
In 1950, Mao Renfeng received a telegram from Li Kenong, and he slapped the table directly after reading it

author:Comet World Cuisine

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The content of this article is written with authoritative information combined with personal opinions, and the source of the literature and screenshots have been marked at the end of the article, please be aware.


In 1950, when the War of Liberation had ended, the Kuomintang reactionaries in Taiwan were still scheming.

On February 27, Mao Renfeng was waiting in front of the radio station for the dispatcher to provide him with the latest spy information.

In 1950, Mao Renfeng received a telegram from Li Kenong, and he slapped the table directly after reading it

But when he got the telegram from Li Kenong, he slapped it on the table with an angry face and yelled loudly.

"Li Kenong, I'm not done with you!"

So, what exactly was written in the letter that made Mao Renfeng so angry? What exactly happened between the two?

The spy shows his head

In 1949, the 70th birthday of Stalin in the Soviet Union, and Chairman Mao, who was a friend of the year, always kept this incident firmly in mind, so he planned to go there in person to express China's concern for Comrade Stalin.

In 1950, Mao Renfeng received a telegram from Li Kenong, and he slapped the table directly after reading it

On the other hand, Chairman Mao also sought further cooperation between China and the Soviet Union and deepened the friendship between the countries.

Unexpectedly, in November of the same year, the mainland's personnel in charge of anti-surveillance received such a piece of information.

The other party actually learned of Chairman Mao's whereabouts, and even planned to carry out a murder plan when the chairman returned to China.

In 1950, Mao Renfeng received a telegram from Li Kenong, and he slapped the table directly after reading it

Seeing this line of words, the staff who were listening couldn't help but tremble, and immediately sent the news to Yang Qiqing, who was then the Minister of Public Security.

After getting the information, Yang Qiqing repeatedly confirmed the accuracy of the news with the soldiers, and after receiving a positive answer, Yang Qiqing considered the seriousness of the problem and hurriedly found Chairman Mao.

He is well aware of the chairman's leading role in the development of New China, and if he is injured because of this travel plan, it will be a huge loss for the people.

So he persuaded Chairman Mao to postpone his visit to the Soviet Union and wait until the situation stabilized before going to the Soviet Union.

In 1950, Mao Renfeng received a telegram from Li Kenong, and he slapped the table directly after reading it

I saw Chairman Mao take the letter from Yang Qiqing's hand, and after reading it for a while, he immediately raised his head and directly rejected Yang Qiqing's idea.

Chairman Mao knew very well that the only country that the mainland could rely on at the moment was the Soviet Union, and at this once-in-a-lifetime opportunity, there could be no forks.

In his opinion, even if he risked his life, for the sake of the country and the people, he should not change his plan for the trip.

In addition, he was worried that if this matter reached the ears of the Soviet Union, it would definitely make it doubt the ability of the Chinese Communist Party to govern, so instead of being controlled by others, it was better to catch the spies as soon as possible.

In 1950, Mao Renfeng received a telegram from Li Kenong, and he slapped the table directly after reading it

After thinking for a while, Chairman Mao picked up the phone and called Li Kenong, then Minister of Social Affairs.

Li Kenong is an excellent intelligence officer known as the "king of agents", and Chairman Mao believes that if the two of them handle this matter together, they will be able to find out the spies.

After seeing Chairman Mao and Yang Qiqing, Li Kenong also learned the ins and outs of the matter from the other party's mouth, and Li Kenong quickly made a judgment based on his years of work experience as an intelligence officer.

In 1950, Mao Renfeng received a telegram from Li Kenong, and he slapped the table directly after reading it

In his view, although the smoke of the war of liberation has dissipated, this does not mean that the war has completely ended, and there are still a large number of Kuomintang spies in all walks of life, and these people are sending intelligence to Chiang Kai-shek in Taiwan all the time.

And this was the most serious task of the anti-surveillance department at that time, and Chairman Mao agreed with this statement.

In 1950, Mao Renfeng received a telegram from Li Kenong, and he slapped the table directly after reading it

As for how to arrest the spies, Li Kenong also put forward ideas, and he planned to start with overseas remittances to investigate, so as to catch the spies.

