
The celebrity's home also leaks? Chen He Chen Long's home has become a water curtain cave, this is the star version of a disaster movie?

author:Xingwen wants to say


Chen He's house is leaking, and the stars are ordinary

Chen He, a star known for his humor in the entertainment industry, has recently become a hot topic among netizens, not because of the new drama, but because his house is leaking.

The celebrity's home also leaks? Chen He Chen Long's home has become a water curtain cave, this is the star version of a disaster movie?

During the rainstorms in Shanghai, Chen He shared a video on social media of his home becoming a "water curtain hole" with the skin of the roof beginning to peel off and rain pouring in.

The celebrity's home also leaks? Chen He Chen Long's home has become a water curtain cave, this is the star version of a disaster movie?

Chen He used plastic basins and garbage bags to catch water, and the scene was both embarrassing and funny. Netizens have said that it turns out that celebrities' homes will also leak, which makes many people feel balanced, after all, the lives of celebrities are not always glamorous.

The celebrity's home also leaks? Chen He Chen Long's home has become a water curtain cave, this is the star version of a disaster movie?

Chen Long's family also leaked, and he faced it optimistically

Also suffering from Chen He's illness is actor Chen Long. Chen Long also shared a video of his home leaking on social media, and he humorously said that the rain in his home is no less than the rain outside, and he even needs to hold an umbrella at home.

The celebrity's home also leaks? Chen He Chen Long's home has become a water curtain cave, this is the star version of a disaster movie?

The encounter between the two stars sparked a heated discussion among netizens, and everyone ridiculed that this was "a star version of a home disaster movie". Chen Long and Chen He's optimism also infected many people, and instead of being depressed by the emergency situation at home, they shared it with netizens in a humorous way, showing another side of the star.

The celebrity's home also leaks? Chen He Chen Long's home has become a water curtain cave, this is the star version of a disaster movie?

The celebrity's home is also leaking, and netizens are hotly discussed

Chen He and Chen Long's home leakage incident quickly fermented on the Internet, and netizens discussed it a lot. Some people said that seeing celebrities would also encounter such troubles, and they felt closer to them.

The celebrity's home also leaks? Chen He Chen Long's home has become a water curtain cave, this is the star version of a disaster movie?

Some netizens joked that this is a "star version of a home disaster movie", and some people joked that Chen He and Chen Long could consider working together on a comedy movie about a leaky home. These humorous comments not only alleviated everyone's anxiety about the water leakage problem, but also turned the "celebrity home water leakage" incident into a light-hearted Internet carnival.

The celebrity's home also leaks? Chen He Chen Long's home has become a water curtain cave, this is the star version of a disaster movie?

The thinking behind the water leak

Although Chen He and Chen Long's home water leakage incident caused a burst of laughter on the Internet, it also reminded everyone that whether it is a celebrity or an ordinary person, they may encounter emergencies at home.

The celebrity's home also leaks? Chen He Chen Long's home has become a water curtain cave, this is the star version of a disaster movie?

In summer, there is a lot of rain, and the waterproof measures and electricity safety in the home need to be paid special attention. Although the incident of Chen He and Chen Long is presented in a humorous way, it also sounded the alarm for everyone, reminding everyone to pay attention to home safety while enjoying life.

The celebrity's home also leaks? Chen He Chen Long's home has become a water curtain cave, this is the star version of a disaster movie?

The celebrity's home is also leaking, what about your home?


Although the water leakage incident in Chen He and Chen Long's home spread on the Internet in a light-hearted and humorous way, it also aroused everyone's concern about home safety. The homes of celebrities can also leak, which surprises many people, and also makes everyone realize that both celebrities and ordinary people may encounter emergencies at home.

The celebrity's home also leaks? Chen He Chen Long's home has become a water curtain cave, this is the star version of a disaster movie?

This "celebrity home leakage" incident not only let everyone see the other side of the star, but also reminded everyone to pay attention to home safety while enjoying life. The heated discussions and humorous comments of netizens have turned this incident into a light-hearted online carnival, but the warning significance behind it cannot be ignored.

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