
Shi Wen: Lecture 4 of the Tantra - Xingyu Pin No. 1 (3) Xing Yu Pin No. 1 (3)

author:Mingxin Tea Garden

The article is reproduced from the WeChat public account: Mingxin Tea Garden. Narrator: Steven.

Shi Wen: Lecture 4 of the Tantra - Xingyu Pin No. 1 (3) Xing Yu Pin No. 1 (3)

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Zu knew that shenxiu had not yet obtained an entry, and did not see his own nature. At dawn, Zu summoned Lu to make offerings, painted pictures between the walls of the south corridor, and suddenly saw his eyes. Report, offering but do not need to paint, Raul came from afar. Jing Yun: "All phases are illusory. "But leave it here, and recite it to people." Practice according to this, so as not to fall into the path of evil. Practicing according to this has great benefits. Let the disciples burn incense and salute, and recite this verse as much as possible, that is, to gain seeing. The doormen chanted, and all sighed.

Zu San summoned Xiu Xiu into the hall and asked: Is it Ru Zuo?

Xiuyan: It is really a show, and I dare not seek the ancestral throne. Hope that the monk will be merciful, and see if the disciple has less wisdom?

Zu Yue: Ru did this, did not see the nature, only went outside the door, did not enter the inside. Such an insight, the supreme bodhisattva, is unattainable. The supreme bodhisattva must know from his own heart and see his own nature. Not born and not destroyed, in all times, thinking of oneself. There is no delay in everything, and everything is true. All things are free, and like the heart, it is true. If this is seen, it is the self-nature of the supreme bodhisattva. Ru and go to meditate for a day or two, and do a more, and I will see it in the future. If Ru Wei enters the door, pay Ru Yi Fa.

God showed off. After a few more days, he was unable to do so, and his heart was in a trance, and his mind was restless, as if in a dream, and he could not sit happily.

The Five Patriarchs already knew that Shen xiu "did not get started and did not see his own nature". If we speak in terms of wisdom, it is in the position of food and the position of enlightenment, not yet entering the holy position, not yet reaching the monastic position of seeing the Path, and not yet seeing the Self-nature. The south corridor wall, originally intended to paint the Lengya Sutra change map, saw the wall of the squirrel and said to Lu Offering: "Now you don't need to paint, I am bothered that you have come so far." The Diamond Sutra says, 'All phases are illusory, and if they are not phases, they are as they are.' All phases are illusory, so don't draw the sutra and the five ancestral bloodlines now, don't draw our lineage lineage. But leave it to you, and recite it to others. 'This one on the wall is very good, and we're keeping this here for everyone to recite.' "Reciting a verse or repeating a sentence, a mantra, such as chanting Mahabharata, is actually a practice of using sentence by sentence to summarize the meaning of the text. The idea of chanting mantras actually fits the theory of the Huayan Sutra, which says that one is immeasurable, immeasurable is one, and the Lord is harmonious and harmonious, and there is no obstacle to one. Where are the scrolls of the Great Thousand Worlds, the Twelve Scrolls of the Three Treasures, and the Twelve Volumes of the Three Thousand Worlds? In a speck of dust. What is a speck of dust? It is our present mind, which is the mind that comes from the pure and clear mind of nature. "Cultivate according to this, so as not to fall into the path of evil", according to this cultivation is certainly the practice of all good, and all evil cannot be done, and certainly will not fall into the path of evil. "Practicing according to this will have great benefits" will lead to great achievements in cultivation. The Five Patriarchs told everyone to light incense and burn incense to salute the sage, "Recite this mantra as much as you can, that is, you will see sex." "Reciting this verse every day is to get seeing sex, whether this seeing nature is true or false, it is certainly encouraging everyone, and it is also convenient to say it." The doormen sang and sighed. "It's really good, now that the dust has finally settled, the legal person and this law are like this."

