
Celery rose by 155%, spinach tripled, lettuce a pound of 7 yuan, vegetables are more expensive than meat? One more bad news is why vegetable prices have risen sharply? Will the price of vegetables fall sharply in the future?

author:A little helper for farmers

The news that the price of some vegetables exceeds the price of pork has become a hot topic of discussion, in less than a month, the price of a variety of vegetables has risen sharply, compared with a month ago, the price of some vegetables has doubled several times, and many consumers say that the "vegetable basket" that is just lighter has become a bit heavy.

The price of spinach is tripled

The price of spinach has doubled by about 3 times in less than a month, and in the case of the Xinfadi Agricultural Products Wholesale Market in Beijing, the wholesale price of spinach in September was 3.98 yuan / kg, and the price of spinach rose to 12 yuan / kg on October 27. The price of spinach in the Jingxi Fruit and Vegetable Wholesale Market in Hebei Province was 4.3 yuan / kg in September, and the price of spinach on October 27 was 14 yuan / kg. Taiyuan Hexi Agricultural and Sideline Products Wholesale Market in September spinach price of 4.67 yuan / kg, October 27 spinach price of 15 yuan / kg.

Some citizens said that the spinach bought in the supermarket, the retail price has reached 8 yuan a pound, this price put last month, can buy 4 pounds, and the discounted pork in the supermarket is only 9.8 yuan / kg, almost a pound of spinach can buy a pound of pork, if spinach continues to rise, it is better to buy pork directly.

Celery rose by 155%, spinach tripled, lettuce a pound of 7 yuan, vegetables are more expensive than meat? One more bad news is why vegetable prices have risen sharply? Will the price of vegetables fall sharply in the future?

Lettuce is 7 yuan a pound

Lettuce prices have also increased relatively largely, The wholesale price of lettuce in Xinfadi Agricultural Products Wholesale Market in Fengtai District, Beijing, is 3.35 yuan / kg in September, the price of lettuce on October 27 is 12 yuan / kg, the wholesale price of lettuce in September is 3.35 yuan / kg in The wholesale price of lettuce in Beijing West Fruit Wholesale Market in Hebei Province is 3.35 yuan / kg, the price of lettuce on October 27 is 13 yuan / kg, the wholesale price of lettuce in September is 4.21 yuan / kg in Liaoning Fuxin Vegetable Agricultural Products Comprehensive Wholesale Market, and the wholesale price of lettuce on October 27 is 11 yuan / kg.

Lettuce and spinach rose similarly, in some wholesale markets, the price is the same, some citizens said that they there supermarkets in the lettuce and spinach placement next to each other, are 14 yuan / kg, a look also thought that the wrong price, did not buy such expensive lettuce and spinach, asked the salesman to determine, the original vegetable price is so expensive.

Celery rose by 155%, spinach tripled, lettuce a pound of 7 yuan, vegetables are more expensive than meat? One more bad news is why vegetable prices have risen sharply? Will the price of vegetables fall sharply in the future?

Celery up 155%

The price of celery has also risen significantly, taking the Beijing Xinfadi Agricultural Products Wholesale Market as an example, the wholesale price of celery was 2.31 yuan / kg in September, and it has risen to 5.9 yuan / kg on October 27, an increase of about 155%. The wholesale price of celery at Tianjin He Zhuangzi Agricultural Products Wholesale Market was 2.45 yuan / kg in September, and rose to 6 yuan / kg on October 27. The wholesale price of celery at Harbin Hada Fruit and Vegetable Wholesale Market was 2.52 yuan / kg in September, and rose to 6.5 yuan / kg on October 27.

Celery prices rose significantly, not only in some areas, but in a wide range of areas, in September, the general price of celery is more than 2 pieces per kilogram, and by the end of October, most of the agricultural wholesale markets have risen to 5-6 yuan per kilogram, a large increase.

The sharp rise in vegetable prices this time not only makes consumers feel that the price is high, but for many vegetable wholesalers, the price received from farmers is much higher. In the case of spinach, in the first 2 months, the purchase price of spinach was 2-2.5 yuan / jin, and now the purchase price of spinach has reached 5-5.5 yuan / jin, and the purchase price of spinach with better quality can reach 6-7 yuan / jin. And such a high price, it is not easy to collect, because the supply is less, can collect some is some, even if the price is higher, there is no way.

Celery rose by 155%, spinach tripled, lettuce a pound of 7 yuan, vegetables are more expensive than meat? One more bad news is why vegetable prices have risen sharply? Will the price of vegetables fall sharply in the future?

<h1 class="pgc-h-arrow-right" data-track="17" why are vegetable prices soaring >? </h1>

Reason 1: The yield of vegetables is reduced. According to some growers, the yield of a variety of vegetables is not as good as in previous years, coupled with the gradual decrease in temperature, summer vegetables are basically in the end, autumn vegetables have not yet been listed in a large area, and the market supply is in a short "vacuum period", resulting in a significant increase in vegetable prices.

Reason two: the cost of planting has increased. Farmers grow vegetables, due to the rise in the price of seeds, fertilizers, pesticides and other agricultural materials this year, resulting in an increase in planting costs, for growers, it is impossible to lose money to sell, so the sale price has been raised, but also boosted the price of vegetables.

Reason three: rising transportation costs. The recent rise in oil prices is more obvious, for vegetables, transportation costs have increased, and this transportation cost dealers will not bear, and ultimately can only be reflected in the sales price, but also the reason for the rise in vegetable prices.

Celery rose by 155%, spinach tripled, lettuce a pound of 7 yuan, vegetables are more expensive than meat? One more bad news is why vegetable prices have risen sharply? Will the price of vegetables fall sharply in the future?

<h1 class="pgc-h-arrow-right" data-track="32" > will the price of vegetables fall sharply in the future? </h1>

With the recovery of vegetable production, the listing of autumn vegetables, to a certain extent, will make some vegetable prices fall, however, according to the relevant personnel of the Academy of Agricultural Sciences, "continuous rainfall has affected the colonization of vegetables in autumn and winter in some places, and there may be situations such as poor stubble connection, and it is expected that the overall price of vegetables in winter is high." That is to say, some vegetable prices this winter may continue to be at a high level, and it is unlikely to fall back to the price before the price increase.

For consumers, this is not very good news, or bad news, I hope that this situation will not last too long, so that vegetables as soon as possible back to the previous acceptable price, if it continues to be at a high level, it is not conducive to the benign development of the market.

Ask your friends, what do you think of the recent sharp rise in vegetable prices? Have you ever felt which vegetable has risen particularly significantly?

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