
A Beautiful Day in the Neighborhood: Everyone is irreplaceable

author:Art Bloom

On the poster of the American movie "A Beautiful Day in the Neighborhood", Tom Hanks' gentle and kind smile is almost a box office guarantee that attracts audiences into the cinema. Tom Hanks, the stupid Forrest Gump, the Philadelphia lawyer, the father of the sleepless nights in Seattle... Under his interpretation, no role is similar, and no role is meaningless. As Rogers, a TV host he plays in the new film "A Good Day in the Neighborhood," puts it: "Everyone is precious!" Everyone is irreplaceable! ”

A Beautiful Day in the Neighborhood: Everyone is irreplaceable

Part of the plot of "A Beautiful Day in the Neighborhood" is based on real events. At the beginning of the film, the slightly blurred picture quality and the simple set of the TV station's studio vigorously restore the appearance of the famous American children's television program "Mr. Rogers's Neighborhood". Rogers was gentle, with a faint smile and a very soothing, slightly humorous tone, telling the audience... Mr. Rogers has the status of a spiritual godfather in the United States, and once a Protestant priest, the performance of Tom Hanks captures the core of the character. Rogers once said, "I love you like this!" "In the 1990s, it soothed the hearts of Americans, and also comforted and healed people who are drenched in the storms of life today."

The film revolves around investigative journalist Lloyd interviewing Rogers. As a middle-aged man, Lloyd has a successful career, his wife has just given birth to a baby for him, and he resigned as a pro bono lawyer to concentrate on bringing children at home, and everything looks very happy. With the appearance of his father, who had not been in contact with his sister for a long time at his sister's wedding, Royd could not contain his years of accumulated dissatisfaction with his father, and tore up with his father, and then became injured... When Lloyd, who was wearing a Band-Aid and bruised corner of his eye, was sent by his superiors to interview Rogers, Rogers saw through his heart... Seduced by Rogers, Lloyd gradually opened his heart and began to reconcile with himself, with his father, and with the world. Isn't that how a person really grows?

From the touching love song sung by Royd's father at the wedding, the audience can feel that this old man must have been very attractive when he was young. Sure enough, Lloyd's accusation against his father is that when his mother was seriously ill, his father was still spending a lot of time outside, and he was still a child, and he handled his mother's funeral and real estate alone... The dying father came to the door to ask for his son's forgiveness, but was turned away.

In his father's narrative, you can see that he is also growing gradually. Although he was married and a parent at the time, he had no sense of responsibility in his youth. Until I met my current wife and children, my father really grew up and knew the responsibility of life. What led to Lloyd's transformation was in the Chinese restaurant, where Rogers said to Lloyd: "Let's spend a minute thinking about the people who love us..." In a silent state, the audience and the people in the film fell into meditation. It was after that minute that Lloyd's heart began to soften.

Lloyd took his wife and children to his father's house to accompany his father, who was seriously ill. There is a scene, in the middle of the night, the baby wakes up, the distressed wife Ofe Got up to warm the baby and feed him, the father on the sickbed called him over, the two people talked, the baby was placed in the cradle... Life and death, man's twilight years, middle age and infancy, the past, such as all kinds of things, I can't help but sigh, the only thing that can fight against death is love!

In the film, Rogers loves to take pictures of people he knows, and this detail touched me very much. Initially, Rogers photographed Royd's injured face and uneasy eyes; finally, Rogers went to Royd's father's house to take a family portrait of them. By the time Rogers received the Christmas group photo from Lloyd, his father had died of illness, and they accepted his father's widow and became a harmonious family. This is exactly what Rogers wants to tell everyone: learning to forgive is the meaning of home.

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