
National first-class actor "Wang Xiaomeng", who left Zhao Benshan for 10 years, became a dancer at the age of 35 and became world-renowned

author:Shangshan said entertainment

On February 5, 1984, Wang Yabin was born in an ordinary working family in Tianjin. As a child, she was weak and plagued by illness all year round. "I have a cold and fever every three or five days, and it is common for me to be hospitalized when I am sick.

Wang Yabin's parents took her around to seek medical treatment, but they always got a similar reply: "The child has no physical problems, but the resistance is a little worse, and it is good to exercise more on weekdays."

In order to improve their daughter's physique, Wang Yabin's parents decided to let her learn dance after careful consideration. In 1990, 6-year-old Wang Yabin was sent to the amateur dance training class of the Tianjin "Sanmao" Art Troupe.

National first-class actor "Wang Xiaomeng", who left Zhao Benshan for 10 years, became a dancer at the age of 35 and became world-renowned

It was here that she met the first noble person in her life - Li Hua, a dance enlightenment teacher. Teacher Li Hua not only teaches dance skills, but also often invites excellent choreographers to teach in the training class.

In one famous teacher after another, Wang Yabin gradually appreciated the richness of the dance world and fell in love with this art. Her diligence and hard work left a deep impression on Teacher Li Hua, "As long as the light is on in the training room, she must be practicing inside."

Teacher Li Hua had a discerning eye and saw at a glance that Wang Yabin was a "natural dance seedling". She approached Wang Yabin's parents many times and suggested that they let their daughter apply for a professional dance school and develop in the direction of a professional dancer.

National first-class actor "Wang Xiaomeng", who left Zhao Benshan for 10 years, became a dancer at the age of 35 and became world-renowned

Under the encouragement and guidance of teacher Li Hua, Wang Yabin trained hard, and finally at the age of 9, he was successfully admitted to the classical dance major of the High School Affiliated to Beijing Dance Academy with his excellent dance strength.

Since then, this little girl from Tianjin has officially embarked on the road of professional dance and started her brilliant dance life. Although the days of studying away from home were not easy, Wang Yabin never regretted his choice.

Whenever she feels homesick, she turns her longing into motivation and practices dance harder. The sweat-soaked vests and worn dancing shoes all testify to this little girl's dedication and love for dance.

National first-class actor "Wang Xiaomeng", who left Zhao Benshan for 10 years, became a dancer at the age of 35 and became world-renowned

In 1997, at the age of 13, Wang Yabin ushered in the first major turning point in her dance career. In the 5th "Taoli Cup" National Dance Competition, she won the Outstanding Performance Award with her outstanding performance.

This competition not only proved her dancing talent, but also put her in the sight of the famous director Zhang Yimou. Zhang Yimou has always had a soft spot for dancers.

When he saw Wang Yabin's performance, his eyes lit up. Although Wang Yabin was only 14 years old at the time, Zhang Yimou did not hesitate to throw an olive branch to her and invited her to participate in the performance of the last work "Turandot" by the famous Italian opera composer Puccini.

National first-class actor "Wang Xiaomeng", who left Zhao Benshan for 10 years, became a dancer at the age of 35 and became world-renowned

This rare opportunity was an eye-opener for the young Wang Yabin, and also laid the foundation for her future artistic career. After the performance of "Turandot", Wang Yabin ushered in her high school graduation season.

With her excellent performance, she was successfully admitted to the Beijing Dance Academy. During his college years, Wang Yabin's dancing talent was fully displayed and recognized. She has won the first prize of the 5th National Dance Competition, the first prize of the 7th Beijing Dance Competition, and the first prize of the 2nd CCTV TV Dance Competition.

In January 2003, 19-year-old Wang Yabin stood on the stage of CCTV Spring Festival Gala and conquered the national audience with her elegant and tense dancing. This appearance not only made her famous in the dance industry, but also laid the groundwork for her future acting career.

National first-class actor "Wang Xiaomeng", who left Zhao Benshan for 10 years, became a dancer at the age of 35 and became world-renowned

In July 2004, by chance, Zhang Yimou found Wang Yabin again. This time it was not for the opera, but for the invitation to participate in the filming of the movie "Ambush on All Sides". Wang Yabin was not only responsible for the choreography of the "Water Sleeve Drumming" segment in the film, but also served as Zhang Ziyi's stand-in.

