
King Joffrey in "Game of Thrones" is back acting


After <b>the death</b> of the sixth season of Game of Thrones, King Joffrey's actor Jack Gleason has not acted for a long time. Now he has finally decided to return to the screen to star in the BBC comedy series Out of Her Mind.

It is reported that this series will subvert the traditional sitcom form, adding quirky characters and containing animation elements and scientific elements.

Jack Gleason began acting as an actor at the age of 8, and Game of Thrones is his most famous character, and perhaps the most "annoying" character. So that after the death of this character in the play, many viewers clapped their hands and applauded.

In 2014, after bidding farewell to the role of Joffrey, Jack Gleason, then 21, announced that he would be out of the shadows for a while. He said at the time: "I started acting when I was 8 years old, but now I don't like acting as much as I used to. When you have to make a living from it, your relationship with it changes. It's not that I hate acting for a living, but that's not what I want either. ”

King Joffrey in "Game of Thrones" is back acting

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