
100 times to single out 500 million jackpots! The Big Lotto tonight's 124th issue is double balloted

author:Two-color ball analysis

Sports Lotto Lotto 123 draw, the current number is: 08 23 26 27 33+08 09. The most obvious feature of the current period is that the serial number form is hot, and the front and back areas are opened with two groups of 26 27 and 08 09 consecutive numbers, and the number form is rare in the large lottery with a large range of numbers. Among them, No. 26 27 is still the previous heavy number, and the serial number also opens a heavy number, which directly drives the heat out of the heavy number characteristics. The hot spots in the current period are concentrated in the large range of the three districts, and only the 08 is not small within 22 and those, and the rest of the numbers are obviously large. The back area is opened 08 09, which is also opened for two consecutive periods, of which 09 is still three consecutive intervals of heavy numbers, and the size of the back area is inconsistent, and it is difficult to judge from the size.

The following brings you a summary of the double votes in this issue, of which the highest one is 100 times single, the goal is to win the 500 million jackpot, and there are also 20 times more and 5 times more votes, although the multiples are inconsistent, but the number selection has very distinct characteristics, of which 100 times and 20 times the vote after the area coincidence "collision" is relatively rare. Gossip is not much to say, please enjoy the summary of the double votes in this issue:

100 times to single out 500 million jackpots! The Big Lotto tonight's 124th issue is double balloted

The total number of the two tickets is exactly the same, 50 times each, and the total is 100 times not added. The selection number is: 04 15 16 25 29+02 11. From the characteristics of the number, it can be roughly seen that it is also a self-selected number. The serial number was selected 15 16, and the recent former district opened a serial number for 3 consecutive periods, in addition to the previous period of 26 27, the interval also just opened a combination of 14 15 consecutive numbers, if you choose 15 16 in this period, it seems that the re-opening of the interval is also a chase interval, but 15 16 does not seem to have the last 26-30 number area hot out, this ticket avoids the hot number area, but re-selected a group of serial numbers near the relatively not too hot 15. However, the hot position is not no number, but there is no number: the closing 25 29 is in this area, of which 25 is still the oblique number of the previous period of 26, and 29 is the interval number that has just been opened for two consecutive periods, and these two numbers should be counted as the choice of the heat chasing number. The faucet is a single head small 04, this number and the rest of the choices are different, directly is the Bo cold number, has missed 7 periods, the recent faucet is really not good judgment, the last three phases of the faucet are 02-14-08, the visible size change is very large, the small faucet is very unstable, but it can be determined that the small position is indeed general, the last two phases of the first area of the trumpet are almost almost faulty, if you still maintain cold, a district really should not choose too many numbers. In terms of the back area, this ticket single-handedly 02 11, the standard small and large combination, the two numbers are missing 2 and 3 periods are not long, and the latest two periods of the continuous number trend is quite different, the spacing directly from 1 to 9, the general number of consecutive numbers may last for two periods, after all, the overall number of groups is relatively small, but it is not possible to directly open such a large spacing of the back area, it seems that it is not very easy to determine, the change seems to be a little too rapid.

100 times to single out 500 million jackpots! The Big Lotto tonight's 124th issue is double balloted

This ticket was provided by lottery players and was typed yesterday and Friday, and the serial number and period information were folded. The number of the two tickets is the same, one of them is 20 times more, the other is only 1 times basic, I don't know why it is so. The number selection is: 02 07 18 27 31 +02 11, it is interesting that this ticket also singled out the back area 02 11 and the first ticket coincidence, but the front area is quite different, it should also be possible to determine that it is not the same person who issued the ticket. In fact, the recent back area spacing is not very large, although the continuous number form is indeed rare, but on the whole, the distance of the two yards of the second period of the second period is not too far, if you directly choose 02 11 on the basis of the previous period, this large spacing seems to be a little too bold. In the former district, this ticket pays more attention to the small area, a district directly selected 02 07 two numbers, two omissions are not too long, 02 has just been opened recently, 07 is missing 12 periods slightly longer, and is the last issue of the dragon 08 diagonal number. Immediately compare the three districts to see, is to choose 27 31 two numbers, the middle number only chose 18, so it seems that the focus of the distribution to go to two ends, although the recent district small number is not fond of the number, but still chose 02 07, which should be the most different idea. But of course, do not forget the hot number, especially 27 is directly the last period of heavy number, if the real opening is 3 consecutive periods of heavy number, 31 heat is not bad only missed 3 periods only, two codes are in the recent hot number area, that the front area as a whole is the combination of cold and heat + go to both ends of the choice.

100 times to single out 500 million jackpots! The Big Lotto tonight's 124th issue is double balloted

This ticket is a real single bet 5 times more, although the multiple is not as good as the first two groups, but the number selection is more interesting: 11 17 20 24 35 + 01 12, of which the back area is more characteristic than the first two groups, directly selected the minimum 01 and the largest number 12, the distance is large enough, and the two ends of the two numbers are missing the longest, respectively, 9 and 11, is in addition to the middle number 07 the longest missing two numbers, choose these two obviously intentional, feel a little playful meaning, may be want to fight cold, Seeing that these two numbers have not been issued recently, fortunately, it is better to vote all of them, otherwise it is still rare to vote for the usual times. The front area did not choose the heavy number, but the dragon head chose 11, larger than the previous period 08, the first district small is almost broken, it is estimated that it is also affected by the recent dragon head, not optimistic about the hot out of the first district of the small number, the middle number selection is more, 17 20 24 spacing is not too far, but indeed do not have a number, and almost avoid the hot number area, especially 24 omission up to 29 periods, is the front area tied for the second largest cold number, 17 and 20 pages are the last 5 periods are not out of the number, the whole is in the cold number area. The same is true of the closing 35, missing up to 7 periods, so that it perfectly avoids the hot area of 26-31, plus the two ends of the back area of 01 12, the overall obvious should be the focus only on the cold number.

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