Shi Wen: Lecture 4 of the Tantra - Xingyu Pin No. 1 (3) Xing Yu Pin No. 1 (3)

Wuzu summoned Shenxiu in the middle of the night to ask if he had written it, and Shenxiu said that he had written it, saying that he "did not dare to seek the ancestral throne in vain", without the slightest desire to be the sixth generation of ancestors, "Hope that the monk is merciful, see if the disciple has less wisdom?" "When we look at Shenxiu, we still have to rely on the old monk to confirm him, which shows that he is really not confident, or a kind of verification of the Fa outside his heart, unlike the Six Ancestors who said as soon as they saw the Five Ancestors, my body is different from the old monk's body, but there is no difference in Buddha-nature." He also said that the disciples always had wisdom in their hearts, and they did not know which blessed field the monk told me to plant. The Five Patriarchs said to Shenxiu, "Ru did this, but did not see his true nature. "You really don't see your nature, you're just outside the door, you're not getting started yet." Such an insight, seeking the supreme bodhisattva, is unattainable", such an insight is actually impossible to become a Buddha. "The supreme bodhisattva must know from his own heart and see his own nature." The supreme bodhisattva is the supreme enlightenment, the Buddha's enlightenment. We see that the Five Patriarchs said that in order to become a Buddha, one must know one's own nature. Many of the ancestors of Zen Buddhism in the past were subversive, such as the Zen master Dazhu Huihai, when he first joined Matsu, Matsu asked him what he came to do? Dazhu said to ask for the Dharma. Matsu said, "Do you disregard your own treasure and scatter your family?" "It's that you have a jewel yourself that you don't use, go outside and run around, and the big pearl will suddenly understand your heart and thank you enthusiastically." There is also Cao Shan Ben Shun visiting the Dongshan Zen master, Dong Shan asked Cao Shan Ben Shu what is the name, Cao Shan said "Ben Shan", Dong Shan said: "Upward more Path", what else is there? Cao Shan said, "No Way," which couldn't be said, and then Dong Shan was very sure of him. Seeing the reality outside the name or the name itself, its essence is the reality, so ru needs to know from the original mind and see the self-nature. What is yanxia? That is, when you speak, when you listen to the teacher, when you speak yourself, when you talk about your own nature, or in the process of receiving quotations, it is a moment. The back is not only to see sex under words, but also to see sex under the stick, and to see sex when a stick is played out or drunk. There is also a kind of speech, what is a word? "Eat tea and go" is the word.

Shi Wen: Lecture 4 of the Tantra - Xingyu Pin No. 1 (3) Xing Yu Pin No. 1 (3)

What does it look like to "know one's own heart and see one's own nature"? To be immortal is to see the immortal nature of the original mind, that is, the nirvana mind. What is the original source of Zen Buddhism? Of course, it is also possible to use the concepts of the eighth or ninth consciousness in the wisdom consciousness as a convenience of understanding, but it is not possible to cling to it, and if it is true, it will replace the charm of Zen Buddhism and the essence of Zen Buddhism. Seeing nature, knowing one's own mind, seeing one's own nature, what is the nature of one's heart? Mind and sex sometimes refer to the same thing, and sometimes they refer to different things. If the meaning is different, the self-mind often refers to the tainted surface of the eight consciousnesses or refers to the change of the first seven consciousnesses, for example, thinking is not useful, or thinking is changing, thinking about the good law is to produce the heaven of good fruits, thinking about the evil law is to have an immeasurable hell and the manifestation of the evil effects, this self-mind actually refers to the transformation and transformation of the first seven consciousnesses, refers to the transformation of the first seven consciousnesses, refers to the transformation of consciousness, because the five or eight are immovable, there is no difference, of course, it can also be said as a whole, because there is no fundamental taint of the eighth consciousness, six or seven will not move, it will not seed the current, The present seed changes in this way, so the self-mind can also refer to the tainted side of the whole of ignorance and the whole of the eight consciousnesses, and this aspect of its whole purity is called the self-nature. What is the self-nature of the mind actually? That is to say, if the eighth consciousness is called alaya consciousness, in the mortal position it is the mind, it is tainted. If it is said that after it is purified, when it is in the quiet position, when the seed of purification is present, it is pure, it is sex. Therefore, we must use our true self-wisdom to understand the teachings, so that we can not cling to the words of the wisdom, pranayama, or other scriptures, nor to the words of the altar sutra itself. Master Taixu's "New Strike Festival of Caoxi Zen" is very classic, and this article not only talks about Zen Buddhism, but actually talks about the entire Chinese Buddhism and the realm and self-nature of Master Taixu himself.

