
Green rice paddies, golden rice, snow-white rice - visit the Golden Land Planting Professional Cooperative

author:Folk food ann agricultural and sideline food

Text/Tian Shen

Green rice paddies, golden rice, snow-white rice - visit the Golden Land Planting Professional Cooperative

Yuan Longping is the pioneer of china's research and development of hybrid rice, and the first scientist in the world to successfully use the advantages of rice hybrids, known as the "father of hybrid rice". "Developing hybrid rice to benefit the people of the world" is Yuan Longping's lifelong pursuit.

Recently, the author had the privilege of meeting Zhang Sumei, head of the Golden Land Planting Professional Cooperative, who said that Panjin City's geographical climate has more rain and rain, and rice can be planted on a large scale. Let more people eat fragrant rice. In 2003, Zhang Sumei established the Golden Land Planting Professional Cooperative. In 2004, Panjin Jindadi Rice Processing Factory was established, which is a diversified and comprehensive grain processing enterprise integrating grain acquisition, storage, processing and sales. The enterprise covers an area of 16,000 square meters, with a standardized production workshop, three drying towers, a raw grain reserve warehouse, a finished product warehouse and a rice drying field covering an area of mu.

Zhang Sumei introduced that the history of Panjin rice cultivation has reached more than 100 years. According to historical records, rice cultivation began in Panjin in 1907, and the planting area has been expanding since then. In 1928, Zhang Xueliang founded the "Yingtian Co., Ltd.", which pioneered the mechanization of rice production in the northeast region. In the history of Panjin, the unique "immigrant culture" has also promoted the development of rice cultivation culture. At the end of the 1960s, tens of thousands of "May Seventh Army" and intellectual youth came to Panjin from all over the motherland to develop the "Southern Wilderness". They participated in rural production and construction, and promoted the progress of Panjin rice cultivation technology with their own wisdom and hard work. Through their joint efforts with local farmers, the saline fields overgrown with artemisia grasses were transformed into large paddies. In 2003, Panjin Rice was approved as "National Geographical Indication Product" by the General Administration of Quality Supervision, Inspection and Quarantine of the People's Republic of China; in 2004, it registered the "Panjin Rice Registration Certification Trademark" in the Trademark Office of the State Administration for Industry and Commerce; in 2007, Panjin Rice won the honors of "China Famous Brand" and "China Well-known Trademark"; in 2008, Panjin Rice was designated as "Special Rice for the Beijing Olympic Games". Panjin rice planting, starting from low-lying land, artificial water lifting, after a hundred years, as of 2007, all rice growers in Panjin have mastered the water control method that adapts to the law of panjin water and salt movement, the low cost, the seedling breeding method, the technical standards and methods of rice field management and rice growth management, the standard and technology of fertilization, the ecological method of paddy field weeding, the ecological cycle rice planting method of rice field fish farming, rice field crab farming, familiar with "organic rice production procedures and standards", Successfully planted selenium-rich rice and other special high-quality rice. Panjin high-quality rice production has entered a standardized and refined development stage.

Green rice paddies, golden rice, snow-white rice - visit the Golden Land Planting Professional Cooperative

Zhang Sumei introduced that Panjin City has been known as the "Land of Fish and Rice" since ancient times, and is also known as the "Golden Triangle of the Liaohe River". The terrain is flat, watery and mountainless, there are 21 large and small rivers, and the coastline is 118 kilometers long. There are suitable temperature conditions and a long growth period for rice growth and development and grain maturity, with sufficient river irrigation, the soil has no industrial pollution, and has a certain alkaline, so that the unique conditions make Panjin rice become a well-known high-quality product in the country. "Oranges born in Huainan are oranges, and those born in Huaibei are oranges, and the leaves are similar, but in fact, the taste is different." So what? Soil and water are also different. "In the long process of geological evolution, the Panjin area has undergone many crustal rises and falls, alternating changes between sea and land, and the geological structure formed is mainly a fourth series of scattered layers, with complete strata and large sediment thickness. Panjin rice is nourished in the upstream of the Liaohe River, also known as "peach blossom water", the sunshine is sufficient, the water temperature is more suitable for the quality indicators of Panjin rice have reached the standard of high-quality rice, and have the unique characteristics of Panjin rice in color and smell. More importantly, panjin rice is all grown in crab fields, which means that river crabs are raised in paddy fields, and rice crabs coexist. The excrement of river crabs is equivalent to applying natural organic fertilizer to rice. The quality indicators of Panjin rice have reached the standard of high-quality rice, and have the unique characteristics of Panjin rice in terms of color and smell.

