
Do you really understand the character of Cui Ze in "Please Answer 1988"?

author:Reading room
Do you really understand the character of Cui Ze in "Please Answer 1988"?

This is the third article about "Please Answer 1988", and today I will leave the plot aside, but I only want to talk about the image of Choi Taek, played by Park Baojian. Lee's screenwriter used the Korean Go master Lee Chang-ho when conceiving the character of Choi Taek, and borrowed from the deeds of other masters at that time. Choi Taek's unspoken personality traits of sitting in front of Go and forgetting everything are almost exactly the same as Lee Chang-ho.

Do you really understand the character of Cui Ze in "Please Answer 1988"?

When Cui Ze first appeared, he gave the impression of a wooden introverted little brother who could not take care of himself, wearing a shirt with wrong buttons, not wearing shoelaces, not going to school with other children but going to the chess academy every day, and mentally stressed enough to take medicine every day... But it was like this, but he finally married Deok Sun (played by Lee Wai Lee). What did he rely on?

Do you really understand the character of Cui Ze in "Please Answer 1988"?

This is a sentence that Cui Ze said to Deshan in the play. In fact, most of the ink in the whole play is from the perspective of Virtue and Good looking at the story of the double door hole. In the same way, the audience also unconsciously looks at the story from the perspective of virtue. If Deshan doesn't know anything about Choi Taek, it's hard for the audience to know what kind of person Choi Taek really is.

So from the various details in the play, we can see what kind of person Cui Ze is?

First, high IQ

Go is recognized as the most difficult chess, and if you can play Go so well, Cui Ze's IQ will definitely not be low.

In addition, at the beginning of the TV series, Starry Night host Li Wenshi asked how many bullet holes there were in Zhou Runfa's clothes in the movie, and only Aze answered, and he answered correctly, indicating that Aze has a strong memory. Memory is also an important part of IQ.

Do you really understand the character of Cui Ze in "Please Answer 1988"?

Second, high emotional intelligence

Aze seems to be a stupid boy who knows nothing but Go, but in fact, his emotional intelligence is quite high.

Do you really understand the character of Cui Ze in "Please Answer 1988"?

When Cheng Dongri's mother died, Aze quietly accompanied him to drink.

Do you really understand the character of Cui Ze in "Please Answer 1988"?

Learning of President Kim's waist injury, Azawa called the hospital president at the first time.

Do you really understand the character of Cui Ze in "Please Answer 1988"?

After the interview, he thought that Aze would be angry because the interview timeout, but Aze got rid of the director of the chess academy and took the reporters out to eat.

Do you really understand the character of Cui Ze in "Please Answer 1988"?

Third, be sensible and intimate

This trait is most evident in the fact that Aze's father and Sunwoo's mother are together.

When Aze was very young, because his mother died, his father wanted to get out of the pain of bereavement and moved to the double door, but Aze did not miss his mother for a day.

Do you really understand the character of Cui Ze in "Please Answer 1988"?

However, after discovering that Dad and Sunwoo's mom want to be together, he preemptively encourages Dad before dad.

Do you really understand the character of Cui Ze in "Please Answer 1988"?

Shanyu, who also lost his father and has deep feelings for his father, only wanted to understand it under Paula's comfort and enlightenment. Aze, on the other hand, suffered and digested silently, and even said the following words to Aze.

Do you really understand the character of Cui Ze in "Please Answer 1988"?

Fourth, persistence

Aze is a person who will definitely accomplish a goal when he has it. This is one of the reasons why he can achieve such a high level of achievement in Go. His persistence is especially evident in the episode of the game console game against Masamune's brother.

Do you really understand the character of Cui Ze in "Please Answer 1988"?

This personality also made him difficult when he encountered the low point of the game.

Fifth, strong action and planning ability

Unlike Jeong-hwan, who also likes Virtue but is always indecisive, Azawa has a strong sense of action and is able to plan for himself in advance.

Do you really understand the character of Cui Ze in "Please Answer 1988"?

Sixth, the mind is delicate

This was written in the previous article, when he began to show his liking for Deshan and began to pursue Deshan, by chance, he opened Jeong-hwan's wallet and found a photo of Jeong-hwan and Deok-sun, and understood that Jeong-hwan also liked Deok-san. Perhaps not wanting to compete with his friends, Aze pretended not to have seen the photos and stopped pursuing virtue.

Do you really understand the character of Cui Ze in "Please Answer 1988"?

There is also Aze, who wrote about it yesterday, pretending to smoke in order to protect Virtue, but actually silently caring for her.

Do you really understand the character of Cui Ze in "Please Answer 1988"?

Seventh, frankness

Growing up, Azawa and Jeong-hwan sat together again. Aze decided to confess that he had seen the wallet.

Do you really understand the character of Cui Ze in "Please Answer 1988"?

Eighth, calm and determined

In the eyes of ordinary people, Aze also has the maturity and calmness of a professional player.

Do you really understand the character of Cui Ze in "Please Answer 1988"?

9. Love for virtue and goodness

Aze has long liked Virtue. The first person to see deshan when he came back from celebrating his birthday was Deshan, teaching Deshan to play Go, learning to swear with Deshan...

Do you really understand the character of Cui Ze in "Please Answer 1988"?

For more details, see my last post. The Zezen CP in "Please Answer 1988" satisfies all our fantasies about first love

It is precisely because he ends up with Deoksan that the character of the middle-aged ChoiZawa has changed so much. Master Cui finally lived as his father hoped to be a dashing person.