
Fish fragrant meat shredded at home, sauce is the key, according to the do appetizer under the rice, the taste is not lost to the outside restaurant super rice • fish fragrant meat shredded

author:Kitchens in Amyoya

In the blink of an eye, it has entered the autumn, although the rain this year is still cool, but it is still hot enough to sweat when it is still hot on a sunny day, and the appetite is also greatly affected. Don't worry, Xiaobian recommends you a next meal to make your taste buds open and your appetite increase.

Speaking of rice, my favorite stir-fry dish is shredded fish and meat. This is a very famous and popular dish, where sugar, vinegar and chili peppers are cooked with shredded pork and have a rich and enticing taste. The taste of fish is between "small sweet and sour mouth" and "small sour and spicy mouth", the taste is salty and fresh, the taste is smooth and tender, like fish and no fish, as long as there is this plate of fish fragrant meat shreds, I can eat two bowls of white rice!

Fish fragrant meat shredded at home, sauce is the key, according to the do appetizer under the rice, the taste is not lost to the outside restaurant super rice • fish fragrant meat shredded

I believe that many people try to make shredded fish at home, but no matter how they are made, the taste is not as good as outside. In fact, the meat curing of this dish into the taste is the foundation, more critical is the blending of fish sauce, learned to mix fish sauce, almost succeeded a large half, today Xiaobian will share this secret recipe to the small partners, I hope you learned the fish fragrant meat shredded this method. Since then, I have cooked myself, no longer have to spend money to go to a restaurant to eat, and it will be healthier to make it myself. The only drawback of this dish is that it is too much rice, and friends who lose weight are cautious, haha.

Fish fragrant meat shredded at home, sauce is the key, according to the do appetizer under the rice, the taste is not lost to the outside restaurant super rice • fish fragrant meat shredded

<h1 class= "pgc-h-arrow-right" > super rice and fish flavored meat shreds</h1>

【Ingredients】: 250g tenderloin, 2 fungus, 2 green peppers, 1 carrot, 2 tablespoons watercress paste, 3 tablespoons vinegar, 2 teaspoons sugar, 1 teaspoon salt, 2 teaspoons starch, 2 tablespoons light soy sauce

【Method】:1:Carrot shredded, green pepper washed and shredded, wood ear fungus washed and shredded for later. Cut the tenderloin into shredded meat, add an egg white, a pinch of salt, a pinch of white pepper, a spoonful of cooking wine and a large spoonful of starch, mix well clockwise and marinate for 20 minutes.

Fish fragrant meat shredded at home, sauce is the key, according to the do appetizer under the rice, the taste is not lost to the outside restaurant super rice • fish fragrant meat shredded

2, sit in the pot and pour oil, 40% of the oil temperature, the oil is burned until it is about to smoke, put the marinated meat shreds under the pot, use chopsticks to quickly scatter until the meat strips become white, and then put it out. The oil temperature at this step is very critical, not high, otherwise the meat will be firewood. Must be a low oil temperature.

Fish fragrant meat shredded at home, sauce is the key, according to the do appetizer under the rice, the taste is not lost to the outside restaurant super rice • fish fragrant meat shredded

3, re-put the appropriate amount of oil, put in the watercress sauce on a low heat and stir-fry, these ingredients are slowly fried out of the aroma, until the oil color is red and bright, do not use high heat, it will paste the bottom;

Fish fragrant meat shredded at home, sauce is the key, according to the do appetizer under the rice, the taste is not lost to the outside restaurant super rice • fish fragrant meat shredded

4: Stir-fry the red oil, add green pepper, carrot and shredded fungus, turn to high heat, and quickly stir-fry until it is broken;

Fish fragrant meat shredded at home, sauce is the key, according to the do appetizer under the rice, the taste is not lost to the outside restaurant super rice • fish fragrant meat shredded

4, finally put in the shredded meat together and stir-fry evenly;

Fish fragrant meat shredded at home, sauce is the key, according to the do appetizer under the rice, the taste is not lost to the outside restaurant super rice • fish fragrant meat shredded

5, sauce: mixed fish sauce is the key to this dish, salt, soy sauce, vinegar, sugar, starch, water ratio is, 1: 2: 3: 3: 2: 4, the last step poured into the mixed fish sauce stir-fried evenly, wait until the soup becomes slightly viscous, you can get out of the pot.

Fish fragrant meat shredded at home, sauce is the key, according to the do appetizer under the rice, the taste is not lost to the outside restaurant super rice • fish fragrant meat shredded

Out of the pot, red bright sour sweet and spicy fish fragrant meat shreds can be eaten, sweet and sour with a little spicy taste, not to mention how fragrant, hurry up to prepare more rice.

Fish fragrant meat shredded at home, sauce is the key, according to the do appetizer under the rice, the taste is not lost to the outside restaurant super rice • fish fragrant meat shredded


1, watercress sauce must be fried out of the red oil and then poured into the meat shredded, or the oil color will be far apart, the brightness will be poor.

2, the sauce is mixed in advance, and can be poured into the pot immediately after the meat is fried evenly, so as to avoid temporarily finding the sauce and causing omission.

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