
Mei Bone Qingqi - Bye Mei Qing, Wen /Jiang Haibin

author:Chinese painter
Mei Bone Qingqi - Bye Mei Qing, Wen /Jiang Haibin

Plum bone Qingqi

--Bye Meiqing


Mei Qing, the founder of the Xuancheng School of painting with the same name as Shi Tao, is also a sage who has been ignored by the academic art world or has not excavated enough. His extinct dust should be as worthy of possession and discovery as Hirohito, and its academic value is no less than that of any of the four monks. Hongren Tomb has been specially visited after visiting the Hui Culture Museum "Forbidden City Collection xin'an eight calligraphy and painting exhibition", recently sponsored by the Anhui Provincial Museum "home between Huangshan Andibaiyue" - gradually Jiang calligraphy and painting art exhibition is being carried out, the end of this month, Shitao's Jingting Mountain I have been to twice, Meiqing Hongren Shitao They are not willing to give up and ignore.

Mr. Wang Shiqing, a scholar in Huizhou, has compiled the "Gradual River Data Collection" and "Shi Tao Poetry Records (Chronology)", and is also a consultant of the "Complete Collection of Bada Mountain People", and has written a series of special topics of "The Friendship of Bada Mountain People", and received several letters from Taiwan Stone Publishing Co., Ltd. before his death, and his wife said in his memoirs that in the end, Shiqing agreed to write a book about Mei Qing, and the initial title of the book was "Mei Qing and Huangshan and Huangshan People", the outline was set, and he fell ill before he started writing. His condition deteriorated rapidly, and on the morning of April 14, 2003, he was hesitant about the doctor's recommendation to be hospitalized, and on the afternoon of the 16th, he was so short of breath that he could not move, and soon after he was admitted to the hospital, the hospital issued a critical illness notice. Shiqing has always been concerned about current affairs and must read the newspaper every day. During his hospitalization, he endured the great pain of his flesh and listened to the news three times a day. He was worried about the epidemic of SARS pneumonia in Beijing, and worried about the war situation in Iraq and the suffering of the people. On April 30, he also asked me to read him the entire contents of the "Reference News" of that day. On the hospital bed, he was still worried about several questions raised by Teacher Bao Hongdao in his letter to Tang Yin's "Double Jian XingXing Nest Map", and asked me to bring him a copy, he held up this information several times to read, and finally because of poor eyesight, he put down his hand in a sigh, regretting that he could not give a final answer to his old friend. His mind was so clear that he could not sleep at night. On the evening of May 2, after his repeated requests, the doctor gave him an injection to stabilize, and on the 3rd, he fell asleep and died at 7:22 p.m. From his hospital bed, he also mentioned that "I can't write that book anymore" (referring to the book about Mei Qing) and asked me to inform the other party without leaving a last word. Shiqing left, with a sense of affection for the cause, leaving me with endless regrets and endless thoughts. The elderly Wang Shiqing left with an unfulfilled long-cherished wish, and we also hope that the enthusiastic students and scholars can fulfill Mr. Wang's thoughts and jointly promote the compilation of "Meiqing Complete Works (Annals)" and "Gradual river Chronicles (Complete Collections)" as soon as possible with relevant academic institutions.

From all of the above, I hope to get closer to Mei Qing's world and his artistic life.

Mei Qing (1623-1697), Duke Yuan, Qu Shan, a native of Xuancheng, Anhui. The original name of Shi Xi, later changed to Mei Qing, the number Qu Shan, Mei Yi, Jingting Shannong, etc., together with Hongren, Shi Tao and known as the "Huangshan School" three leaders, famous for writing About Huangshan and Plum Blossom Pine Stone, although they belong to the same first-class school, not bound by ancient law, but they all have distinct personalities and artistic styles. "Shi Tao gets the spirit of Huangshan Mountain, Mei Qing gets the shadow of Huangshan Mountain, and gradually the river gets the quality of Huangshan Mountain."

Mei Qing was born in Jiangnan Mei clan, poetry and books heirloom, deeply loved by his parents. When he was young, he read books, studied painting at the same time, and was full of poetry and books. He was born in the third year of the Ming Dynasty (1623) and died in the thirty-sixth year (1697) of the Qing Dynasty Emperor Kangxi. In the eleventh year of Shunzhi (1654), he was promoted to the cabinet of zhongshu, and interacted with Shi Tao in a friendly manner to exchange painting skills. Shi Tao's early landscapes were influenced by him to a certain extent, and his paintings of Huangshan in his later years were also influenced by Shi Tao, so Shi Tao and Mei Qingkan were confidants and mentors and friends, and they had a deep affection for each other, and they were all known as the giants of the "Huangshan School".

