
Weekly attention to | Dunhuang: watching out for each other and building a "warm fortress" together

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Weekly attention to | Dunhuang: watching out for each other and building a "warm fortress" together

In the past few days, the vast number of medical personnel in Dunhuang Have charged ahead, party members and cadres have stood by day and night, community workers have fought in the front line, and loving enterprises have warmly donated... One by one, "small warmth" has become a "warm fortress" for the prevention and control of the epidemic in the city, bringing together a powerful force to help each other "fight the epidemic" and work together to overcome difficulties.

Weekly attention to | Dunhuang: watching out for each other and building a "warm fortress" together
Weekly attention to | Dunhuang: watching out for each other and building a "warm fortress" together
Weekly attention to | Dunhuang: watching out for each other and building a "warm fortress" together
Weekly attention to | Dunhuang: watching out for each other and building a "warm fortress" together
Weekly attention to | Dunhuang: watching out for each other and building a "warm fortress" together

Recently, the weather has become increasingly cold, but the vast number of frontline epidemic prevention workers in Dunhuang are still sticking to the frontline. In particular, the duty personnel stationed at the highway inspection checkpoint are on duty 24 hours a day and night, and strictly control the entry of vehicles into the customs. It was very hard, but they didn't complain. A small tent, a folding bed, a quilt, a stove, these supplies are their warmth. Boxes of instant noodles, jars of Eight Treasures porridge, cups of milk tea warm their hearts.

Weekly attention to | Dunhuang: watching out for each other and building a "warm fortress" together

Chen Chun, deputy director of the Dunhuang North Quarantine Inspection Station, said: "All the local caring enterprises have given a lot of love and support to the epidemic prevention staff, sending us water, sending us instant noodles, etc., which is not only a material guarantee, but most importantly, a kind of support for our hearts." We people are stationed in this place day and night, although it is very hard, but the people of the whole society care and support for us so much, let us feel very warm, we will definitely do our job in this post, look forward to our 'North Gate', and ensure the safety of our Dunhuang people. ”

Weekly attention to | Dunhuang: watching out for each other and building a "warm fortress" together

Wang Qiang, an on-duty officer at the epidemic prevention bayonet in Huangqu Town, said: "The recent temperature difference is relatively large, our duty personnel are more difficult, and the Huangqu Town Government arranged tent beds and heating facilities for us for the first time, which made our hearts feel very warm." In the next work, we will continue to do our job well and build a solid epidemic prevention and control line in Huangqu Town. ”

Weekly attention to | Dunhuang: watching out for each other and building a "warm fortress" together
Weekly attention to | Dunhuang: watching out for each other and building a "warm fortress" together
Weekly attention to | Dunhuang: watching out for each other and building a "warm fortress" together
Weekly attention to | Dunhuang: watching out for each other and building a "warm fortress" together

In urban areas, front-line epidemic prevention personnel also shuttle between buildings and courtyards in various communities day and night. Two days ago, doing nucleic acid testing for residents in home isolation became the main job of Zhang Huan, a medical worker at the Dunhuang Urban Community Health Service Center. After receiving the task, they wore protective clothing, which was slightly inconvenient in action, but after hearing the warm words of "thank you" and "you have worked hard", they would be happy like children, making "heart-to-heart" movements in front of the reporter's camera.

Weekly attention to | Dunhuang: watching out for each other and building a "warm fortress" together

Zhang Huan said: "When we go to the door to do nucleic acid sampling, many people say 'you have worked hard', whenever we hear such words, our hearts are warm, and we feel that such efforts are worth it." ”

Weekly attention to | Dunhuang: watching out for each other and building a "warm fortress" together
Weekly attention to | Dunhuang: watching out for each other and building a "warm fortress" together
Weekly attention to | Dunhuang: watching out for each other and building a "warm fortress" together
Weekly attention to | Dunhuang: watching out for each other and building a "warm fortress" together

The glimmer of light can become a torch, and people are more watchful and helpful under the epidemic. Dunhuang City carried out nucleic acid testing for all employees on October 28. All towns, communities, and relevant departments and units work overtime in advance to make full preparations for nucleic acid testing for all employees. On the evening of the 27th, knowing that the staff of the Qiaobei Community in Shazhou Town, Dunhuang City was still working overtime, a beef noodle shop in Dunhuang City sent a hot dinner to the staff of the Qiaobei Community, making everyone feel warm. The reporter learned that since the epidemic prevention and control work was carried out, this beef noodle shop has sent more than 140 love meals to the epidemic prevention personnel many times.

Weekly attention to | Dunhuang: watching out for each other and building a "warm fortress" together

Ma Guojin, the operator of the love restaurant, said: "So far, we have delivered five days of meals for the epidemic prevention personnel, the first three days are breakfast, followed by lunch and dinner, and then we will continue to deliver meals for the epidemic prevention and control personnel, hoping that the epidemic will end as soon as possible." ”

Weekly attention to | Dunhuang: watching out for each other and building a "warm fortress" together

Du Yujun, a community worker in Qiaobei, said: "We are very grateful to the caring enterprises for their care and attention to the frontline workers in our community, and we will use this attention and care to do a better job in our epidemic prevention and control work. ”

Weekly attention to | Dunhuang: watching out for each other and building a "warm fortress" together
Weekly attention to | Dunhuang: watching out for each other and building a "warm fortress" together
Weekly attention to | Dunhuang: watching out for each other and building a "warm fortress" together
Weekly attention to | Dunhuang: watching out for each other and building a "warm fortress" together

On the road of epidemic prevention, warmth is everywhere. In the nucleic acid test of all employees, the reporter noticed that although the medical staff is very busy, they do not forget to be meticulous and warm in the face of young children, and they use warm words to alleviate the children's fear of sampling. For the elderly with limited mobility, the staff took the initiative to support and arrange for priority nucleic acid testing and sampling.

Weekly attention to | Dunhuang: watching out for each other and building a "warm fortress" together

Zhang Liling, a staff member of the ancient city community, said: "For the elderly who do nucleic acid sampling on the spot, we will give him a stool, and some elderly people who are not very convenient to walk, we will give priority to helping him to the collection site to do nucleic acid sampling." ”

Weekly attention to | Dunhuang: watching out for each other and building a "warm fortress" together
Weekly attention to | Dunhuang: watching out for each other and building a "warm fortress" together
Weekly attention to | Dunhuang: watching out for each other and building a "warm fortress" together
Weekly attention to | Dunhuang: watching out for each other and building a "warm fortress" together

Love gathers strength, true feelings build hope together! In the battlefield of epidemic prevention and control, there is no smoke of gunfire, many people who are retrograde, with soft shoulders to support us a blue sky. Perseverance in the cold night, a warm greeting, a hot meal... Inadvertently converging into a trickle, warming you and me, condensing a majestic force. We believe that on the road to fighting the epidemic, we will help each other and the "fortress of warmth" will eventually defeat the epidemic. (Liu Xulong, Tian Li, Guo Junqiang, Zhao Juan, Li Yanan)

Source: Jiuquan Radio and Television Station

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