This cross-border attempt gave Wang Yabin the idea of entering the showbiz. However, the ideal is very plump, but the reality is very skinny. Wang Yabin, who has just entered the showbiz, has taken on a lot of dramas, but he has always been tepid.

Just when she felt lost, the third noble person in her life appeared-Zhao Benshan. In October 2006, at the invitation of Zhao Benshan, Wang Yabin played the role of Wang Xiaomeng in the "Country Love" series.

National first-class actor "Wang Xiaomeng", who left Zhao Benshan for 10 years, became a dancer at the age of 35 and became world-renowned

This role made her quickly popular and became the "Goddess of Ivory Mountain" in the minds of the audience. From the stage to the screen, Wang Yabin uses his own efforts and talents to continue to move forward on the road of art, blooming with bright light.

After playing the role of Wang Xiaomeng in "Country Love", Wang Yabin quickly became a household name. However, her sudden fame didn't disorient her. Instead, she chose a more difficult but also more self-improving path - to study at the Beijing Film Academy.

Wang Yabin hopes to improve his acting skills through systematic learning and lay a solid foundation for his future acting career. However, just when everyone was expecting her to return from school and continue to show her skills in the "Country Love" series, she made an unexpected decision.

National first-class actor "Wang Xiaomeng", who left Zhao Benshan for 10 years, became a dancer at the age of 35 and became world-renowned

In 2009, "Country Love 3" was about to start filming, which coincided with Wang Yabin's master's graduation. At the same time, she received an important offer to choreograph 16 live performances at the Edinburgh Festival.

Faced with the choice between acting career and dance career, Wang Yabin fell into deep thinking. Eventually, she chose to return to dance. Wang Yabin resolutely resigned from the role of Wang Xiaomeng, who had been deeply rooted in the hearts of the people, and decided to focus on the development of his dance career.

This decision caused an uproar in the entertainment industry. Some people speculate whether she has turned against Zhao Benshan, and some people think that she has found a bigger backer. In the face of various speculations, Wang Yabin had to take the initiative to clarify.

National first-class actor "Wang Xiaomeng", who left Zhao Benshan for 10 years, became a dancer at the age of 35 and became world-renowned

She said that she left "Country Love" purely because she wanted to focus on the development of her dance career, and there was no discord with Zhao Benshan. "Filming for Country Love 3 started around the time I graduated with my master's degree, and I was also the choreographer for 16 live performances at the Edinburgh Festival.

Between filming and dancing, I finally chose the latter. Wang Yabin explained her decision. This choice is undoubtedly difficult. It takes a great deal of courage and determination to give up the fame you have already gained and the development of your foreseeable acting career.

However, it also reflects Wang Yabin's persistent pursuit of dance art. She chose to return to her original intention and continue to explore and innovate on the road of dance. This decision also laid the groundwork for her to become a world-renowned dancer in the future.

National first-class actor "Wang Xiaomeng", who left Zhao Benshan for 10 years, became a dancer at the age of 35 and became world-renowned

After leaving "Country Love", Wang Yabin resolutely devoted herself to her favorite dance career. She knows that in order to make achievements in the field of dance, she needs to continue to innovate and break through.

As a result, she founded the "Yabin and Her Friends" original dance series, dedicated to exploring new forms and languages of modern dance. This series is not only a concentrated embodiment of Wang Yabin's artistic concept, but also an important platform for her to redefine herself.

Over the next few years, she poured all her passion and creativity into creating nearly 20 stage productions. Each work embodies her thoughts and perceptions of dance art, showing her unique perspective and artistic pursuit as a dancer.

National first-class actor "Wang Xiaomeng", who left Zhao Benshan for 10 years, became a dancer at the age of 35 and became world-renowned

Wang Yabin's works have not only been widely praised in China, but have also been performed on the international stage many times, allowing the world to see the charm of Chinese modern dance. Her hard work and talent have been recognized by the industry, and she has gradually established her reputation in the dance world.

On August 19, 2023, Wang Yabin ushered in another important moment in her dance career. The dance drama "Journey to the West" directed by her premiered at the Jining Grand Theater. This work interprets the story of "Journey to the West", one of China's four famous novels, from a new perspective.

Wang Yabin skillfully blends dance language with Western symphony, leading the audience to re-examine this familiar story from the perspective of Wukong. "See heaven and earth, see all beings, see yourself.