In 1642, Mei Qing moved from the city to the Sanli XuJiayuan in the east of the city to avoid war. In the same year, he traveled to Nanjing, Yangzhou, and after his return, he integrated this trip with the poems of people's rewards, "Xiu Xia Cao", which was meiqing's first collection of poems. In addition to hiding from the garden, Mei Qing has been chanting into the second volume of the "Garden Collection". At the same time, he also showed extraordinary painting talent, "famous mountains and rivers are instantly carved in the brush". In addition to poetry and painting, Mei Qing "played various techniques in the engraving of the seal and the piano, and all of them were exquisite." At this stage, he befriended Xiao Yuncong and other painters. After the national disaster of Jiashen (1644), the situation was still turbulent, Mei Qing had to retreat into the remote Xintian Mountain, Xintian and Huayang, Baifeng Mountain facing each other, "Yaoshan into the seat, the rapid ravine as the door, the sound of trees and birds, jagged up and down" and the pastoral life of "lesson farmer Sang, occupy the rain, hold the urn and bear the qi" nourished Mei Qing's temperament, making her chest fade the next day, and her hands and eyes were wide open. Qing Shunzhi eleven years A noon. In 1654, Mei Qing, who had been unlucky in the examination, finally won the township examination when he was thirty-two years old. In the autumn of the same year, the five-year Xintian Mountain Residence was completed, and the Pavilion was moved to the west of the house, and it was changed to Tianyan, and he lived in Wandong for thirty-three years. In the spring of 1659, he initiated the compilation of the Mei Clan Genealogy in order to "proclaim the ancestral virtue and show the comings, not only the success of Zhi Que", which was just as proud as it was then. Although Mei Qing carried the high prestige of reviving his family and was talented, he could not get rid of the fate of repeated trials, and Mei Qing, who was forty years old but "still poor and filial piety", began to show between the mountains and rivers. He "looked at Qinhuai, quarried on the stone, climbed Jiuhua, and crossed the Anhui Pass", and two to Xiling, which was able to confirm the long-cherished news of "the beauty of the mountains and rivers, but the more the most", in order to broaden his horizons. At the turn of the spring and summer of Gengshu (1670), Mei Qing ascended Mount Taishan, deeply infected by "Ling Xiao Li Yue Began to Be Amazed", "Daizong Dafu is my teacher", and it is clear that calligraphy and painting take "Creation" as the teacher, and this time he visited the poem "Yue YunJi". During this period, Mei Qing also frequently advocated the Ya Collection. In the winter of the fourth year of the Kangxi Dynasty (1665), he initiated the grand Jingting Mountain Poetry Collection, which was divided with the scribes and concluded the "Jingting Advocate and Collection". In the winter of the sixth year of the Kangxi Dynasty (1667), Mei Qing presided over the restoration of the two stone bridges of Wanjin and Yanshui. Around the time, he and his friends organized the Xuancheng "Poetry and Painting Society", including many poetry and painting masters such as Shi Yanzhang, Banshan, and Mei Geng, and Shi Tao joined to bring new technical concepts. In his later years, he recalled: "Wuli used to have poetry and painting societies, which were sprinkled with Yushan, Gengwu, Ruanhuai, Mushan, Qingyan, Yiyi, Xiaoyuan, Fangye, Xueping and Fangwai Banshan and Shitao. "These activities had an important impact on the formation of the Xuancheng School.

In the autumn of 1666, Mei Qing compiled the answers of the friends of the past years into the "Collection of Gifts of The Heavenly Extension", which was integrated into twelve volumes five years later, and asked Shi Yizhang to make a "general preface". From 1675 to 1685 was the last decade of Meiqing's residence in Wandong, Kangxi visited Wumen at the invitation of a friend in the fourteenth year, and in the same year Xu Qianxue's "Yuanyuan" was completed, inviting Meiqing and Mei Geng to visit the Kunshan Garden, Mei Qing composed the "Map of the Garden" with Mei Geng, and gave Mei Geng five laws and four titles at the end of the volume. In the same year, Mei Qingfushi asked Zu'an and Shi Tao to take them to Jiufeng, greeting old friends and traveling to the nunnery this month, and also sent Wang Shichen antler glue ink. Later, he compiled his poems as "Kikuma Collection" and described his life scene in this section of his pen and ink in a small introduction.

Mei Qing's life "footprints are half of the area summer". In 1678, Mei Qing first ascended to Baiyue in Huangshan Mountain, but he had a long-cherished wish in his life and wrote "Huangshan JiYouShi Hundred Rhymes", which described in detail the situation of the seven days in the mountain, this experience was of great significance in Meiqing's artistic career, and Huangshan Baiyue became a typical motif of Mei's landscape paintings after that. In 1679, Mei Qing frequently traveled between Xuancheng and Nanjing, participating in the Art Forest Collection and participating in the compilation of the Jiangnan Tongzhi. At this time, his painting creation tended to mature, and he had poetry and painting with Tian Wen, Cheng Wei, Liu Yu, Zhou Zaijun, Wang Fei, Cai Fangbing, Song Cao, and Wei Shouqi, and a number of important works such as "Xuancheng Sheng lan tu (twenty-four kai)", "Three Qing Tu", "Jingting Ji Color Map" and so on. The 68-year-old Mei Qing climbed the Huangshan Mountains for the second time in his life. On this revisit, the strange peaks and clouds gave Mei Qing, who had experienced many vicissitudes, a different feeling from the previous time, and stimulated his artistic inspiration and creative impulse. In the spring of 1691, meiqing traveled to beijing and returned home with few long trips, and in this year he led his people to compile the "Mei's Poetry Strategy" to maintain the family style of "five hundred years of elegant transmission, sending a branch of the text to see many sages". In the first month of the following year, Xueji wrote a map of huangshan mountain, "Where there are twelve paintings, prepare the magic of the extreme smoke and clouds" to repay Wang Shichen's request ten years ago. In the same year, he recalled that "when he was a teenager, he was famous for the landscape, more than 10,000 miles in the east, west, south and north", and sighed that "there are many wrong roads in The Nine Upper Chang'an, and there are thousands of peaks and difficulties", which is a summary of my own life experience. After that, Mei Qing organized flower and fruit fairs from time to time and invited friends and friends to gather for the rest of the year. In May 1693, the Mei family was hit by a fire, and the Tibetan editions of the Complete Works of Tianyange were destroyed in one torch, and Mei Qing re-compiled his life poems to form the thirty-three volumes of qushan poetry. Three days before the winter solstice of that year, Mei Qing attached a small portrait to the preface of the poem to depict himself reclining on a strange stone, holding a scroll in his left hand, and holding a cup in his right hand, and the inscription next to the painting reads: "Laughing at the old face of Qu Shan, you can write your eyebrows." In my career, I was drunk and sang bamboo branches with plum blossoms. This is a portrayal of the 71-year-old Mei Qing's self. In 1696, Mei Qing died at the age of 74 and was buried in the Nittayama Tai po Garden. The following year, his best friend Wang Shichen was impressed by it after learning about it: "After jingshi Wenyuan was publicized, the magic painting was psychic, and it will never be extinguished." ”

