
Beef pie home version

author:Happy to sprout little 5

Today is the recipe for beef pie

1. Ingredients

1. Beef

2. Shallots

3、 Seasoning water (peppercorns, large ingredients, cinnamon in a bowl, pour hot water and stir)

4, salt, dark soy sauce, soy sauce, a pint of fresh, cooked oil

5. Noodles

Second, the steps

(1) Meat filling

1, beef, shallots with a meat grinder to crush (do not grind the shallots for too long, beat a can)

2: In the stranded filling, add salt, a little soy sauce, soy sauce, a poinsettia, seasoning water, and wring into the cooked oil

3: Put the seasoning and stir in one direction with chopsticks

My beef stuffing also likes to put turkey noodle sauce, a little spicy taste, this can be added according to personal taste, can not be added.

Beef pie home version

(2) Noodles

Pour in the right amount of flour according to the number of people, a small amount of flour with cool water, a large part of the flour into boiling water, stir into a flocculent shape, pour less oil, knead into a smooth dough. Wake up for 20-30 minutes

(3) Pie

1. Roll out the noodles directly into a thin crust (if there is more noodles, divide into a uniform dough and roll out).

2、 Brush a layer of oil on the rolled dough (a small amount can be)

3, spread the meat filling on the dough, do not need to put too much, the laying can be thinner

Beef pie home version

4. Fold in half from one section to the other end into a rectangular pie, and then pinch the two sections tightly

Beef pie home version

5: Gently thin with a rolling pin

6: Put the pot into the pot after preheating, and then brush a layer on the upper surface of the dough to lock the moisture to avoid the cookies from being hard.

7, timely turning, beef is not cooked, burn for a few minutes, out of the pot after cutting into small pieces

And then... The beef pie is ready

Beef pie home version

Take a bite, crispy on the outside and tender on the inside, super delicious, the method is simple, novice Xiaobai can do it, like my friends who love to eat, hurry up and make it!!!

yes... Also, don't forget to point out a point of attention to yo [a flash of inspiration] [a flash of inspiration]

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