
Reba high nose bridge comes with a "filter"? Netizen: The makeup artist cried and fainted in the toilet!

author:Keco said entertainment


The mystery of the shadow of the high nose bridge

Reba high nose bridge comes with a "filter"? Netizen: The makeup artist cried and fainted in the toilet!

That day, I happened to see a photo of Di Lieba, my eyes lit up, but my heart was slightly tight. I thought that this beautiful actress's nose shadow was too heavy and a little unnatural. After all, in the entertainment industry, makeup skills are like magic, which can change a person's image in an instant. But a closer look reveals that this is not the case.

Reba high nose bridge comes with a "filter"? Netizen: The makeup artist cried and fainted in the toilet!

Nose shadow suspicious

Reba high nose bridge comes with a "filter"? Netizen: The makeup artist cried and fainted in the toilet!

In the photo, Di Lieba has a high nose bridge and beautiful lines, like a character who has come out of a painting. However, it was this tall nose bridge that brought me a small doubt - the seemingly heavy shadow, could it be the effect of the nose shadow? I fell into a brief contemplation, and the scene of a makeup artist holding a brush and carefully applying the nose shadow to Di Lieba came to mind. But when I looked closely, I found that the shadow was not artificial, but a natural effect of the high nose bridge.

Reba high nose bridge comes with a "filter"? Netizen: The makeup artist cried and fainted in the toilet!

Netizens left messages in the comment area, and some people joked: "Haha, it turns out that the high nose bridge also has troubles!" This shadow, I thought Reba was a 'master' in the makeup industry! Another person said: "This nose shadow effect is simply 'natural beauty is hard to give up'!" These comments made me laugh and provoked me to think deeply about the shadow of the high nose bridge.

Reba high nose bridge comes with a "filter"? Netizen: The makeup artist cried and fainted in the toilet!

The voice of the person with the bridge of the nose

Reba high nose bridge comes with a "filter"? Netizen: The makeup artist cried and fainted in the toilet!

As a person with a collapsed nose, I can't help but lament the injustice of fate. Every time I see a high-nosed beauty like Di Lieba, I will silently envy it. As a person with a collapsed nose, I always try to create a high nose bridge effect when applying makeup, but it often doesn't work well. And a beauty with a high nose bridge like Di Lieba can easily have a perfect nose shape, which can't help but make me sigh at the miracle of the Creator.

Reba high nose bridge comes with a "filter"? Netizen: The makeup artist cried and fainted in the toilet!

Some netizens wrote in the comment area: "I have a collapsed nose bridge, every time I put on makeup, it seems like I'm 'patching', I really envy Reba's high nose bridge!" Someone else said, "It seems that people with high noses also have their troubles!" We people with collapsed noses can only be silently envious. These comments made me feel the voice of the people with a broken nose, and also made me cherish what I have more.

Reba high nose bridge comes with a "filter"? Netizen: The makeup artist cried and fainted in the toilet!

How easy is the job of a makeup artist?

Reba high nose bridge comes with a "filter"? Netizen: The makeup artist cried and fainted in the toilet!

Looking at Di Lieba's perfect nose shape, I couldn't help but start thinking about the work of a makeup artist. Are they really as easy as I thought they were? Perhaps, for a beauty with a high nose bridge like Di Lieba, the job of a makeup artist is indeed relatively easy. They don't need to retouch their nose too much, they just need to adjust the makeup a little. But for those of us who have a collapsed nose, makeup artists have to work hard to create the perfect nose shape for us!

Reba high nose bridge comes with a "filter"? Netizen: The makeup artist cried and fainted in the toilet!

Some netizens joked in the comment area: "It seems that Reba's makeup artist is 'lying down to make money'!" Those of us who have a broken nose have to pay someone to 'patch' for us! Someone else said, "Makeup artists don't have a hard job, but they have to create the perfect image for us 'imperfect' people!" "These comments made me feel the difficulty of makeup artists, and also made me cherish what I have more.

Reba high nose bridge comes with a "filter"? Netizen: The makeup artist cried and fainted in the toilet!

Controversial summary: natural beauty and acquired hard work

Reba high nose bridge comes with a "filter"? Netizen: The makeup artist cried and fainted in the toilet!

Looking at Di Lieba's perfect nose shape, I couldn't help but fall into deep thought. The mystery of the shadow of the high nose bridge made me feel the beauty and difficulty of natural beauty. And we who have a collapsed nose, although we need to put a lot of effort into makeup, we can also make up for our shortcomings through acquired efforts. This also reminds me of the old saying: "Three points are destined, and seven points depend on hard work." ”

Reba high nose bridge comes with a "filter"? Netizen: The makeup artist cried and fainted in the toilet!

In the comment area, netizens expressed their opinions. Some people think that people who are naturally beautiful are more fortunate because they are able to easily have a perfect image; Some people think that it is more important to work hard the day after tomorrow, because only through continuous efforts and dedication can you become more perfect. These views sparked heated discussions among netizens and made me think more deeply about this issue.

Reba high nose bridge comes with a "filter"? Netizen: The makeup artist cried and fainted in the toilet!

In my opinion, whether it is natural beauty or acquired hard work, it deserves our respect and cherishment. Because everyone has their own unique beauty, and this beauty is unique and cannot be replicated. So, let's cherish what we have and also cheer for those who are striving for beauty!

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