Mei Qing inherited the family's fame and had the support and harmony of the clansmen of the same period, and was also willing to teach the rising stars of Xuancheng, so his prestige within the Mei clan was very high. Mei Qing's lifelong poetry and wine as a companion, and good and good and fellow Artists, from the early years of the Literary Society to the Middle-aged Poetry and Painting Society until the Late Life Flower and Fruit Society, he was the main advocate organizer, these Yaji wenhui in the late Ming and early Qing Dynasties in the complex specific historical period, not only played a positive role in maintaining the local cultural context, but also gathered well-known painters in the Wanling area at that time, laying the cornerstone for the formation of the "Xuancheng School". In addition, Mei Qingzhongju repeatedly went north to test, and often traveled to and from Sanwu Jinling and other places, traveling to Japan to make friends and benefit the public, and his painting name also spread farther and farther, and was promoted to the position of xuancheng painting ally and leader of the group.

Among the Xuancheng painters, the main influences on Meiqing art were Banshan and Shitao. The monk of the Mid-Levels is commonly surnamed Xu, whose name is ranked 5, and was later renamed in Ke, the number of the Mid-Levels. Born in Xinhai (1611) in the 39th year of the Ming Dynasty and died about the fourteenth year of the Qing Kangxi Dynasty (1675), Banshan was one of the three most important schools in the early days of the Xuancheng School, and Washiyama was quite influential at that time and was regarded as a "model". The style is light and elegant, calm and introverted, and there is a sense of wind and smoke; the painting is often signed with the "Mid-Levels Ke Daoren" section, and the "Fanmin in Ke" and "Obscure" seals are used; the Mid-Levels Pen ink is clear and the color is light and elegant, which has a deep influence on Mei Qing's early creation. Shi Tao went from the fifth year of the Kangxi Dynasty (1666) to Xuancheng Guangjiao Temple to stay in Xijingting Mountain for 15 years, and frequently participated in local Yaji wenhui, and the Xuancheng painters had the greatest influence on Shi Tao. In the ninth year of the Kangxi Dynasty (1670), Mei Qing returned to Xuancheng after visiting Mount Taishan and met with Shi Tao, and since then the two have been close, "a total of three absolute who are in the same stream, and the Qingyin Pavilion looks like a drunk", and they learn from each other in painting techniques and artistic ideas. More than ten years of living in Xuancheng was a critical period for Shi Tao to gradually socialize in art, during which Mei Qing not only introduced Shi Tao to many celebrities, but also subtly influenced this talented young monk in painting style and artistic thought. Shi Tao also has great respect for Mei Qing's personality and art, which is called "Jiangdong Daren passed on by everyone, Mr. Qu Shan is vague", and Mei Qing is a "Xianda" who is superior to Gao Mi. Examining the surviving shitao's early landscape paintings, the content is more dangerous cliffs and springs, cloud sea pine forests, strange rock ravines, smooth strokes, more hemp, chaotic clouds, the overall picture is often ink dripping, the style is bright. For example, the "Huangshan Map" composed after visiting Huangshan in 1667, the brushwork is arbitrary, the ink is light and beautiful, close to the wind of Mei Qinghao, which shows the influence of xuancheng painting style at that time, Mei Qing opposed the painter Gu and "traced the mud traces", emphasizing that the creation of landscape painting should be "all in the chest hills". To this end, he clearly put forward the creation theory of "the ancients are in me" and I am transporting "my law". This proposition was positively echoed by Shi Tao: Mei Qing's painting Chang Zhao 'I Fa' was printed as a self-proclaimed, and Shi Tao's works painted in Xuancheng and Nanjing also often used the "I Fa" seal, which was both a manifestation of Shi Tao's artistic personality and was also influenced by Mei Qing's artistic thought earlier.

Shi Tao's paintings were once influenced by Mei Qing, and Mei Qing also learned from Shi Tao. Mei Qing once praised Shi Tao's "Huang Haiyun" as "the pen is born and open, the force is with the five Ding Qi", and the painting "Tiandu Peak" is "The Strange Wonder of Tiandu, I packed up xi bags." Throwing the magic pen into the human world, xuanyuan was never dead", thinking that his writing about the Huangshan Mountains was strange and natural. Meiqing's "Huangshan" theme works even directly borrow and imitate Shi Tao's paintings, such as Meiqing praising Shitao's "one Tanggu map, four chilling sounds", and the "Tangchi Map" in his famous "Huangshan Map (Twelve Kai)" borrows the "Tangchi Map" concept in Shi Tao's "Huangshan Eight Victories Map". Mei Qing, as a painter marked by "My Law" and the leader of the Xuancheng painting circle at that time, was able to bluntly learn from Shi Tao, who was younger than himself, and in addition to being open-minded, he also revealed the deep influence of Shi Tao's painting on him. From about 1666 to 1680, nearly fifteen years of business development made the Xuancheng School and the Jinling, Xin'an and other genres form a situation of standing side by side. In the autumn of the nineteenth year of the Kangxi Dynasty, Shi Tao moved to Nanjing, after which the monks in the middle of the mountain disappeared, and the Xuancheng School of Painting formed an echelon headed by Mei Qing, followed by Mei Geng, and Mei Chong, Mei Wei, mei Zhencheng and others as the backbone. After Mei Qing's death, the Xuancheng School of painting, with Mei Geng and others as the main members, still active in the Jiangnan painting circle for a long time.

