
Xu Jing said the reason for the divorce with Chen He 7 years ago, and the truth turned out to have nothing to do with Zhang Zixuan

author:Qiyue tea party

Xu Jing confessed that she divorced Chen He because Chen He's work reasons were related to the personality of the two, and had nothing to do with the appearance of Zhang Zixuan.

Xu Jing said the reason for the divorce with Chen He 7 years ago, and the truth turned out to have nothing to do with Zhang Zixuan

Chen He's divorce from Xu Jing was a big deal on the Internet, Chen He was exposed to cheating on Zhang Zixuan before the divorce, so he would divorce his wife, and Chen He was also defined as a scumbag, and his image fell sharply for a while.

The reason why everyone will have such a big reaction to Chen He's divorce is because Chen He and his wife Xu Jing are from campus to the wedding dress, experienced up to 13 years of love run, but after more than a year of marriage, they announced their divorce, and at that time, they also exposed the news with Zhang Zixuan, which made fans doubtful about Chen He's character, at that time Chen He was in the rising period of his career, people could not help but feel that Chen He liked the new and tired of the old after becoming popular, and abandoned his wife who had been in love for many years.

Xu Jing said the reason for the divorce with Chen He 7 years ago, and the truth turned out to have nothing to do with Zhang Zixuan

Chen He is a film and television actor who is very familiar to everyone, everyone first knew him, it should be through his starring in the "Love Apartment", he played the radio anchor Zeng Xiaoxian, his classic line "A good man is me, I am Zeng Xiaoxian." "It is also deeply remembered in everyone's mind, and the "Love Apartment" series can also be said to be Chen He's famous works, and everyone remembers this squinting boy.

Later, Chen He became a resident member of "Run Bar Brothers", because of the popularity of this variety show, Chen He's popularity also rose, because his humor circled countless fans for a time.

Xu Jing said the reason for the divorce with Chen He 7 years ago, and the truth turned out to have nothing to do with Zhang Zixuan

Chen He married Xu Jing in 2013, when he was in the ascending period of his career, the two were in love for 13 years, from junior high school to classmates, Xu Jing in the student era is the goddess that Chen He can't hope for, but, going around, the two finally came together, this love, a talk is 13 years.

They had a romantic beach wedding in Phuket, because holding a wedding in Phuket has always been Xu Jing's dream, so Chen He helped her realize this wish.

Xu Jing said the reason for the divorce with Chen He 7 years ago, and the truth turned out to have nothing to do with Zhang Zixuan

Years of affection in exchange for such a beautiful marriage, people think that the two of them will continue to go on, but what is puzzling is that shortly after the two married, they divorced in a low key, because after the divorce, Chen He did not have an official announcement, so many fans did not know, until the Internet exposed That Chen He and Zhang Zixuan were together, Chen He clarified that he and his wife Xu Jing had divorced, but this explanation, many fans did not buy it, and Chen He's "good man" image also collapsed, and people set a new identity for him. That is, the "cheating man" and accusing Zhang Zixuan of being the "little three" who destroyed other people's families.

Later, Chen He sent a long article saying that he had divorced before he was with Zhang Zixuan, but he had not announced it, and the reason for the divorce between the two was not because of Zhang Zixuan, but because he was too busy at work and gathered less with his wife.

Xu Jing said the reason for the divorce with Chen He 7 years ago, and the truth turned out to have nothing to do with Zhang Zixuan

At the same time, Chen He's ex-wife Xu Jing also said that the divorce was only because the two sides felt inappropriate, Chen He was still his closest person, and hoped that everyone would not hurt him.

Many times, love and marriage are two things, love is just a simple talk about feelings, and marriage is mixed with a lot of trivial things of chai rice oil and salt, Chen He is a relatively home-based person, like a simple and plain life, and Xu Jing is a person who likes to travel, she likes the feeling of being on the road.

Xu Jing said the reason for the divorce with Chen He 7 years ago, and the truth turned out to have nothing to do with Zhang Zixuan

Although Chen He is busy at work, his heart is to return to the family, while Xu Jing yearns to walk around and see the life, the two are quiet and moving, and finally they are different.

They are already adults, they know very well what they want, Chen He found Zhang Zixuan, who gave birth to his second child, a happy marriage, and Xu Jing also traveled around the world after divorce and opened a homestay, her world is also colorful.

Long life, once deeply loved each other, it is not appropriate, then gently wave your hand, smile goodbye, the rest of your life, each of them is fine.

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