
Pretending to be sick, suspending death and self-harming, insects desperately sanlang's life makes people sigh why pretend to be sick and fake death self-harm why self-harm

author:A magical zoo of sardines

If humans, the world of insects, are also all kinds, strong and weak, in order to survive, desperately sanlang pretended to be sick, suspended animation and self-harm, life makes people shake their heads and sigh at the same time can't help but give them a thumbs up, give them a thumbs up.

<h1 class="pgc-h-arrow-right" data-track="2" > pretending to be ill</h1>

Unlike Xiao Sha's previous video, the tough guy insect GreenBuper can successfully kill frogs and toads; the walking biochemical explosives, the fart temperature of up to 100 degrees Celsius, the Yafubu beetles let the insects eat their stomachs and then spit out, they themselves have a good force value, so they can have a fierce life-and-death duel with predators, and those weak insect species, without such strength, can only use Soft Kegang to disguise themselves as small pity, so as to survive in the insect world. Among them, pretending to be sick is a good way.

The Brazilian horned cicada, even if biologists see it, the first feeling is: "This cargo, can not be real" But it turns out that this is a real guy. The magic of this guy's head, human language simply can not describe, its "horns" are strange and strange, there are four large balls on it, just like being seriously infected by fungi, growing the appearance of fungal fruiting bodies, in layman's terms, like the mushroom head that we humans often eat? This is the disease after being infected with fungi! But in fact, this is the Brazilian horned cicada to confuse the enemy's weapon, if the Brazilian horned cicada's camouflage fails, the predator is not confused, then these protruding structures will be quickly broken, the Brazilian horned cicada car to protect the commander, quickly retreat.

Pretending to be sick, suspending death and self-harming, insects desperately sanlang's life makes people sigh why pretend to be sick and fake death self-harm why self-harm

<h1 class="pgc-h-arrow-right" data-track="5" > suspended animation</h1>

Sick insects, predators do not like, let alone those dead things. Therefore, suspended animation escape is also a survival weapon for weak insects.

When weak insects are attacked, or frightened, they will curl up, motionless, breathing rate decreased, breathing weakened, unresponsive to external stimuli, showing a "dead" state, this behavior is called "suspended animation". On the trees of the small park, and the child have seen this kind of weevil many times, the whole body is like coke, dry and hard, and it is motionless when touched, as if to tell you: "Don't move me, don't you see that I am dead?!" After waiting for a while without interference, the antennae began to quiver again, and then the limbs began to crawl, and the children jokingly called them dead worms.

Pretending to be sick, suspending death and self-harming, insects desperately sanlang's life makes people sigh why pretend to be sick and fake death self-harm why self-harm

Insects are relatively small and have their weak side, so in order to survive, the phenomenon of insects pretending to be dead is very common. What is unexpected is that the fierce killer mantis has even been prepared and has practiced this technique. Come and go, look for it, where is the dead leaf mantis? It turned out that when it encountered danger, it put away its six legs and did not move, and its appearance resembled a dead leaf, and it was not so simple to find it.

In fact, many poultry also have this kind of pretending to die, such as the rooster that is "hypnotized" in the magic show, in fact, the rooster is not hypnotized, but because the performer is holding it, it seems to be "touching" its neck, but everyone knows that killing the chicken is also directly wiping the neck, which is the weak part of the chicken, so the performanceist's touch has actually frightened the chicken, can't fight, can't escape, simply pretend to die, maybe can escape a disaster. Or rather, the chicken was already scared silly, just as a person who is scared silly will be stiff and stunned, which is an instinct.

Pretending to be sick, suspending death and self-harming, insects desperately sanlang's life makes people sigh why pretend to be sick and fake death self-harm why self-harm

<h1 class="pgc-h-arrow-right" data-track="10" > self-harm</h1>

If pretending to be sick and pretending to be dead still doesn't work, insects have also upgraded a more extreme method of life-saving - self-harm, yes, that is, to give up the car to protect the marshal, to give up a part of the body, to save the life is important. In fact, although it sounds very bloody, it is actually not so terrible, because what they give up is not the mind, not the heart, but the secondary parts of the body, and these parts, usually the entire connection with the body, is the least, so that it is easy to give up life and save life, and the damage to the body can be minimized.

There are many insects that can survive self-harm, such as dragonflies, ephemera, lepidoptera, mantises, coleoptera and other groups.

Pretending to be sick, suspending death and self-harming, insects desperately sanlang's life makes people sigh why pretend to be sick and fake death self-harm why self-harm

As mentioned earlier, the Brazilian horned cicada can break the tentacle ball to escape, in fact, the most easily discarded organ of insects is the foot. For example, insects in the family Macrophyllaceae are prone to self-harm in 3 pairs of feet. Therefore, in the specimens of the insect hall, broken-foot insects are very common. The familiar locusts of the order Orthoptera are also one of the common mutilated organs of the hind foot. I remember when I was a child, I caught a locust, and in order to prevent it from escaping, I pinched its hind feet, and as a result, it quickly self-harmed its hind feet and tried to escape.

Pretending to be sick, suspending death and self-harming, insects desperately sanlang's life makes people sigh why pretend to be sick and fake death self-harm why self-harm

<h1 class="pgc-h-arrow-right" data-track="14" > why self-harm</h1>

In fact, in addition to the threat of predators, there are three reasons for insect self-harm, one is accidental injury, the other is contact with poisons or pesticides, locusts, crickets, Anopheles mosquitoes, etc. have been reported, and their adults after contact with DDT have self-harmed their adults.

Finally, Xiao Sha just wanted to sigh that life is not easy, and it is done and cherished.