Mei Qing was still alive with the name of painting to shock the north and south of the river, asking his painters to be like Wen Zhengming who came to the door and followed, the so-called Haiyu admiration, the ruler circle came out, thousands of imitations, plus Mei Qing had many students. Brothers, nephews and grandchildren are good at painting and have many achievements, there are ghostwrites from children and nephews, and sometimes people forge works, and there are more fakes in later generations, and the best of the forgeries can be confused, which leaves a problem for the identification of later generations, and the appreciators are headaches for each one, such as "Imitation of the Yellow Crane Mountain Tree" to win with momentum, the flow of the pen is bold and the ink is flowing, and the use of the law has the meaning of Mei Qing Xigu, and it is difficult to judge right and wrong. For the Xuancheng painting circle, especially the representative figures in the early Qing Dynasty, there was once Mei Qing, Mei Geng, Mei Chong and Cai Yao and called "Xuancheng Simiao", they were Mei Qing, Mei Qing's nephew and two nephews and grandchildren combined, of which Mei Chong painted Pine Stone strange and changeable, sometimes or Dai Mei Qing painted, Mei Chong 'Twelve Scenic Atlas of Huangshan Mountain' compared to Mei Qing's "Huangshan Atlas" although it is a copy but god-like and clear. At present, a set of Mei Chong depicting the ancient Huizhou scenic spot "Shexian Landscape Atlas" is ten open, open and harmonious and meteorological, as a traditional pen and ink resolute cultural inheritor, the literati feel the creation of the ancient teacher and the present teacher, personally experience nature and refine nature, from going deep into the tradition to playing the tradition out of themselves.

The Forbidden City collects Meiqing's "Mountain Flowing Water Map" cylindrical dangerous peaks standing among the peaks, steep and majestic, the mountains are covered with pines, one person sits on the ground and watches the waterfalls, the artistic conception is high and empty; the mountains are light ink stained, the ink is dotted with moss, the mountain stones are beautiful and rich in concave and convex texture; Meiqing's "Nine Dragon Waterfall Map" adopts a realistic and freehand method, writing that the layers of Jiulongtan boulders are gradually lost in the mist of the mountains, a stream waterfall jumps from the mist, the white fog is empty, and it seems that the waterfall is noisy; the white-clothed hermit sits leisurely on the boulder. There is still movement in motion. The white mist is hazy with the inscription of the Book of Lixing: "Taigu Dragon awakens, and the silkworm bush thunderbolts open." The clouds of the five streams did not go, and the snow flew in the gorge. ”

Xuancheng is famous for its xuan paper hometown and Jingting Mountain, and Yangzhou is unique because of the Yangtze River waterway hub and huishang, as well as the Yangzhou School of painting. When Yangzhou painters traveled to Huangshan, Xuancheng was undoubtedly an absolutely ideal transit station. Mei Qing was born in Xuancheng's geographical and cultural advantages, near the water tower to make friends with poets and friends, Shi Tao once lived here for decades and Mei Qing as a teacher and friend to ask each other for benefit. Mei Qingshan is good at poetry and calligraphy, and is the author of "Tianyange Collection" and "Qushan Poetry Strategy", and his representative paintings include "Huangshan Ji Travel Album". Mei Qing's early paintings were only the style of his hometown Landscape and Water Garden, and at the age of 32, he began to pursue the Huangshan Mountains, and repeatedly ascended to tiandu, lotus, cloud gate, guangming peak, Wenshu Monastery, lion forest, alchemy platform, futon pine, Xihai gate and other more than 100 scenic spots, deeply intoxicated by Huangshan. Since then, he has galloped passionately among the wonderful landscapes and rivers, perceived nature with the heart of a poet, and expressed the creation of nature with the love of a painter, not only writing many beautiful poems but also painting countless steep and magnificent rivers and mountains, and forging a relationship with the wonders of Huangyue. Mei Qing's painting of Huangshan Qisong is a master, and people list his Painting of Huangshan Pine as an yipin, and the Xuancheng County Chronicle calls it "good at painting theory, Mo Song is particularly bizarre, Cangxiong Xiuba, for the recent unparalleled, connoisseurs in the sea are all precious"; "Wanya" said that it is "good at painting long pine, tengling like a dragon posture, not to be scratched; to buy treasures like treasures, to find the inner extension"; "Silkworm Tail Sequel" said that "Wanling Meiyuan Gong painting pine is the first in the world".

Mei Qing is also a traveler who attaches great importance to love and travel. At the age of 68, he revisited Huangshan Mountain, traveled all over the peaks of Huangshan Mountain, and was once again inspired by the majestic scenery of Huangshan Mountain, creating many poetry and painting works with Huangshan Mountain as the theme. He himself said: "After Yu traveled to Huangshan, most of the pen and ink were Huangshan. A year before his death, he also painted "Huangshan YunsongTu" for Wang Shichen. According to the different appearances of the peaks of Huangshan Mountain and the fantasy situation caused by climate change, he created a unique artistic expression method, formed his own outstanding face, the painting style is cold and distant and transcendent, the main works representing the style of this period are "West Sea Gate Map", "West Sea Gate", "White Dragon Pond", "Lotus Peak Map", "Wenshu TaiTu", "Tiandu Peak Map", "Alchemy Map", "Huangshan Map", as well as the "Sixteen Views of Huangshan Mountain" album of The Gift Curtain Lake, the "Ten Views of Huangshan Mountain" book "The Nineteen Views of Huangshan Mountain" and the "Twelve Views of Huangshan Mountain" book.

