
Lee Byung-hyun's "Ministers of Namsan" will represent South Korea in the 2021 Oscars

author:Beijing News

Beijing News News On October 21, according to Korean media reports, the movie "Ministers of Nanshan" starring Li Bingxian, Lee Shengmin, Guo Duyuan and others will represent South Korea in the 93rd Academy Awards for Best International Film in 2021.

Lee Byung-hyun's "Ministers of Namsan" will represent South Korea in the 2021 Oscars

According to the report, the judging committee struggled in "The Ministers of Nanshan" and "Summer Night of Sisters and Brothers" and finally chose "The Ministers of Nanshan". According to the jury, "The Ministers of Namsan" is a fascinating film that showcases a rather dark history in South Korea that is now leading the way in culture, as well as the acting skills of Lee Byung-hyun, an actor who is highly recognized in the United States.

Beijing News editor Xu Meilin

Proofreading Lucy

Source: Beijing News

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