
Preview review must see! 六年级上册第6课《狼牙山五壮士》超详细课文笔记‬课文笔记‬学习指导‬课文结构

author:Primary school language and English are simultaneously learned

<h1 class="pgc-h-arrow-right">‬课文笔记</h1>

Preview review must see! 六年级上册第6课《狼牙山五壮士》超详细课文笔记‬课文笔记‬学习指导‬课文结构
Preview review must see! 六年级上册第6课《狼牙山五壮士》超详细课文笔记‬课文笔记‬学习指导‬课文结构
Preview review must see! 六年级上册第6课《狼牙山五壮士》超详细课文笔记‬课文笔记‬学习指导‬课文结构

<h1 class="pgc-h-arrow-right">‬学习指导</h1>

The first learning goal of this lesson is to write 14 words such as "Kou and Vice", and 20 words such as "Japanese Kou and Fight".


The top of the "through" is not "mother", and the middle is a vertical that runs through, which should be distinguished.

The words required for this lesson are:

Japanese Kou Fighting Dangerous Grenades Concentrate On Cliffs Cut Iron Blood Boiling Climbing Condescending Mountain Streams Crushed Bones Hailstones Standing Looking Out Joy Magnificent Heroic Indomitable Earth-shattering Earth-shaking

It can be memorized by reading and copying.

The second learning goal of this lesson is to combine the key sentences and feel the heroism of the five heroes.

This is the character that the author of this article wants to praise, so to study this text, you must experience it through the words, especially some key sentences, for details in the text notes.

The third learning goal: to experience that the text focuses on both the group and the individual's writing style.

One of the more prominent points in the writing technique of this article is the "combination of point and surface method", which can be learned from through the study of this lesson.

<h1 class="pgc-h-arrow-right">‬课文结构</h1>

Preview review must see! 六年级上册第6课《狼牙山五壮士》超详细课文笔记‬课文笔记‬学习指导‬课文结构

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