Meiqing calligraphy Sect Yan Zhenqing is majestic and dense, thick and dignified, simple and strong, and has a prosperous Tang Dynasty atmosphere. However, it also refers to the "Yan Liu, Depreciation Xu Su" of the Rice Fu Brushwork, Mi Nai Set Ancient Dacheng Model, turning the ancient calligraphy achievement experience into its own face, not bound by the ancient people's face and face law, the so-called brush character is the characteristics of Mi Fu calligraphy and rich talent. He pursues boldness and spontaneity and more taste and elegance. From the perspective of Mei Qing's "Seven Words and Poems of Xingshu", this is a typical article with the main yan characters and the rhyme of rice characters, which is magnificent, majestic and dense, skillful and clumsy, calm and happy. The gestures are continuous, the words reflect Gu Pan, there is no hesitation, and the gentle and thick book is full of it, which better expresses the poem's quiet but not lonely, moving and not complicated artistic conception. The eight-sided strike of Mi Fu and the ink-colored posture of Wang Duofu Mountain make the glyph feminine and vivid, and the strange indulgence is clear. The money in Mei Qing's "Huangshan Atlas" deeply understands zhenqing's penmanship, dunhou is simple and elegant. Mei Qing's seven-word poem scroll is that he sang and chanted with a friend on a boat trip on the Qinhuai River——

The lights of Qin Huai were suddenly meditating, and the lone ship was put on hold. QingZun fell to stay this night, and the old friend chased after the guest star. The tide suddenly floated a thousand sills white, and the moonlight first moved half a stream. Late return to the ferry to find peach leaves, a flute is difficult to listen to drunk. The poetry is to greet a boat on a brightly lit Qinhuai River, and several old friends plan to drink "this evening" together. In the middle of the night, the tide is rising, the shore is moored by a large boat, and the vast expanse makes the stream flood with silver and white moonlight. For a long time, everyone was drunk in the cabin, where is the peach leaf ferry now? A flute sound swept through the song and dance endlessly.

Mei Qing once had a poem: "I remember living on the pond in the past, when I was still a widow." Bundle hair affair book history, strong half for children to play. The song in the hall is tsubaki, and the hall is blown and hidden. Bo Zhong's five teenagers, entertainment is all for them. Wave your hand to make a colorful han, and there is no suspicion. Self-counting is a happy life, and it is not a period of time." Like a talented teenager in painting who has no teacher. In the eleventh year of Chongzhen (1638), at the age of 14, Mei Qingcheng Xiucai, during which his father fell ill and died in the middle of the family road. In the fifteenth year of Chongzhen (1642), at the age of 18, Mei Qing traveled to Jinling Yangzhou and hung directly on the clouds and sails to the sea. In 1644, the Ming Dynasty collapsed after the jiashen rebellion, and the 20-year-old young Mei Qingqi shadowed the mountain forest and began his hermitage career. After 1654, he took the different interesting pen and ink of other friends to build a furnace, thus forming Mei Qing's unique Zen philosophical realm of clean bones, dusty emptiness, and cold nature.

In the social background of the time, the friendship between Mei Qing and Shi Tao was a legendary model and was rumored to be a good story in the painting world. Meiqing Dashitao was 19 years old, and he respectfully called Shi Tao "Shi Gong". The young Shi Tao was stationed in Xixuanzhou, he honored Mei Qing as "Jiang Zuo Da", Shi Tao would go to Meiqing Tianyang Pavilion every time he went to Xuanzhou to discuss calligraphy and painting or accompany him to sketch, poetry and wine said, Mei Qing once had a poetry cloud -

I write Taishan cloud, and the cloud flies towards Shi Tao.

Gong wrote Huangshan Yun, and the cloud stained Qu Zhen lost.

The white clouds are full of endless eyes, and the cloud roots are rising to the spiritual realm. When the gong xiang Dai traveled upside down, the eyebrows had already been huangshan xing. Wang Shizhen recorded: "Xuancheng Mei Xiaolian Gongqing, alias Qu Shan, named Jiangzuo, painted landscapes into wonderful products, pine into the gods." ...... He also sent a scroll of plum paintings, the smoke and snow fell, and the branches were strange and ancient, as if wang Mengduan was too much." In the first year of the Kangxi Dynasty, Chen Zhuo, the head of the military department, gave Mei Qing a poem and depicted a scene of Mei Qing painting:

Bi Lai is familiar with the name of Qu Mountain, and has made Kong Xijing. Encounter and witness the face of Qu Mountain, Qu Shan Shu Ink is surprised. Copying a hundred homes is only instantaneous, and dot dyeing and dying are generated with it. There is no trace of the gossamer road, and the spring encroachment leaves are slightly smelled. Ten pairs of yunlan insulted and held gifts, and ignored my hills and valleys to transfer my feelings. Mei Qing often uses the three-party seal of "my method", "the ancients are in me", and "not thin today's people love the ancients", he highlights self-awareness, and my method writes my heart; emphasizes the inheritance of pen and ink, the dialectical teacher's method; advocates both inclusiveness and tolerance, and turns to many teachers. Meiqing calligraphy and paintings went in and out of the Song and Yuan dynasties, and there were hundreds of miscellaneous homes. He vigorously pursued Wang Meng and Huang Gongwang, deleting the complicated and simplifying; rough and Shen Zhou, sketching life and lying on the map. He and his peers Xiao Yuncong, Hongren, Shi Tao, Dai Benxiao, Gong Xian and other landscape masters infiltrated each other, turned to many teachers, sketched and transmitted gods, wrote huangshan wonderfully, and became fascinating. Shi Tao once put Mei Qing into the vein of guihaofang, and once praised: "The boldness is like Qu Mountain and Xuepingzi, all of which are the solutions of a generation."

Huangshan is Meiqing's destiny. Mei Qing became acquainted with Shi Tao and began to immerse herself in Huangshan. Mei Qing entered the mountain seven times after the age of 48 and climbed to the top twice, and at the age of 71, he composed "Nineteen Views of Huangshan Mountain", and in his later years, he said to himself: "After visiting Huangshan Mountain, all the pen and ink, most of them are Huangshan Mountains."