Shi Wen: Lecture 4 of the Tantra - Xingyu Pin No. 1 (3) Xing Yu Pin No. 1 (3)

"Not to be born and not to perish, but in all times, to think of oneself." What is the nature of the mind when you know what you know from your own heart, see your own nature? Neither birth nor death, but self-contemplation in all times. We see, this is what true enlightenment looks like, this is true wisdom. Later, the Six Patriarchs said, "If there is no mercy in the turning place, prosperity and eternal presence in Nagading," love is the attachment to the phase, whether it is the turn of the six or seven consciousnesses or the five or eight consciousnesses, if there is no attachment to any phase at the turning place, the prosperity is forever in the Nagarjuna, that is, the movement and stillness are not the same. In all times, think of yourself, and there is no delay in all laws. Mindfulness and self-seeing are the recitations of self-nature that are spoken of later by the Six Patriarchs, and there is no delusion of the non-existent, so it is said that there is no mind. Mindlessness is not dead, empty, mindless, thinking of nothing, wood, stone, or asleep, those are unremembered or delusional states, at best a state of giving up. "There is no delay in everything, everything is true." One truth is one thought, one thought of wisdom appears, everything is true, one moment can be doubled, and then all the time can be doubled, thinking of equality, thinking of straightness, thinking of purity, thinking of wisdom as before. "True to all things, all things are free." Whether it is sitting or walking, or thinking about problems, or going anywhere, encountering life and death, encountering wolves, insects, tigers and leopards, encountering various realms, it is "the situation is not ugly, the good ugliness arises from the heart", it is the heart that is strong and adds to all kinds of distinctions, it is "all the realms are free", it is equal and true. "The mind of the likeness is the truth", this kind of mind, this kind of wisdom and the mind are not the same mind, wisdom is the heart, the heart is wisdom, so Zen Buddhism says, seeing is sex, the mind is the Buddha, buddha is the heart.

Shi Wen: Lecture 4 of the Tantra - Xingyu Pin No. 1 (3) Xing Yu Pin No. 1 (3)

Some people say that the mind is the Buddha, guess this text, list a lot of literature together, put it in different contexts to explain the guess. In the past, we said that a reader, he possesses the data and still needs time to accumulate, in the future these things can be done with computers, with big data to do literature collation, a click, all relevant information comes out, the search and collation of text can be like playing mahjong like infinite arrangement and combination, but can you really turn this cognitive process into understanding, the current amount of evidence? That requires true wisdom or true knowledge of goodness and chance to inspire.

