
"Please Answer 1988" Choi Ze: I don't want to lose you with a lifetime of caution! Without you, I would die! First, his world, only Virtue understands two, loves her, wants to protect her three, without her, I will die

author:Pick up one side

Two days ago, I revisited the Korean divine drama "Please Answer 1988" with a Douban score of 9.7, in this impetuous society, more and more people do not like to watch serial dramas, it is difficult to calm down to watch a Korean drama, 20 episodes long, each episode is more than a clock.

But anyway, this drama really gave me a lot of touch, and I was also idle to watch it episode by episode. The drama records the warm neighborhood between the five families in Shuangmendong, the pure friendship between the children and the love story from ignorance to clarity.

"Please Answer 1988" Choi Ze: I don't want to lose you with a lifetime of caution! Without you, I would die! First, his world, only Virtue understands two, loves her, wants to protect her three, without her, I will die

Every time I saw the end, Deshan and Aze were together, and I always couldn't help but smile like an aunt, and I was still very satisfied with this ending. However, he is still very distressed about the dog Huan in the play, especially when he and the baby fish watch a movie, see the back suddenly wake up, crazy to find Deshan, only to find that Aze is one step faster than him, he turned away in frustration, the back of the back is also inexplicably sad.

I remember that when this drama was first broadcast, the Douban score was 10 points, and many people in the back rated it as a very low score, because many people thought that the best ending should be Dog Huan and Deshan, not Aze and Deshan, many people because of the pain of Dog Huan, and then gave this drama a low score. However, there is still a score of 9.7 points, which is worth watching.

"Please Answer 1988" Choi Ze: I don't want to lose you with a lifetime of caution! Without you, I would die! First, his world, only Virtue understands two, loves her, wants to protect her three, without her, I will die

<h1>First, his world is only understood by virtue and goodness</h1>

The emotion between Aze and Deshan should start when Aze just moved to shuangmendong, when several other friends were greeting the new little friend in a trick-or-treat way, only Deshan, a small body climbed to the car window, handed the fudge in his hand to Aze, and welcomed the new little friend, which gave Aze the first warm light since the death of his mother since childhood and came to the strange environment.

"Please Answer 1988" Choi Ze: I don't want to lose you with a lifetime of caution! Without you, I would die! First, his world, only Virtue understands two, loves her, wants to protect her three, without her, I will die

Then, in a match, Deshan and Aze competed, and as a result, Aze fell, but Deshan cried even more. The next day at school, seeing Aze who can't walk, the other friends either help to take the school bag or comfort them with small biscuits, only Deshan, the small body crouches down, carrying Aze to school.

"Please Answer 1988" Choi Ze: I don't want to lose you with a lifetime of caution! Without you, I would die! First, his world, only Virtue understands two, loves her, wants to protect her three, without her, I will die

Growing up, Aze is an invincible master in the World of Go, but he is an idiot who knows nothing in life. When she is tired from the game, she will lend him a shoulder to rely on; when it is cold in winter, she will cover his feet with a quilt; in life, she will always remind him not to rely too much on sleeping pills...

Not only take good care of him, but also make him happy, play with him, and even teach him to swear... Her kindness to him, he saw in his eyes, he knew.

"Please Answer 1988" Choi Ze: I don't want to lose you with a lifetime of caution! Without you, I would die! First, his world, only Virtue understands two, loves her, wants to protect her three, without her, I will die

<h1>Second, love her, just want to protect her</h1>

Once, everyone went to play football together, and as a result, Dong Long had hemorrhoids, and Sun-woo and Dog Huan pulled up the baby fish and left, leaving Azawa and Deok-sun with an injured foot there. At this time, the administrator saw them and shouted loudly while trying to catch up. Aze quickly squatted down and picked up Deshan, whose foot was injured, and ran.

"Please Answer 1988" Choi Ze: I don't want to lose you with a lifetime of caution! Without you, I would die! First, his world, only Virtue understands two, loves her, wants to protect her three, without her, I will die

Another time, Donglong ran away from home, and everyone went to look for him together, but in the end, they left Aze and Deshan at the beach. Then they were playing on the beach, and in the process of playing, a ball was about to hit Deshan, and Aze didn't even think about turning around and pulling Deshan closer to him, the ball was impartial, and it hit him the back.

"Please Answer 1988" Choi Ze: I don't want to lose you with a lifetime of caution! Without you, I would die! First, his world, only Virtue understands two, loves her, wants to protect her three, without her, I will die

Another time, everyone had a dinner together, on the way, Deshan said that he wanted to go to the bathroom, and ended up encountering the legendary pervert, although he pretended to calmly scare off the pervert, but after he left, Deshan finally broke down and cried. Then Aze came to her side and said to her, "You go, I'll smoke a cigarette and wait for you to come out." In fact, he just used smoking as an excuse to protect Virtue.

Then there is the fact that Deshan was let go of pigeons and shivered in the cold wind, but Aze appeared in her sight for the first time, giving up the race for the first time, just to accompany her.

Again, Deshan couldn't go into the room and sit in the hotel lobby, just in time to meet Aze who came out smoking, he directly asked Deshan to come to his room to sleep, and let her sleep on the bed, he slept on the sofa.

"Please Answer 1988" Choi Ze: I don't want to lose you with a lifetime of caution! Without you, I would die! First, his world, only Virtue understands two, loves her, wants to protect her three, without her, I will die

<h1>Without her, I would die</h1>

When everyone was making fun of who would like a girl like Deshan, Aze directly said, "I like Deshan!" Men like the kind of women! ”

One night, when Sunwoo asked him why he liked Deoksan, he said, "Just like it!" When Sunwoo asked him how much he liked it, he lay there with a twinkle in his eye: "Without her, I would die!" ”

"Please Answer 1988" Choi Ze: I don't want to lose you with a lifetime of caution! Without you, I would die! First, his world, only Virtue understands two, loves her, wants to protect her three, without her, I will die

Many people are uneven for the silent payment of Dog Huan, but love is really not a person playing a one-man show, Deshan tried to approach Dog Huan, but Dog Huan chose to escape, and Aze chose to take the initiative to care, love and cherish Deshan.

In the face of love, you still need to be brave!

"Please Answer 1988" Choi Ze: I don't want to lose you with a lifetime of caution! Without you, I would die! First, his world, only Virtue understands two, loves her, wants to protect her three, without her, I will die

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