Mei Qing has the convenience of geographical advantages, and has long tracked and sketched the Huangshan Mountains, looking for mysteries and curiosities. Although he entered Huangshan late, he wrote the best about Huangshan, and he finally got the "shadow" of Huangshan, he attached importance to the integration of calligraphy and painting into natural interest, and opened up a romantic impression of Huangshan. Mei Qingshiyun:

In the dream, when the stone chamber was opened, the Xi Bridge was loose and the dust was broken. Wait for the autumn breeze to cool and cold, and rely on no one to treat me. Mei Qing's Dangerous and Strange Song of Huangshan Mountain is full of rhythm, romantic lines and colorful colors, with the "shadow" of Huangshan Mountain as the ultimate realm. The so-called "shadow" of Huangshan Mountain is the "Heart Shadow Huangshan" reflected by the true color of Huangshan Mountain, that is, the scene of Huangshan Mountain with mental image, light and shadow, and seasonal changes. Taking the "Nineteen Landscapes of Huangshan Mountain" and "Gugang Xiaohan Album" as contemplated, Mei Qing's "Heart Shadow Huangshan" is analogous to Monet's "Floating Church", "Haystack", "Water Lilies" series, and it is also the same as Huang Binhong's pen and ink imagery in his later years to the Western Van Gogh Impressionist Abstract School, all of which have different contexts in the East and the West but have the same magic, which is worthy of in-depth exploration by Chinese art historians, and art and music are the same language as human destiny. Compared with the Meiqing Huangshan drawings today, the "light and shadow" of Huangshan Mountain more than 300 years ago are like a dream. Meiqing Huangshan inscription painting poem is particularly extreme, the poetry immortal Li Taibai sword to the national wave and the end of the world, and finally hold the bright moon and long and finally Anhui Dangtu. Mei Qing admired Li Bai Lingyi, Li Bai often went to Xuanzhou in his later years and finally became drunk, and mei Qing had a heaven and earth god friendship with Mei Qing in his twilight years, Mei Qing undertook Li Bai's immortal qi, and he wrote in the poem "Huangshan Jiulongtan":

The taikoo dragon woke up, and the silkworm bushes thundered open.

The clouds of the Five Gorges did not go, and the snow of the Three Gorges flew in.

Mei Qingqi entered the Huangshan Mountains twice to the top, and in his later years he asked the sky at Lotus Peak:

Xian root who planted by hand, the earth this blossomed.

Drink half a day of dew, Qi Qing five colors.

People turn from the country of incense, and the road borrows jade room to cover.

When the lotus seeds are knotted, the vicissitudes are waiting to be panned.

Huangshan Xihai is a place of infinite scenery and danger, and Mei Qing once wrote "West Sea Gate Map" to lament the creator's ghostly work:

A trail opens the dangerous sinus, and the cliff is high.

It is a peak that is lined up, and there is no ridge and no waves.

Flowers folded away the vine staff, and the cloud was deeply dyed with cloth robes.

The sea gate is opened in a phantom place, only to feel the chemical labor.

Reading Meiqing's "Heart Shadow Huangshan" poem and painting, Jue Meiqing's evening scene some young people too white crossed the Shu Road angrily to the Three Gorges romantic pride, with the help of the Huangshan Wind and Moon and open-minded. Wang Mengmian's long pine xiu is properly applied to the strange peaks and strange stones of Huangshan Mountain, forming a unique "strange mountain and water" unique to Meiqing.

"All painters who have made a difference combine pen and ink with the life at that time; and all of them express the real life with profound skills, and give the pen and ink a sense of the times in the expression of life." This passage, published in the "Collection of Paintings of Modern and Contemporary Chinese Artists - Yaming" published by the People's Fine Arts Publishing House in 1998, is his experience of learning classical traditional painting, and it is also the self-condition of his lifelong sketching and creative career. Not only that, Mr. Yaming thought that among the ancient painters who met the two conditions he said, Meiqing was one of the representatives, so he contributed to the construction of Meiqing Cemetery. The Xuancheng school of painting Meiqing made a family of painters unique, especially in the creation of Huangshan painting art. Mei Qing's painting "Pen and Ink Fantasy, Psychic Huangshan", Mei Qing art developed and formed through three processes: one is Shi Gu, and there are several albums of antique works he left behind; the second is Ji You sketching, Mei Qing inscribed on the sixteen open albums of Ji You Huangshan: "After visiting Huangshan, most of all the pen and ink are Huangshan!" "The Meiqing-style Huangshan schema has never been ancient; the third is the original Meiqing-style "Curling Pen Method", in the creation of the ancient master, he synthesized the traditional cow hair, unlocking, and cirrus into the unique "Scroll Pen Method" of "My Method Huangshan", which is outstanding. The history of Chinese painting can also be said to be a history of the law, and the artistic style and personality creation are integrated into it, so Mei Qing's art can be independently formed. Yaming admires Meiqing's art and highlights Meiqing's achievements, and does it very thoroughly - inscribing Meiqing's tombstone and writing Meiqing's monument in his own handwriting, the reuse of traditional resources and resources such as Meiqing, Wanjiang, and Shitao has always been the place of Yaming's thinking, Meiqing is not only "the forerunner of the sketching school in the late Ming and early Qing dynasties", but also the predecessor of later learning, Yaming emphasizes the concept of "sketching school" in the inscription, and also emphasizes the tendentious thinking of his own artistic ideals. Yaming has climbed Huangshan mountain several times since the autumn of 1961 when he was 38 years old, and the ji travel and creation of Huangshan landscapes have almost run through most of his artistic life, just like Meiqing.

