
Qin Jiwei resisted Japan and killed the enemy, and put a sign on the corpse: All those who lead the way to the Japanese army should put a slogan on the corpse at the same end, warning the founding lieutenant general of the origin of the traitor Qin Dadao, who was sent to the base and still took care of the recruits

author:Wenshi Canteen

The War of Resistance Against Japanese Aggression lasted for fourteen years, and countless Sons and Daughters of China put down their hoes in their hands and rushed to the battlefield with large knives. They were indomitable, with only one conviction – to drive the Japanese out of our country. At this time, the Chinese are no longer weak, and they use their own strength to stand on the territory of China and tell the whole world that those who commit crimes against China will be punished from afar!

Among these warriors guarding the country was a warrior nicknamed "Qin Dadao", who was originally a company commander, holding a pistol, standing guard.

But he very much wanted to go to the battlefield and kill the enemy with his comrades,000, so he put down his pistol, picked up a large knife, and with his superior physical fitness and flexible mind, repelled wave after wave of enemies, and won the trust of the people and the attention of the leadership.

Qin Jiwei resisted Japan and killed the enemy, and put a sign on the corpse: All those who lead the way to the Japanese army should put a slogan on the corpse at the same end, warning the founding lieutenant general of the origin of the traitor Qin Dadao, who was sent to the base and still took care of the recruits

Qin Dadao, whose real name is Qin Jiwei, is a founding lieutenant general, whether in the War of Resistance Against Japan, the War of Liberation, or the Korean War after the founding of the People's Republic of China, he has heroic performance. What shocked him was the Qin Lai detachment he had formed during the War of Resistance Against Japan.

This team not only killed the enemy, but also did not spare the traitors, and they put slogans on the corpses of the traitors: Those who lead the way to the Japanese army will end up with the same fate. For a time, it swept the country, hundreds of people clapped their hands and applauded, frightening the traitors and not daring to go out, and the name Qin Jiwei was also recorded in the "annals of history.".

<h1 class="pgc-h-arrow-right" data-track="5" > put signs on corpses to warn of traitors</h1>

Qin Jiwei was born in a relatively wealthy family, although he did not receive higher education, but food and clothing is not a problem, and his childhood is relatively happy. When he was eight years old, a plague took the lives of his parents and brother and completely changed his destiny.

Qin Jiwei resisted Japan and killed the enemy, and put a sign on the corpse: All those who lead the way to the Japanese army should put a slogan on the corpse at the same end, warning the founding lieutenant general of the origin of the traitor Qin Dadao, who was sent to the base and still took care of the recruits

Since then, Qin Jiwei has had to work long jobs in order to survive, and he has exchanged his labor for shelter and food. Later, when war broke out, the Red Army passed through his area and recruited soldiers, and Qin Jiwei signed up without hesitation. He has no worries, joining the army can solve the problem of food and clothing, and he can also use his own strength to protect the country and get more in one fell swoop.

Perhaps because of his experience since childhood, he has become a soldier who is not afraid of death and tiredness, and has been fighting in the forefront. Qin Jiwei did not have too much knowledge, and did not export chapters like other leaders, but he was quite talented in combat, and he could skillfully complete the tasks of others and regiments with a small force.

After the official outbreak of the War of Resistance Against Japan, Qin Jiwei was ordered to develop the anti-Japanese armed forces in Taigu, Shanxi, and he did not bring any soldiers, but only came to Shanxi, which was not familiar with himself.

He used a short time to set up his own unit, the Anti-Japanese Independent Detachment of the 129th Division, which was the Qin Lai detachment mentioned above, which was dedicated to punishing traitors and traitors.

Qin Jiwei resisted Japan and killed the enemy, and put a sign on the corpse: All those who lead the way to the Japanese army should put a slogan on the corpse at the same end, warning the founding lieutenant general of the origin of the traitor Qin Dadao, who was sent to the base and still took care of the recruits

Such a task is very difficult, because traitors and traitors generally do not fight on the front line, so it is impossible to expect to meet on the battlefield. Qin Jiwei led his troops to do a good job of stepping on the point, they found the head of the traitors, killed chickens and monkeys, created an atmosphere of panic, and then quickly withdrew. The enemy simply did not have time to catch them.

Coupled with the fact that the people they killed were traitors and Chinese, the Japanese army would not pay too much attention to them, nor would it spend too many troops on finding them.

When the Japanese let their guard down, Qin Jiwei returned with his troops and killed more than a hundred traitors in a row, which was very gratifying. And put a sign on their corpses, saying that those who showed the way to the Japanese army would end up with this.

This move made other traitors dare not go out, to do things for the Japanese is also to die, not to do things for the Japanese is also to die, it is better to keep a good reputation, perhaps can also be protected by the Red Army, escaped a disaster. Without Chinese to show the Japanese the way, the Japanese understood the seriousness of the matter, but it was too late.

