
Comprehensive news: Sudan's prime minister detained by the military returns home The United Nations and others have called on all parties to exercise restraint


Khartoum, 27 Oct (Xinhua) -- The Office of the Prime Minister of the Transitional Government of Sudan issued a statement on the evening of 26 October confirming that Prime Minister Hamduk and his wife, who were previously detained by the military, have returned to their homes in the capital Khartoum.

The statement said many Transitional Government officials are still detained in unknown locations.

According to local sources, Hamduk's residence is tightly "protected by security."

Burhan, commander-in-chief of the Sudanese Armed Forces, said at a press conference held in Khartoum on the 26th that a new civilian government will be formed to lead the political transition process in Sudan, and once the relevant institutions are established, the state of emergency will be abolished.

When Answering reporters' questions on the 26th, UN Secretary-General Guterres called on all stakeholders in Sudan to exercise maximum restraint. Guterres said that all transitional arrangements and transitional institutions formed under the Sudanese constitutional documents should be restored, that co-governance among transitional civilian and military officials was essential and that co-governance relations should return to what they had been before the coup.

Eu High Representative for Foreign Affairs and Security Policy Borrell issued a statement on the 26th, saying that the EU requires the release of illegally detained people as soon as possible. The EU also strongly condemned Bulhan's declaration of a national emergency, the suspension of key provisions of the constitutional document and the dissolution of government institutions, saying that such attempts to undermine the democratic transition in Sudan were unacceptable. The EU urges Sudanese security forces to exercise restraint. The statement said new violent bloodshed must be avoided at all costs and that if the military does not turn the tide immediately, it will seriously affect the EU's involvement in local affairs, including financial support.

US State Department spokesman Price said in a statement on the 26th that Secretary of State Blinken called Hamduk on the same day, and Blinken once again asked the Sudanese military to release all detained civilian officials and ensure their safety, and he expressed deep concern about the Sudanese military taking over power. Blinken said the United States supports Sudan's democratic transition led by civilian officials and the principles of restoring the transitional framework in Sudan.

Sudan's political scene has recently been deeply divided, with military leaders calling for a government change, and some government officials accusing the military of planning to seize power. On the 25th of this month, Bulhan declared a state of emergency, dissolved the Sovereign Commission and the Transitional Government, and relieved all governors. The Office of the Prime Minister of the Transitional Government of the Sudan issued a statement on the same day saying Hamduk had been "kidnapped" at his residence in Khartoum.

In April 2019, the Sudanese military overthrew the Al-Bashir regime and established a Transitional Military Council to take charge of state affairs. According to documents such as the Constitutional Declaration signed by the Transitional Military Commission and the main opposition Alliance for Freedom and Change in August of the same year, the two sides will jointly form relevant government agencies, including the SovereignTy Council, during the transition period of the country. In the early stages of the transition period, the SovereignTy Council will be headed by a senior military official. At the end of the transition period, the Chairman of the Sovereign Committee will be chaired by a civilian official, after which the State will hold elections. The Transitional Government of the Sudan and a sovereign commission composed of military and civilian representatives were established in the same month. (Participating reporters: Ma Yichong, Shang Xuqian, Liu Pinran, Li Jizhi) (End)

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