In 1654, Mei Qingzhong's four northward meetings ended in failure, and he was a little discouraged. At the same time, he also encountered the middle of the family road, "the screen traces the garden, the depression is nowhere", so he simply gave up his career and retired to his hometown, traveled through the famous mountains and rivers, and devoted himself to landscape painting and calligraphy. The "Qing History Manuscript Biography Wenyuan" said that his paintings were particularly majestic and strange, tasting the "Huangshan Map", and the victory of the change of extreme clouds and smoke. The scholar-poet Wang Shizhen of the same generation commented on Mei Qing's "painting landscape into wonderful products, painting pine into divine products". "Silkworm Tail Sequel · Trek" said: "Wanling Meiyuan Gong painting Song Tianxia First". Mei Qing's outstanding achievements in landscape painting established his position as "the leader of landscape painting in the Ming and Qing dynasties".

After Xuanzhou toss Xintian town has been noon, Xintian a little bit of the taste of Shuidong port, a little hungry, while inquiring about Mei Qing's place while paying attention to the snack bar on the street, found a small restaurant called Hongxia ordered duck blood vermicelli soup, 15 pieces, may feel that the amount is not enough, the young lady said to give you some hot fans, I said thank you well, but adding some is still not enough. Remember every time you pass through Nanjing, you always want duck blood vermicelli pot at the site, 10 to 15 yuan in different directions can be eaten, the only time is in the humble snack bar on the old street opposite the north gate of the Confucius Temple, ordered 17 pieces of duck blood vermicelli soup, simply two spoons without fans are soup, added tea eggs and meat sandwich steamed buns are not full, accounting for the scenic spot of the "emperor's daughter" 吖, but the service is thoughtful, really let me rejoice and let me worry! Next time, find an affordable place to order duck blood vermicelli soup to enjoy.

After eating duck blood vermicelli soup, I got up and walked all the way along the old street, browsing the various shops and old houses on both sides of the street, or the atmosphere of the eighties and nineties, a little bit of warmth and intimacy of the flow of time, the sun was just right, maybe it was to find a greeting meiqing bar, and then I didn't feel hot, there was no trace of wind but I was also refreshed. At the corner of the street met a blooming red plum next to the old Huipai house, a mother and son walked in front of me and were walking towards the Meiqing community, the boy was fat, the mother was also fat, but they were slightly crepe affinity and simplicity, I asked them where Mei Qing's tomb was located, the boy rushed to tell me that it was not far from there, my mother said that it was just in the Meiqing community to take me along the way, about two or three hundred meters away, the boy on the road asked me what I was doing, what to do with Mei Qing? I said that I painted like Mei Qing, and the boy still seemed to be confused. Lao Yuan saw the "Meiqing Cemetery" four Wei Kai European characters, it turned out to be the long-lost "Yanren Kangzhuang" inscription, Kang's door has five scholars are famous for European body, the eldest Kang Yin is the consultant of the Chinese Book Association, the European body into the Golden Stone Qi and Wei Lifeng appear simple and thick and modest, inner Mongolia Kangzhuang is also graceful. I remember that many years ago, Jiangxi's forgotten predecessor Scholar Kangzhuang wrote to me about seven or eight literary and art circles with the same name, and the letters of the award certificates of Inner Mongolia Kangzhuang were sometimes sent to him, fortunately, he knew that the Chinese Elderly Calligraphy and Painting Research Association was still the address of Tongren Kangyin, a professor at the China University of Calligraphy and Painting, and entrusted him to transfer it to Inner Mongolia Kangzhuang, that is, the Kangzhuang who inscribed the title of "Meiqing Cemetery". Mention the past episodes and make a seasoning to laugh and music also. Farewell to thank the mother and son, they are actually the residents of the Meiqing community, walking towards the depths of Meiqing, guessing that the boy is still suspicious of what it is for to come to see the stranger's tomb alone in the daytime?!

The cemetery has a garden wall and an iron general's gate, and there is a lock confinement. However, a stone plaque is embedded in the left wall of the iron gate, which is "Meiqing Tomb, a key cultural relics protection unit in the province, and the Anhui Provincial People's Government announced on May 4, 1998" imitation Song boldface. There is also a public plaque on the right wall, indicating that the unit responsible for supervision is the Xuanzhou District People's Government, the Municipal Bureau of Culture and Tourism and the territorial responsibility management unit Xintian Town People's Government, xuanzhou District Cultural Relics Institute, and the person responsible for all (use) of cultural relics is the Meiqing Community Neighborhood Committee of Xintian Town. The conservator of cultural relics is Wang Shiying, who has a contact telephone number and a supervision telephone. I had to call the protector, and the reply was in a shop on the old street, and I came right away and waited. Soon came a middle-aged woman, who seemed to be very enthusiastic and responsible, and the impression seemed that Mei Qing's tomb was in the Mei family's descendant vegetable garden, it seemed that this was no longer the Mei family vegetable field, and the family next to the cemetery was not surnamed Mei. Opened the iron door, I was introduced by Wang nursing staff to visit Meiqing cemetery bit by bit, she said that the original here can not come in, is she personally cleared weeds, but also allocated some fees to help her take care of the cemetery, said to visit the Meiqing tomb of many outsiders, but Wang Shiying also thought that Mei Qing is a mathematician, may be confused with Mei Wending?