National first-class actor "Wang Xiaomeng", who left Zhao Benshan for 10 years, became a dancer at the age of 35 and became world-renowned

This is not only the theme of the dance drama "Journey to the West", but also seems to be a portrayal of Wang Yabin's own artistic career. When she walked onto the stage at the curtain call and greeted the audience with grace and confidence, the audience burst into prolonged applause.

The audience was surprised to find that this world-renowned dancer was actually the former "Wang Xiaomeng". From the image of the village girl in "Country Love" to today's mature and confident dancer, Wang Yabin has completed an amazing transformation in ten years.

At the age of 35, Wang Yabin has become an important representative of the field of modern Chinese dance. She is not only a great dancer, but also a creative choreographer.

National first-class actor "Wang Xiaomeng", who left Zhao Benshan for 10 years, became a dancer at the age of 35 and became world-renowned

Her accomplishments far exceeded expectations and are a testament to how wise her decision to return to dance was in the first place. Wang Yabin's story tells us that as long as we stick to our original intention and have the courage to pursue our dreams, we will definitely be able to bloom the most beautiful brilliance on the stage of life.

Her experience also teaches us that true success does not lie in fame and fortune, but in the perseverance and unremitting pursuit of the cause we love. Although Wang Yabin chose to focus on dance creation, she did not completely give up her identity as an actress.

While focusing on the development of her dance career, she still occasionally participates in some film and television works. This cross-border artistic practice not only enriches Wang Yabin's personal experience, but also injects new vitality into her dance creation.

National first-class actor "Wang Xiaomeng", who left Zhao Benshan for 10 years, became a dancer at the age of 35 and became world-renowned

In Wang Yabin's view, dance and film and television performances are essentially a form of artistic expression. Whether it is a dance drama or a film and television drama, the core is the shaping of the characters and the display of the heart.

This recognition allows her to switch between different art forms freely, and it also gives her work a unique charm. "In my cognition, neither dance dramas nor film and television dramas have left performance.

Wang Yabin once said in an interview, "Different art forms have different ways of performing. But in the final analysis, it's all about the shaping of the characters and the display of the heart.

National first-class actor "Wang Xiaomeng", who left Zhao Benshan for 10 years, became a dancer at the age of 35 and became world-renowned

This deep understanding of the essence of art has broadened Wang Yabin's creative vision. Her works often incorporate a variety of artistic elements, not only dance, but also drama, music, video, etc., presenting a rich and colorful artistic landscape.

This cross-border artistic practice makes her works both beautiful and moving, as well as profound connotations of drama. Wang Yabin's experience tells us that the boundaries of art can be broken.

She has successfully integrated her experience accumulated in film and television performances into her dance creation, creating a unique dance language. At the same time, she also brought the beauty and physical expression of dance into film and television performances, enriching her performance level.

National first-class actor "Wang Xiaomeng", who left Zhao Benshan for 10 years, became a dancer at the age of 35 and became world-renowned

This fusion is reflected not only in her creations, but also in her understanding of art. In Wang Yabin's view, whether it is dance or performance, the ultimate goal is to touch the hearts of the audience and convey the beauty of human nature.

It is this profound artistic concept that allows Wang Yabin's works to transcend the boundaries of art forms and reach the hearts of the audience. Today, Wang Yabin has grown into a mature artist.

She is no longer "Wang Xiaomeng" in the eyes of the audience, but a dancer who is well-known at home and abroad. However, she did not stop there, but continued to explore this path with an infinite love for the art of dance.

National first-class actor "Wang Xiaomeng", who left Zhao Benshan for 10 years, became a dancer at the age of 35 and became world-renowned

Looking forward to the future, Wang Yabin hopes to continue to create without distractions and dedicate more excellent works to the audience. She once said, "Dance is my lifelong pursuit.

I hope that through my works, I can touch the hearts of more people and make them feel the charm of dance. "Wang Yabin's wish is to dedicate better and more works to a wider audience.

She hopes that through her own efforts, she will continue to promote the development of Chinese modern dance and make Chinese dance shine on the world stage. From a country girl to a national first-class actor, to a world-renowned dancer, Wang Yabin's life trajectory is full of legends.

National first-class actor "Wang Xiaomeng", who left Zhao Benshan for 10 years, became a dancer at the age of 35 and became world-renowned

Her story tells us that as long as we stick to our original intention and have the courage to pursue our dreams, we will definitely be able to bloom the most beautiful brilliance on the stage of life. The future chapter continues, and we look forward to seeing Wang Yabin create more wonderful things on the road of dance art.

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