"If the mind is true, if it is seen, it is the self-nature of the supreme bodhisattva." This state and state that the Five Patriarchs talked about, how to see nature, what is seeing nature, that is, seeing nature under words, not being born and not dying, thinking about oneself, and seeing oneself in all realms, such as the mind. If there is such an insight, this is the wisdom of the supreme self-nature, this is your self-nature. Bodhi is the self-nature of enlightenment, not to be diligent at all times, not to stir up dust. A dust fell in that moment, swept today, swept again tomorrow, like a sandstorm haze, never finished. The Five Patriarchs said that the nature of bodhichitta is not born and does not perish, and that all times are in the middle, rather than saying that you have to constantly clean and clean and keep clean. "Ru and go to meditate for a day or two, and do a more, and I will see it in the future." Wuzu said to Shenxiu: You go back and think about it for another day or two, and make a new one to show me, and if your insight enters the door, the robe will be passed on to you. In fact, it is to encourage him, and you must not be able to think that you have reached this point. Because of Shen Xiu's personality, he is a very self-respecting person. Of course, this is only to guess a person's character according to the text, and there is no disrespect, we are interpreting the saints with all the saints, and the purpose of the interpretation of the saints is to reflect our ordinary hearts. We ordinary people are also like this, as soon as we hear about who is how, the subconscious in our hearts is always unconvinced, especially when we hear that whoever is enlightened, some people will test him, or see if he has magical powers. This is the heart of a mortal, the heart of a man and me. For example, if people steal his money and beat him up, he can endure humiliation, he can give alms, but as soon as he hears that who is better than him, he feels unconvinced, or people say that he has not opened the circle solution, he is not happy in his heart, he said that I feel that I have opened the circle solution for a long time.

If he was a truly intelligent person, when he heard what the Five Patriarchs had just said, he would have an epiphany. He went back like this for several days, but he still couldn't do it, and his heart was in a trance, and his mind was restless, like in a dream, and he couldn't sit still.

Shi Wen: Lecture 4 of the Tantra - Xingyu Pin No. 1 (3) Xing Yu Pin No. 1 (3)

Two days later, a boy passed by the mill and sang his chant. As soon as Huineng smelled it, he knew that he had not seen his nature, although he had not been taught, and he had already understood the general idea. So he asked the boy, "What is the reciter?"

Boy: This beast doesn't know. The master said that the life and death of the world are great, and they want to pass on the law of clothing, so that the disciples can look at it. If you realize the carelessness, that is, the law of paying clothes, is the sixth ancestor. The god show is on the wall of the south corridor, and the books are not compatible. The master makes everyone recite, and practice accordingly, so as not to fall into the evil path. Practicing according to this has great benefits.

Huineng Yue: I will also recite this, and I will have the next life. Lord, I have been here for more than eight months, and I have not walked to the front of the church. Look upon the lord and lead him to pray before the lord.

The boy was led to worship before the womb. Huineng Yue: Huineng is illiterate, please read it.

Two days later, a boy passed through the watchtower and sang the chant of the god's show, "The body is a bodhi tree, and the heart is like a mirror table." Always wipe diligently, do not cause dust. "Lu Xing, the Huineng master who worked in the mansion, knew as soon as he heard that this man had no insight," although he did not have the knowledge of the professor. Although no one explained the matter to him, he already knew what it meant. Then he asked the boy what kind of boy was chanting, and the boy was a child, and he didn't know if it was Xiao Shami. The boy said, "You ge fang don't even understand this." Master Wuzu told everyone to be a master of life and death, and told everyone to be a servant, and he wanted to pass on the Fa and find a successor, saying that whoever wrote out the fundamental conception of the Dharma would pass on the robe to whom, "That is, the Fa of Clothing is the sixth generation of ancestors." "On the wall of the south corridor, Shen Xiu wrote this song, called Wu Xiang Wei, and the master told us all to recite this song, so as to cultivate the path of avoiding depravity, and it is of great benefit to cultivate according to this. The Six Patriarchs said: I also want to recite the afterlife, good knowledge, I have worked here for more than eight months, I have not been to the front, I hope that the knowledge of goodness can bring me to the front to worship, I also want to learn. The boy was led to worship before the womb. Hui can say that I don't know words, please read them.

Shi Wen: Lecture 4 of the Tantra - Xingyu Pin No. 1 (3) Xing Yu Pin No. 1 (3)

Sometimes there are Jiangzhou don't drive, surname Zhang, name daily use, read aloud. Hui Neng heard it, so he said: There is also a side, I hope not to drive for the book.

Don't say: Ru is also a good thing, and his things are hopeful!

