
Instant duck blood vermicelli soup has a standard

author:Bright Net

The content of the characteristic material package (duck product).

should be greater than 50% of the final product,

And the content of solids in the characteristic material package (duck product).

It should be greater than 50% of the package.

Instant duck blood vermicelli soup has a standard

Instant duck blood vermicelli soup

In order to ensure the high quality of Nanjing's traditional duck blood vermicelli soup, Nanjing set a standard for fast food "duck blood vermicelli soup", and the Yangtze Evening News reporter learned from the Nanjing Municipal Market Supervision Bureau that relevant production enterprises can apply for food production licenses under the premise of meeting the standards.

Duck blood vermicelli soup has a fast food version

Nanjing people are famous for their love to eat duck, in addition to the famous roast duck, brine duck, duck blood vermicelli soup is also famous, with the whole duck boiled soup, with smooth and tender duck blood, flexible duck gizzard, smooth duck intestines, soft duck liver and Q bomb chewy fans, duck blood vermicelli soup is a well-deserved Nanjing landmark snack.

In the early years, only dine-in duck blood vermicelli soup limited the spread of this delicacy, with the continuous improvement of the process, the fast food duck blood vermicelli soup that came into being allowed more people to taste Nanjing's duck blood vermicelli soup without nanjing. It is worth noting that the mixed market has also spawned many different versions of duck blood vermicelli soup, and the uneven product quality has also affected the reputation of duck blood vermicelli soup to a certain extent.

Formulating standards to ensure "Nanjing taste"

In order to promote the industrialization and standardization of duck blood vermicelli soup, the Approval Department of Nanjing Municipal Market Supervision Bureau recently held a professional seminar on duck blood vermicelli soup standards. The participating experts discussed topics such as duck blood vermicelli soup product classification, implementation standards, product proportions, and labeling labels, and made suggestions for the high-quality development of duck blood vermicelli soup.

Instant duck blood vermicelli soup has a standard

After the meeting, the Nanjing Municipal Bureau of Market Supervision issued the "Notice on Matters Related to the Food Production License of Nanjing Duck Blood Vermicelli Soup and Similar Products", which stipulates that in the instant food products of duck blood vermicelli soup, the content of the characteristic material package (duck product) should be greater than 50% of the final product, and the content of the solids in the characteristic material package (duck product) should be greater than 50% of the package. Characteristic packaging (duck products) must be produced by the enterprise itself, if the vermicelli and other packaging used by the enterprise are small packaged products directly mined, the outer packaging label must indicate the corresponding food production license related information.

This move not only fills the standard gap of fast food duck blood vermicelli soup, but also guarantees the high quality of duck blood vermicelli soup, ensuring that consumers can eat authentic Nanjing duck blood vermicelli soup without going to Nanjing.

Several businesses apply for licenses

While stipulating the production standards of fast-food "duck blood vermicelli soup" enterprises, the Nanjing market supervision department also made clear requirements for the later on-site verification link, stipulating that the final sales form of such products is a combination of multiple material packages, and when on-site verification, the verification team refers to the corresponding license review rules of each material package, combined with the actual production situation of the enterprise.

The Notice also stipulates that enterprises can apply for food production licenses for relevant products only on the premise of clarifying the production process of duck blood vermicelli soup and complying with the standards listed in the notice. It is reported that the Nanjing Municipal Market Supervision and Administration Bureau has received applications from enterprises, and after on-site verification, issued a number of duck blood vermicelli soup fast food product food production licenses, including cherry duck, Guanshengyuan and other enterprises.

Source ▏ Correspondent Chang Yaping Li Xiaofei Yangzi Evening News/Purple Cow News Reporter Xue Ling

Source: Yangtze Evening News

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