Then by the way, let's popularize Mei Wending, a former sage of Meiqing's hometown. Mei Wending (1633-1721), zi dingjiu, number began, Han, Xuanzhou people. Astronomer and mathematician in the early Qing Dynasty, was the "first master of calendar calculation" and "the ancestor of the founding mountain" in the Qing Dynasty, and was praised by the world science and technology history as the "three world scientific giants" with the same name as Newton in the United Kingdom and Guan Xiaohe in Japan. Mei Wending devoted his life to reviving traditional Chinese knowledge of astronomy and arithmetic, and promoting the fusion of Chinese and Western astronomy. In his writings, Mei Wending once again clarified the ancient calendar that has been lost. In many ways in traditional astronomy, he also wrote books such as "Cross-Feeding", "Seven Politics", and "Five Stars Pipe View" to introduce Tycho-style Western astronomy. In another work, "Questions about Almanacs", Mei Wending discussed the similarities and differences between the Chinese and Western calendars, and incorporated much Western astronomical knowledge into the ancient Chinese academic system, such as what he called the "five belts of the earth's cold and warm" in Western studies, that is, the "Seven Balances and Six Sayings" in the "Zhou Hip Arithmetic Classic". He wrote his own Bibliography of Astronomical and Mathematical Works, including more than 20 kinds of mathematical works, and 60 volumes of Mei's Series, of which 13 kinds of mathematical works totaled 40 volumes. Mei Wending devoted himself to the study of astronomical mathematics, he systematically examined ancient and modern Chinese and foreign calendars and introduced European mathematics, comprehensively studied Western calendars, Mei Wending introduced and developed mathematical knowledge from the West played an important role, which had a great influence on future generations. In addition to the mathematician Mei Wending, the Mei family to Mei Qing's generation, has emerged a large number of famous eunuchs, to the eyes of the world, its ancestor Mei Yaochen is a heavyweight in the history of Chinese literature. The origin of family learning, coupled with Zhong Lingyuxiu's Xuancheng landscape and water edification along with Mei Qing's growth, has revealed its distinctiveness since childhood: "When I was still a widow, I shuddered the history of gong", "Heroic and open-minded, reading books did not sleep at night." Both long, with a liberal arts loss".

Approaching the Meiqing Cemetery, there is a towering and unique lighthouse-like "Meigong Pavilion" on the left, signed by Yaming, and the distinctive painter characters are also pleasant. In the middle is the Meiqing stone statue, four or five meters high, a bit like Banqiao, there are long braids behind him, and the protector said that he still had braids, Wang Shiying laughed and said that men and women in that era had long hair, thinking why did men and women have the same braids at that time, why are men and women not equal? Mei Qing's tomb under the canopy of the canopy of Mei Qing is covered with a lush crown, and there is a tombstone about two meters high inscribed with the inscription "Tomb of a Generation of Grandmaster Mei Qing Yaming Tribute", which is written very freely, and I want to come to Yaming to admire Mei Qing without a doubt. There is a Liu Kai stone stele under the Meigong Pavilion called "Meiqing Stele", and the inscription says: Mei Qing Zi Yuan Gong Number Qu Shan Qu Yuan Gong Jing Ting Shan Nong White Hair Old Naughty Bai Feng Shan Zhongren and other Anhui Xuancheng Life in the Third Year of the Qing Dynasty Kangxi Thirty-six Years Died Shunzhi Family Collection Ten Thousand Volumes Less Early Joy Reading Chang Song Hu Adaptive Dagong Poetry ShanShui Especially Good At Writing Song Qing Painting Theory Falling Pen Simple Quiet Escape From the Ancient Fun There was an ancient fun to go back and forth to Yanqi Liang Song Wu Chu Jian enjoyed the spirit of the mountains and rivers The spirit of the mountains and rivers The spirit of the show Dyed smoke and mist The divine rhyme of the Huangshan For the teacher respected Huang Shan as a friend and the companion of the Huangshan Mountains, and the Long Sleep Huangshan Book Handed Down the Late Ming Dynasty The Early Qing Dynasty Sketching School Of His Paintings and Theories Are also the Precursors of Shi Tao's Success Yihai Spring Late Gusu Near Water Villa Yaming wrote "[Yihai Year Mid-Autumn River Chuhua Shu Cheng Jia Ren Carving]. Because the original text does not mark punctuation, so the original text records, how to read the sentence is left to the reader to analyze the broken sentence, probably the meaning is basically clear at a glance. From Yaming Near Water Villa, Xu Hongquan visited here twenty years ago, even if he is a special assistant to Yaming, I don't know if I can help Yaming lao sort out academic biographical documents or documentary travels, which is about equal to a visiting scholar of the master, right? I don't know if Elder Yaming can talk to Xu Hongquan about Meiqing, Xu Hongquan has a different perception and taste of Meiqing, except for The Eagle Adai Benxiao.

Entrusted protector Wang Shiying helped me take a photo with Mei Qing, and also scanned a few frames, concentrating on Mei Qing, now the cemetery may still be moved here, I really don't know if it is a crown tomb or a soul? After bidding farewell to Meiqing, after passing a huge Mei's cultural square, I feel that Meiqing not only belongs to the Meiqing community, Xintian Town seems to be renamed "Meiqing Town", I think there will be more academics in the field of calligraphy and painting who pay attention to this place, and there must be many more people in the world who know Meiqing than Xintian. Just like the newly named "Binhong Avenue" in the ancient Huizhou SheXian County, and the "Binhong Road" in Jinhua City, it must be louder and more humane than the original road, but can the gradual river monk Hongren on the banks of the Lianjiang River in Huizhou also name a "Hongren Avenue" or "Gradual River Road"?

Mei Qing, also as seen in this way, he may be one of the regional business cards of the entire hometown of the Four Treasures of Literature and even the entire Anhui Province, which is worth owning and promoting.

Pin ruo plum blossom fragrance in the bone, bone Qing Qi I mei qing.

The riverfront is located in Xin'an Art Boat, Huizhou

2021、3、7 13:16

Mei Bone Qingqi - Bye Mei Qing, Wen /Jiang Haibin

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