
"God of War Ruins" gun is a character god! With the real dragon trigger fusion technique, the picture quality breaks through the limits of mobile games

author:The world at the bottom of the game

As a "net celebrity" in cold weapons, the spear is one of the exclusive weapons of the protagonist, both in history and in the magic theme game.

Usually pay more attention to the mobile game circle information of the author is also a gun character enthusiast, recently I learned that from the domestic game manufacturer perfect game a magic ARPG mobile game "God of War Relics", there is a handsome male character named Dragon War with a heavy gun, the way of fighting, so that players feel the stimulation and shock of operation both in PVP and PVE gameplay.

"God of War Ruins" gun is a character god! With the real dragon trigger fusion technique, the picture quality breaks through the limits of mobile games

Interestingly, when the author took advantage of the good opportunity of the public beta of "God of War Relics" on May 20, he went to the official costume of the game to experience the dragon battle of one of the three major opening characters.

Dragon War belongs to the middle distance combat role, the move around the long gun, such as up, horizontal split, front stab and other actions will also appear on its body, who thought, the "gun" in the hands of the Dragon War takes into account the advantages of the East and west, which means that this long gun can really be used as a "gun" to shoot bullets. Moreover, this guy's bullets are not soft, but ultra-long-range cannons that can focus laser energy, which is simply a strange magic trick in PVE.

"God of War Ruins" gun is a character god! With the real dragon trigger fusion technique, the picture quality breaks through the limits of mobile games

Then again, the laser gun of the dragon battle belongs to the type of trick, which is generally used to end the battle, such as playing the boss is almost the last blow, and the boss is on the verge of rout into a state of rage, so long-distance to give it a shot is both worry-free and convenient and can also be installed X by the way, its advantages do not need to be repeated too much.

But it must be emphasized that the dragon battle in the long gun state is also very powerful, because its general attack feel and skill special effects are very realistic, and the coherence of the dancing heavy gun is like dancing in reality, without the very stiff character movements of other games.

"God of War Ruins" gun is a character god! With the real dragon trigger fusion technique, the picture quality breaks through the limits of mobile games

Personally, I prefer to use the dragon teeth and spin blade skills of dragon warfare, one is to continuously stab forward at high speed, and the multi-segment strike effect is particularly eye-catching; one is to throw a high-speed slalom gun forward, which is used by a heavy gun as a giant boomerang, which is used in a special opening way to use a heavy gun, and this innovative skill design idea is worthy of praise.

"God of War Ruins" gun is a character god! With the real dragon trigger fusion technique, the picture quality breaks through the limits of mobile games

It is understood that the reason why the character action of "God of War Relic" gives people a smooth and non-stuck advanced experience, its character action hits the monster and is strong, and there is no soft feeling like other games, because the size of each character in the game is completed by live action capture technology, so it can always bring you the most real feedback.

"God of War Ruins" gun is a character god! With the real dragon trigger fusion technique, the picture quality breaks through the limits of mobile games

It is worth mentioning that the skill that the author has experienced is like a stroke of god, that is, the dragon battle must kill the dragon's wrath, which integrates the essence of smooth movement, combined with the dragon and magma visual impact elements, giving players a strong immersive experience. Especially remember that in order to enjoy this grand skill special effect a few more times, once kept the BOSS and did not fight, just in order to put two more times must kill the skill to cool down, this special effect, this picture quality, I dare say has reached the ceiling of the mobile game MMORPG.

"God of War Ruins" gun is a character god! With the real dragon trigger fusion technique, the picture quality breaks through the limits of mobile games

Therefore, if you also want to experience a magic mobile game with ultra-realistic action feedback, the author feels that today's public beta of "God of War Relics" is really a good choice!

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