
The Rocky series isn't over! Stallone: A prequel is being developed

author:1905 Movie Network
The Rocky series isn't over! Stallone: A prequel is being developed

Stallone's classic series Rocky will be developing a prequel

1905 Movie Network News Rocky's legend is not over! After Sylvester Stallone successfully created 6 Rocky movies and 2 Rocky movies, "Quidditch", Stallone recently announced on his personal social platform that he is writing a project discussion of the "Rocky" prequel series to dig up Rocky's story before he became a boxer champion. Stallone said: "The ideal situation is to have 10 episodes, a few seasons, to really touch the inner world of the characters when they were young. He also attached two handwritten photographs.

The Rocky series isn't over! Stallone: A prequel is being developed

Stallone posted revealing the prequel to Rocky

"Imagine a time machine that takes us back to the origins of Rocky," Stallone writes, "a movie world filled with characters that have been loved by people all over the world for nearly 50 years!" He believes the series will take viewers back to "the most transformative era in modern history: the '60s," and lists a string of major events that took place in the '60s, such as the human moon landing, the civil rights movement, the Cold War, the Vietnam War, and the feminist movement. ”

Stallone imagined the series focusing on Rocky's "rather mundane life" in "all these social upheavals" and that "when we first met Rocky in 1976, he was a very lost man—a forgotten man, a man who wasted his life until he became a winner." We are now seeing this young man struggling like all young people to find his place. ”

The Rocky series isn't over! Stallone: A prequel is being developed

Stallone concluded by writing, "This is a small part of my creative process, I hope it happens", he did not mention which actor will play the prequel version of Rocky, but there is no doubt that the news of the launch of the prequel has aroused strong curiosity and expectation among fans and audiences!

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