Huineng told the others: If you want to learn the supreme bodhisattva, you must not be lighter than the beginner. The lower people have upper wisdom, and the upper people have no wisdom. If you are light, you have immeasurable and boundless sins.

Don't say: Ru Dan chanted, I am Ru Shu. If you have the Dhamma, you must first do it, and don't forget this.

Don't drive is the official name, after the Song Dynasty called Tongju, is the envoy of the history of thorns, there is a Jiangzhou don't drive called Zhang Ri with a loud voice to read this, it can be seen that at that time this place was also a place where various celebrity officials gathered. Hui Nengwen has said that I also have a, please don't drive to write for me, don't drive to say that people like you can also do it, it's too strange. Hui Neng said to the other, "If you want to learn the supreme bodhisattva, you must not be lighter than the beginner." "When we look at Master Liuzu, he is a very peaceful person and a very wise man, and his words are very good, and he is not humble. He said that if you want to learn supreme bodhi, you should not be lighter than the beginner, which means that Buddha-nature is originally sufficient for everyone, don't underestimate that I don't know words, "The lower people have upper wisdom, and the upper people have no consciousness." Here, "no mind" means no wisdom. People without culture, people of low status, some of these people also have supreme wisdom, some people look very tall, and they do not necessarily have true wisdom. "If you are light, you will have boundless sin", before all beings are equal and wise, they should not be too concerned. If you despise others, there is an immeasurable amount of boundless sin. Don't say, "Ru Dan chanted, I am Ru Shu." "You say, I'll write it out to you, "Ru Ruo De Fa", if you are really an enlightened person, if you are really a grandmaster, you must first treat me, don't forget this.

Shi Wen: Lecture 4 of the Tantra - Xingyu Pin No. 1 (3) Xing Yu Pin No. 1 (3)

Huineng Wei yue:

Bodhi has no tree, nor is the mirror a platform, there is nothing in the original, where to stir up dust.

At this time, the disciples were always shocked, all of them were surprised, and each of them said: Strange! People must not be judged by their appearance. How many times to make him a bodhisattva in the flesh.

Zu saw that the people were surprised and afraid of damage, so he wiped his shoes. A: There is no sex. Everybody thinks so.

In the Dunhuang Book, the sentence "Originally there is nothing" is written as "Buddha-nature is pure." Dunhuang was only discovered in the early twentieth century, and the differences are very large. In the past, the books circulated were "originally nothing". Compared with the previous divine figure, this sage of Master Huineng means that there is no treatment, no phase, no phase of purity and pollution, no dynamic need to create a phase of practice, it is a phase that goes straight through the heart, in order to show Buddha-nature, to show a pure nirvana mind, and the pure nirvana mind is not born, does not need to be created, has no cause and effect, has no beginning and no end. Therefore, if we want to wipe diligently all the time and not stir up dust, then there is a thing that is not moving, there is a pure thing, there is a difference between dyeing and purity, movement and static, and then the only Fa-realm is divided into dualities, and we must practice dynamically to continuously maintain this pure state, which is to create the cycle of birth and death. So this song shows the nature of the mind, bodhichitta, mirror, dust, movement, all of which are broken, and when broken, it shows the one true Dharma realm or the nirvana mind. Of course, when we say one true Dharma realm, nirvana mysterious mind, Zen source, pure mind, originally enlightened self-pure mind, etc., it is also in the language of teaching, and there are also true ru, true ru wisdom, indiscriminate mind or indiscriminate wisdom, fundamental wisdom, discriminating wisdom corresponding to non-discriminating realms, Anritsu truths, non-Anritsu truths, and so on, in fact, they are also languages, that is, the convenience of language, these languages are equal, if we call it something else, it is also equal, for example, the ancestors there are various names, called the right position, There are all kinds of metaphors, but at best, these are all metaphors, they are all metaphysical. Some people say that you can't call what name, then you can't say what name you can't call, you can't say how to communicate? So the language used is always a finger pointing to the moon. For example, in Vilujana, there is an ancestor in the tantra called Vilujana, and then there is the Dharma Realm Of Nature, the True Dharma Realm, Vishnu is the Central Buddha, the Central Buddha and the Five Buddhas each have meanings, but in the Huayan Sutra Vilusha then it is not such a concept, the Huayan Sutra's Vilushana refers to the use of the body of the Dharma, it can be said that the entire Huazang world is a manifestation of the whole of Vishnu, it is actually to say that the body is used to merge into one. Some people say that Shakyamuni Buddha is an incarnation, but in fact, for Shakyamuni Buddha himself, he is a three-body incarnation of the Dharma.

