
Migratory bird "grandson love"! This heart-warming community in Shanghai relays the 12-year-old migratory bird "ancestral love"! This heart-warming community in Shanghai has been raising babies for 12 years

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Migratory bird "grandson love"! This heart-warming community in Shanghai relays the 12-year-old migratory bird "ancestral love"! This heart-warming community in Shanghai has been raising babies for 12 years

<h1 toutiao-origin="h1" > migratory bird "grandson love"! This heart-warming community in Shanghai has been raising babies for 12 years</h1>

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2021-08-14 09:17

As the summer vacation draws to a close, many students from other places have begun to prepare to return to school. Yu You (pseudonym), who has ascended to the sixth grade, is also preparing to return to his hometown in Anhui to welcome the arrival of the new semester. His "grandparents" in Shanghai are also very reluctant.

"Smile, it's nice, family."

Migratory bird "grandson love"! This heart-warming community in Shanghai relays the 12-year-old migratory bird "ancestral love"! This heart-warming community in Shanghai has been raising babies for 12 years

Leave a group photo to slow down the thoughts of future days of not seeing each other, it is difficult to believe that this intimate family is not really family. They are all residents of Haoyun Community in Wanli Street, Putuo District, gathered by a child named Youyou. 12-year-old Yo-Yo, who goes to school in Anhui, comes to Shanghai every year for summer vacations, taking turns living in the homes of these grandparents who love him. The school is about to start, Andyo will return to Anhui, everyone is very reluctant, but also prepared a large bag for him. Ms. Zhu, a resident of the community, packed three sets of cotton sweaters and pants, bath towels, small towels, socks, etc. into the suitcase that everyone had purchased for Youyou.

Migratory bird "grandson love"! This heart-warming community in Shanghai relays the 12-year-old migratory bird "ancestral love"! This heart-warming community in Shanghai has been raising babies for 12 years

Yo-Yo's relationship with these grandparents began 12 years ago. Youyou's grandfather was once a social worker in the Zhonghaoyun community to take care of the underground garage, he has been living with his grandfather in the community since he was born, and the conscientious grandfather has a good reputation in the community, and the residents have also remembered this well-behaved and cute child. Mr. Wang, a resident of the community, recalled: "We actually sometimes come down to buy vegetables, go out for a walk, always see the child alone in the stroller, at that time can not walk, is to slide around, after growing up he saw that we are all called grandparents hello, from childhood to understand politeness, and later we passed a few times we also noticed, at the same time when it was cold I saw the child wearing very thin clothes, then I discussed with my wife, we said to take him back, take him back to the bath, buy him a dress." ”

Migratory bird "grandson love"! This heart-warming community in Shanghai relays the 12-year-old migratory bird "ancestral love"! This heart-warming community in Shanghai has been raising babies for 12 years

In this way, Yo-Yo became the "little star" of the Zhonghaoyun community, and everyone liked to take turns to take him to play, take him to their own home to eat and bathe, and even some people took on the task of picking him up. Resident Aunt Qi mainly picked up Youyou to kindergarten: "When I was a child, I was quite well-behaved, and I was quite likable, and everyone liked him, saying that he was smart and clever, anyway, he was the star of Haoyun in our country, and we all knew him." ”

In the blink of an eye, more than 6 years have passed, and the residents of Zhonghaoyun Community have long regarded their grandfathers and grandchildren as their own families. But the weather is unpredictable, 5 years ago my grandfather died, and when I reached the age of school, I had to return to my hometown in Anhui to attend primary school. Grandparents can not rest assured, everyone discussed and decided, every winter and summer vacation also took Yo Yo back to Shanghai, this year is already the 5th summer vacation, this every time together has become the grandparents and Yo Yo the most looking forward to the thing.

Migratory bird "grandson love"! This heart-warming community in Shanghai relays the 12-year-old migratory bird "ancestral love"! This heart-warming community in Shanghai has been raising babies for 12 years

Not only are we together during the holidays, but my grandparents are always concerned about Yo-Yo. From books and stationery to snacks and clothing, to wind oil essence and cotton swabs, from summer to autumn and winter, Mr. Wang and his wife Ms. Zhu are very well prepared for Youyou, and they will send things to school every other month. In addition to living and living, leisurely learning is also the most important thing for everyone. Mr. Wang, a resident of the community, said: "The school teacher I have his WeChat, reflecting that yo-yo is very good, he also serves as a squadron leader, an English class representative and a group leader in the class. I'm proud, we're all proud of him. Yo-Yo showed everyone his report card, looking at the series of "excellent", everyone smiled and closed their mouths. "What's the goal?" "Diplomat." "Diplomat. Well, you can take me abroad to play. "Everyone is very happy to learn that Yo-Yo has lofty ideals.

Migratory bird "grandson love"! This heart-warming community in Shanghai relays the 12-year-old migratory bird "ancestral love"! This heart-warming community in Shanghai has been raising babies for 12 years

Although it has been more than 5 years since Youyou left Shanghai, his story has become a good story in the Zhonghaoyun community, and more and more people have joined the ranks of caring for him. Su Huajun, secretary of the general party branch of the Zhonghaoyun Residential Area, said: "Because when one of our old secretaries left, he explained me something leisurely, and I was a little surprised at that time. After getting to know him, I was familiar with his situation, the party general branch held a meeting, or the party member building leader who mobilized our party general branch, including our volunteers, this piece has been concerned about Yo-Yo, and many party members have donated school supplies, including clothes and other things. I will also tell the story of Yo Yo all the time, and at the same time, I will pass on the good people and good deeds we talk about, or the social virtues we talk about, so that I can manage the matter of Yo Yo and let him thrive. ”

Migratory bird "grandson love"! This heart-warming community in Shanghai relays the 12-year-old migratory bird "ancestral love"! This heart-warming community in Shanghai has been raising babies for 12 years

There are also many residents in the community who have provided economic help to Yo-Yo, which is currently properly stored by the neighborhood committee and Mr. Wang, and will be handed over to Yo-Yo for use when he becomes an adult. The time to get together is always short, and you will start the new semester with the concerns and blessings of your grandparents and aunts, and this love will continue in the Zhonghaoyun community.

(Source: Putuotai Reporter: Ge Yijin Liu Yang Editor: Liu Qingyang)

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