Qin Jiwei resisted Japan and killed the enemy, and put a sign on the corpse: All those who lead the way to the Japanese army should put a slogan on the corpse at the same end, warning the founding lieutenant general of the origin of the traitor Qin Dadao, who was sent to the base and still took care of the recruits

Although Qin Jiwei's battlefield was in the rear, their victory laid a good foundation for the front battlefield. Qin Jiwei's troops were small and sophisticated, and they used their own ways to make it more difficult for Japan to fight in China.

In fact, a very important reason why the War of Resistance Against Japanese Aggression was so difficult to fight was that there were too many traitors in our country, who translated for the Japanese, showed the way for the Japanese, accelerated the speed of Japan's annexation of China, and indirectly led to the death of more Chinese people.

Qin Jiwei blocked the activities of these people, which directly led to the obstruction of japanese travel in China, and they needed more preparation to move forward. On the other hand, in war, the will of the people is very important.

If we are defeated and the people's hearts are unstable, it will lead to the loss of reserve strength for the army. Qin Jiwei killed the traitors, greatly pleased the people's hearts, let the people see where justice lies, and stabilized the people's hearts.

Qin Jiwei resisted Japan and killed the enemy, and put a sign on the corpse: All those who lead the way to the Japanese army should put a slogan on the corpse at the same end, warning the founding lieutenant general of the origin of the traitor Qin Dadao, who was sent to the base and still took care of the recruits

<h1 class="pgc-h-arrow-right" data-track="15" > the origin of the Qin knife</h1>

Qin Jiwei has been a flesh-and-blood young man since he joined the Red Army, he likes to go to the battlefield to kill the enemy, and live and die with his comrades-in-arms. Perhaps it is precisely because of his spirit of not being afraid of death that he dares to do what others dare not do, which has created his character of not appeasing to raise adultery.

When he first joined the army, because of his heroic performance, he was appointed as the commander of the pistol company by his leaders, but the work of the troops he led was not to go to the front line to kill the enemy, but to stand guard and defend.

Although this task was as important as going to the battlefield to fight, the young and vigorous Qin Jiwei did not think so. He approached the battalion commander, and his theory, hoped that his soldiers could also go to the front to kill the enemy.

When the battalion commander heard that he did not obey the work arrangement, he only said, "Wow, you Qin Jiwei hero!" Leave me the company, where you love to go. Leave the gun behind, fight this battle, and seal you as Qin Dadao! Qin Jiwei was very stubborn in his bones, and he disregarded his company commander status, put down his pistol, picked up a large knife, and was about to go to the front line to fight.

Qin Jiwei resisted Japan and killed the enemy, and put a sign on the corpse: All those who lead the way to the Japanese army should put a slogan on the corpse at the same end, warning the founding lieutenant general of the origin of the traitor Qin Dadao, who was sent to the base and still took care of the recruits

In the following battles, Qin Jiwei fought with a large knife and bravely killed the enemy, performing extraordinary. The battalion commander knew his personality very well and did not dismiss him because of his "disobedience", and the battalion commander cherished his talent. In this way, Qin Jiwei, who fought with a large knife, gained the nickname of Qin Dadao, and for a time became a legend in the army.

<h1 class="pgc-h-arrow-right" data-track="19" > founding lieutenant general, delegating bases, still taking care of recruits</h1>

In 1968, Qin Jiwei was sent to a base to do farm work, he was 54 years old at the time, but he was strong and strong, and he was the person who worked the most at the base every time.

Many of the new "baby soldiers" call him Grandpa, and he is willing to accept it, and at night, he sacrifices his sleep time to mend clothes for these children and let them feel the warmth of the collective.

Qin Jiwei resisted Japan and killed the enemy, and put a sign on the corpse: All those who lead the way to the Japanese army should put a slogan on the corpse at the same end, warning the founding lieutenant general of the origin of the traitor Qin Dadao, who was sent to the base and still took care of the recruits

Many people asked him, he was once such a distinguished soldier, and now he still has to do these jobs, will not be uncomfortable?

Qin Jiwei shook his head hurriedly, I was just a soldier, not honorable, I participated in the battle, and I never thought of asking for any benefits, just hoping to protect the motherland. Now that my dream has come true, I can do any job, and I am better at my current work.

Qin Jiwei lived in the base for five years, and despite the difficult conditions, he still maintained an optimistic attitude and made a group of good friends. In July 1973, he accepted his appointment to the Chengdu Military Region as commander, and then transferred to the Beijing Military Region and then as defense chief. He was awarded the rank of General in 1988. Qin Jiwei's life has been famous and has suffered hardships, but he is brave and optimistic and has become a hero of the people and a hero of the country.

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