Zhang Sumei introduced that before planting rice, the soil of the rice field must be turned over to make it soft, and this process is divided into three periods: rough tillage, fine tillage and gaiping. Seedlings are first cultivated in a field, which is often referred to as a seedling field, and after sowing the rice seeds, a layer of rice husk ash is sprinkled on the soil; when the seedlings grow about eight centimeters high, they can be planted; the seedlings are carefully inserted into the rice field, and the seedlings are carefully inserted into the rice field, and the spacing is orderly. Traditional rice planting methods use ropes, seedling markers or rice rollers to mark rice fields. When planting seedlings by hand, a separator is worn on the thumb of the left hand to help people separate the seedlings and insert them into the soil. When the seedlings grow, they must be taken care of at all times and weeds are pulled out. Rice is grown according to standards. Implement comprehensive agricultural control of diseases and insect pests, actively promote biological control and pollution-free cultivation, prohibit the use of highly toxic pesticides for prevention and control, establish and promote pollution-free rice production bases, and effectively ensure that Panjin rice is free of pesticide residues and heavy metal pollution. Seedlings in the pumping height, the growth of the first section of rice stems is called tillering stage, this period often needs to be fertilized, so that the rice seedlings grow strong, and promote the fullness and quantity of future spikes; generally need to be after planting, when the young ears are formed and the panicle flowering period to strengthen water irrigation; when the rice ears are hanging, golden full, you can start the harvest, now there is a harvester, after the rice ears are rolled in, directly separate the rice ears from the rice stems, one grain of rice spike becomes rice; the harvested rice needs to be dried and dried, and the rice is turned regularly to dry the rice. Deletion is to delete impurities such as deflated valleys, use electric threshing machines, windmills or manual jitters to divide the valleys, and use the wind to automatically screen out the full and heavy rice.

Green rice paddies, golden rice, snow-white rice - visit the Golden Land Planting Professional Cooperative

"Panjin rice as a national geographical indication protection product, the implementation standard is Panjin rice unique GB/T 18824, this standard is higher than the national standard on rice, we process the harvested rice automatically weighed, through the raw grain drying equipment drying equipment. Then, stored in the steel plate warehouse, steel barn, cooling and ventilation, microcomputer moisture detection, circulation fumigation, to ensure that the rice is mold-free, insect pest-free. After more than 20 processes such as removing miscellaneous stones, selecting rough grains, throwing whites, grinding whites, and selecting long and thick colors, the high quality rate of Panjin rice is guaranteed. Standardize the production workshop facilities, improve the construction of the processing process closed, in accordance with the Panjin rice implementation standard JB/T18824, strictly control the quality standards of each link, to avoid secondary pollution of the product, processing, packaging without the use of any agents and additives, long preservation period, to ensure that rice nutrients are not lost. A healthy and safe link of rice from the field to the table has been realized. Zhang Sumei said.

The Jindadi Planting Professional Cooperative established by Zhang Sumei has more than 120 members so far, which has achieved unified land preparation and sowing, unified fertilizer and water management, unified technical training, and unified pest control. Implement the planting mode of "one land and three nutrients". The pollution-free and pollution-free nutritional value of rice is guaranteed from the source. Actively develop new order-based agriculture, develop agricultural adoption projects, and meet the individual needs of consumers. With the continuous progress of the times, the development of science and technology, the rise of the Internet age. Sales channels have also increased, and Zhang Sumei herself is mainly responsible for offline physical store sales, supermarkets and canteens of major enterprises. Her daughter is mainly responsible for online consumers. In the next step, Jindadi Planting Professional Cooperative plans to carry out in-depth cooperation with Tmall Jingdong to deeply transform and improve the production links of factories through the advantages of big data on e-commerce platforms to create a new retail model. To achieve offline entities and online platforms to sell at the same time, this sales model meets the requirements of the current era, but also broadens the sales channels. Let more people eat pollution-free and pollution-free healthy rice, Zhang Sumei mentioned during the visit, not only the people of Panjin City can eat their own rice, but also let people all over the country eat healthy rice.

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