
Chen Long complained about the rain leakage at home, and the plastic basins lined up, netizens: Chen He's house also leaked rain, and the schedule was hit

Chen Long complained about the rain leakage at home, and the plastic basins lined up, netizens: Chen He's house also leaked rain, and the schedule was hit

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Star embarrassment in the rainstorm: Chen Long Chen He's live broadcast of rain leakage

In this rainy season, the sky in Shanghai seems to have been turned on the faucet, and the rain is pouring down incessantly, as if it is about to submerge the whole city.

Chen Long complained about the rain leakage at home, and the plastic basins lined up, netizens: Chen He's house also leaked rain, and the schedule was hit

In this carnival of nature, two Shanghai stars, Chen Long and Chen He, unexpectedly became the "focus in the rain".

Their home unfortunately suffered the embarrassment of rain leakage, and their helplessness and funniness have become a hot topic among netizens.

Let's talk about Long Chen first.

Chen Long complained about the rain leakage at home, and the plastic basins lined up, netizens: Chen He's house also leaked rain, and the schedule was hit

One day, Chen Long posted a video on social media showing him standing on a balcony, holding an umbrella, frowning, with the caption: "Who can tell me how long it will take?" ”

He looked at the sky, as if to complain to the endless rain clouds.

Chen Long complained about the rain leakage at home, and the plastic basins lined up, netizens: Chen He's house also leaked rain, and the schedule was hit

Rainwater seeped through the cracks in the balcony, forming small waterfalls that turned his balcony into a veritable "rain platform".

Chen Long's headache reached the extreme, he helplessly called his father and mother, complaining that the rain at home was not lighter than outside, while scrambling to find a container that could receive water.

At this point, the washing machine became his savior.

Chen Long complained about the rain leakage at home, and the plastic basins lined up, netizens: Chen He's house also leaked rain, and the schedule was hit

He quickly lined up the plastic basins next to the washing machine and made them a home for the rain.

The rain didn't seem to be satisfied with these tiny containers, and they flowed unchecked, making a mess of Long Chen's home.

The washing machine was not spared, and it was supposed to be used to wash clothes, but now it has been used for "bathing".

Chen Long stood aside, holding an umbrella helplessly, looking at all this, his heart was full of helplessness.

Chen Long complained about the rain leakage at home, and the plastic basins lined up, netizens: Chen He's house also leaked rain, and the schedule was hit

This video of Chen quickly attracted attention on social media.

Netizens left messages and ridiculed, and some netizens said: "Chen He's house is also leaking rain." ”

Some netizens comforted: "Brother Chen Long, don't be sad, we will accompany you in the rain." ”

Some netizens posted photos of rain leaks in their homes in the comment area, expressing "sympathy for the same disease".

And just when Chen Long had no choice but to deal with the rain leakage at home, his friend Chen He also suffered the same embarrassment.

Chen Long complained about the rain leakage at home, and the plastic basins lined up, netizens: Chen He's house also leaked rain, and the schedule was hit

Mr. Chen posted a video on social media of him standing in his home, rain dripping from the ceiling like a water curtain hole.

He has plastic basins, garbage bags and everything else that can be used to catch water, but the rain still seems to be flowing.

Chen He sighed while wiping the dripping rain with a rag, looking very helpless.

Chen Long complained about the rain leakage at home, and the plastic basins lined up, netizens: Chen He's house also leaked rain, and the schedule was hit

Chen He's video captioned: "The rain in Shanghai has become a water curtain hole." This sentence expressed his heart and also resonated with netizens.

In the comment area, a large number of netizens left messages mentioning the rain leakage at Chen Long's house, and some netizens said: "Brother Chen Long's house is also leaking, you two can comfort each other." ”

Some netizens ridiculed: "Now the two of you can start a 'rain leak live broadcast' together." ”

Chen Long complained about the rain leakage at home, and the plastic basins lined up, netizens: Chen He's house also leaked rain, and the schedule was hit

Netizens ran between the two comment areas, and it was very lively.

The torrential rain not only caused damage to Chen Long and Chen He's home, but also made them feel the power of nature.

Instead of being depressed, they shared their helplessness and funny experiences on social media, and enjoyed themselves with netizens.

This optimistic attitude has also infected many people, allowing everyone to find a trace of fun in the rainstorm.

Chen Long complained about the rain leakage at home, and the plastic basins lined up, netizens: Chen He's house also leaked rain, and the schedule was hit

In this rainstorm, Chen Long and Chen He's home seems to have become a small "water world".

Plastic basins, garbage bags, rags and other tools have become their weapons in the fight against rainwater.

Sometimes they were busy moving the tools, sometimes staring helplessly at the rain on the ceiling.

The washing machine is no longer a tool for laundry, but has become a good helper for them to receive water.

These scenes were recorded by them and shared with netizens.

Chen Long complained about the rain leakage at home, and the plastic basins lined up, netizens: Chen He's house also leaked rain, and the schedule was hit

The messages from netizens are also full of fun and humor.

Some netizens said: "It turns out that the celebrity's house is also leaking rain, and now the psychology is instantly balanced." Some netizens ridiculed: "The two of you can form a 'leaky day group'." ”

Some netizens comforted them online: "It's okay, it's okay, just take a free bath." ”

These messages not only made Chen Long and Chen He feel warm, but also made more people feel their optimistic attitude and sense of humor.

Chen Long complained about the rain leakage at home, and the plastic basins lined up, netizens: Chen He's house also leaked rain, and the schedule was hit

Although this rainstorm has brought a lot of trouble to Chen Long and Chen He, it has also made them closer to netizens.

They share their experiences through social media and share their joys and pains with netizens.

This kind of interaction not only enhances mutual understanding, but also makes everyone feel the small happiness and beauty in life.

In this carnival of nature, Chen Long and Chen He used their helplessness and funniness to bring us a unique "leaky live broadcast".

Chen Long complained about the rain leakage at home, and the plastic basins lined up, netizens: Chen He's house also leaked rain, and the schedule was hit

They let us see a different side of life and also made us feel the power of optimism and humor.

As time passed, Chen Long and Chen He's "leaky live stream" gradually attracted more attention on social media.

Not only their fans, but also many passers-by were infected by the optimism and humor of the two stars, and joined in this joyful interaction.

Chen Long complained about the rain leakage at home, and the plastic basins lined up, netizens: Chen He's house also leaked rain, and the schedule was hit

Chen Long and Chen He also keenly seized the opportunity and began to update the video more frequently, sharing their "rain resistance" experience and life details.

Not only did they show how to use the items in their homes to catch water and water, but they also shared tips on how to stay happy in such weather.

These videos not only attract a large number of viewers, but also gain them more fans and attention.

Chen Long complained about the rain leakage at home, and the plastic basins lined up, netizens: Chen He's house also leaked rain, and the schedule was hit

In this "leaky rain live broadcast", Chen Long and Chen He also showed their deep friendship.

Not only did they tease and comfort each other in the video, but they also helped each other in real life and coped with the rainstorm together.

This deep friendship also made the audience feel very warm and touched.

After the rainstorm, Chen Long and Chen He continued to influence more people with their optimism and humor.

Chen Long complained about the rain leakage at home, and the plastic basins lined up, netizens: Chen He's house also leaked rain, and the schedule was hit

They not only share their lives on social media, but also actively participate in various public welfare activities and use their influence to contribute to society.

Chen Long complained about the rain leakage at home, and the plastic basins lined up, netizens: Chen He's house also leaked rain, and the schedule was hit

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