, and we patrolled through his window at night and always saw him at work. Our mood is like that song "The Warrior Sings the East Red", I will sing it to everyone. Elder Li sang passionately.

"A lamp in front of Chairman Mao's window,

Spring, summer, autumn, winter, long bright nights,

The great leader sits before the lamp,

Roll out the splendid future of the motherland.

Chairman Mao waved his pen to block the rivers,

Rainbow flying in the sky;

Chairman Mao pointed to the mountains and rivers with a stroke of his pen,

The earth walks the dragon;

Chairman Mao brushed his pen and pointed at the barren sand,

The barren sand is covered with green velvet.

Chairman Mao's divine pen danced in the east wind,

The wind is blowing red.

Exhaust the water of the three rivers and five lakes,

Chairman Mao's kindness cannot be written.

Guard warrior window past,

The heart sings the red of the East,

Singing Oriental Red,

Oriental Red..."

Although he was not as good as the singer's singing, and even a little out of tune, the sincere emotion infected everyone present.

He said, I'll sing you another "Quotation Song."

"We Communists are like seeds

The people are like the land

We arrived at a place

It is to be united with the people there

Taking root and blossoming among the people".

He said that I am 86 years old this year, but the leader of the "Red Culture Propaganda Group", I want to spread the red gene to all places in accordance with Chairman Mao's teachings. In the past, we defended Chairman Mao and fulfilled our tasks very well, but now we still have to defend Mao Zedong Thought to the death!

Ge Yuanren: Chairman Mao's guards talk about chairman Mao's past events

Finally, he presented a copy of the atlas "Days by the Chief's Side" edited by Chairman Mao's guards and soldiers to the old comrades of the former National Defense Science and Technology Commission.

Source: Red Culture Network Author: Ge Yuanren