When this man came out, the disciples were stunned, and each of them said: We cannot judge people by their appearance, but we have been serving as bodhisattvas in the flesh for seven or eight months. Bodhisattvas in the flesh, one way of saying that bodhisattvas incarnate into the flesh, refers to wisdom. The other is that the flesh is not bad, and both meanings can be understood. The Six Ancestors Master is not bad in flesh, it is a pity that it was destroyed during the Cultural Revolution, but the old monk of Foyuan protected part of it, and later rearranged the plastic gold, which has not been bad from the Tang Dynasty to before the Cultural Revolution. Everyone was shocked to see the boy, which showed that the masses still had wisdom in their hearts.

Shi Wen: Lecture 4 of the Tantra - Xingyu Pin No. 1 (3) Xing Yu Pin No. 1 (3)

Sometimes we are very strange, that is, there are some cults like Yi Yungao, who speaks of himself more powerful than Shakyamuni Buddha, and it seems that the more he talks about Xuan, the more he can be accepted by people, which is a kind of chaos in the end of the Fa era. The same is true in India, if you look at these holy texts of India for nearly 200 years, such as Sai Baba, Orobindo, Ramakrishna, Yuxi, etc., these are also authentic religious figures, you have to see their supernatural powers are greater, the legends are more magical. There is also Yujananda, who is the author of The Dragon of Yoga (a biography of a yogi), and he has a lot of stuff on the English website. So someone asked Xu Fancheng how about India, and he said that it was a place where saints and spiritual deceivers mixed, that is, everyone had it. Xu Fancheng is a well-known contemporary Sanskrit and Buddhist scholar, who was sent to Tagore University in 1945 to do cultural exchanges, lived in India for 33 years, during which time he stayed in the Orobindo Monastery for 28 years, translated a large number of O'Lopindo works and the ancient Hindu classic "Upanishads", and returned to China to the Academy of Social Sciences in 1978.

The Five Patriarchs were horrified to see the crowd and feared that people would be harmed. Because the place of more than 1,000 people is really very complicated, you must know that Zen Buddhism was already very famous when it arrived at the Four Ancestors, when Tang Taizong repeatedly issued edicts to invite the Four Ancestors not to go. There are also several legends of the Four Patriarchs, such as the fifteenth year of the Sui Dynasty's founding emperor who cured the sui emperor's mother, and taught mahabharata to relieve the siege and save the city in Jizhou. Therefore, the influence of the Four Ancestors and his dojo is very large, if this robe is draped on the body of the Second Ancestor and the Third Ancestor, probably the people who are jealous and hurt are still small, and at this time, because the influence of the Four Ancestors and Five Ancestors is very large, the matter of passing on the Fa has become very sensitive, and the robe can also be said to be a very dangerous thing. Wuzu was very skillful, he wiped off Huineng's song with his shoes, and said, "I don't see sex either", which also doesn't see sex. "Everyone thinks so", everyone thinks it is very good at first, and then when they hear the ancestor say no, everyone also says that it is not okay. Later, I heard that Yuanfu was taken away by Huineng, and everyone went to chase after him again. We see that this is our ordinary human heart, for a while, one moment after another, dominated by foreign ministers and even by the language of the ancestors, and it is impossible to be the Master at all.

Thanksgiving forwarding, immeasurable merit!

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