Because, if the enemy wants to survive on the mainland, he must have money to support his daily needs.

Li Kenong's words were like an initiation, which made Yang Qiqing clap his hands unconsciously.

"Good idea."

In 1950, Mao Renfeng received a telegram from Li Kenong, and he slapped the table directly after reading it

Chairman Mao also nodded in this regard, saying that the two of them would let it go.

There are many difficulties on the road to chasing the murderer

Hearing this, Yang Qiqing sent someone to inquire about all the overseas remittances that he could currently grasp in the manner Li Kenong said.

However, they did not find the person they were looking for in these records, and the arrest work was at an impasse for a while.

Considering that it was close to noon at that time, Li Kenong went to eat first with the big guys.

Among some factory employees who ate with their peers, such a sentence aroused Li Kenong's vigilance.

In 1950, Mao Renfeng received a telegram from Li Kenong, and he slapped the table directly after reading it

"Why are the remittance records of our factory all from Hong Kong?"

At that time, the trading countries on the mainland were dominated by the Soviet Union, and in addition to him, there were some small Eastern European countries.

Under Li Kenong's arrangement, all the staff turned their attention to the Hong Kong remittance, and after several hours of hard work, clues surfaced.

In 1950, Mao Renfeng received a telegram from Li Kenong, and he slapped the table directly after reading it

Among the several remittances from Hong Kong, two stand out as odd.

Both remittances were initiated in Hong Kong and transferred to an account in Tianjin and then to Beijing, with the beneficiary named Ji Ailin.

Li Kenong, who has always been vigilant, immediately sent staff to surround the address left by the payee, and as for the every move of the people inside, clothing, food, housing and transportation, they were also monitored by the relevant departments.

However, there is no woman named Ji Ailin here, there is just a family surnamed Shen.

In 1950, Mao Renfeng received a telegram from Li Kenong, and he slapped the table directly after reading it

All of a sudden, the pursuit of the culprit came to an impasse.

But Li Kenong was confident, he recognized that this Shen family was Ji Ailin's hidden den, and under his orders, the staff did not dare to slack off, they stuck to their posts, always waiting for the enemy to show their feet.

Cast a long line and catch big fish

Late one night, a fierce quarrel broke out between the man and his wife over an account that the man owed to his sister-in-law.

During this period, a phrase from the man caught the attention of the staff.

"How our family's money came from, you know it yourself."

In 1950, Mao Renfeng received a telegram from Li Kenong, and he slapped the table directly after reading it

The alert staff quickly wrote down all these words and passed them on to Li Kenong.

"Check, you must find out."

This made Li Kenong find hope, and the woman became the focus of surveillance!

After many visits and investigations, it was found that this woman from the Shen family was actually Ji Ailin, not only that, but her younger brother Ji Zhaoxiang had also served as a senior officer of the Kuomintang.

In 1950, Mao Renfeng received a telegram from Li Kenong, and he slapped the table directly after reading it

Yes, all right.

At that time, there was only one thought in Li Kenong's heart, and the spies must be them.

The scheming Li Kenong does not plan to arrest the other party immediately, but intends to wait for the forces behind the scenes to emerge, so as to catch them all.

In 1950, Mao Renfeng received a telegram from Li Kenong, and he slapped the table directly after reading it

Under his deployment, the staff successively found the address of Ji Ailin's younger brother Ji Zhaoxiang.

Late one night, the staff quietly slipped into his house, while others were listening to Ji Zhaoxiang's radio.

Early in the morning, Ji Zhaoxiang sent a telegram message, and it was about Chairman Mao's assassination plan.

It turned out that they planned to use the bomb to cause an accident on the railway that Chairman Mao had to pass to return to China, not only that, but in order to ensure that the assassination was foolproof, the other party also sent a large number of killers to arrive.

In 1950, Mao Renfeng received a telegram from Li Kenong, and he slapped the table directly after reading it

After seeing the news, Li Kenong made up his mind to wipe out these killers, otherwise they would only grow like weeds, and even affect Chairman Mao's safety.

February 20 was the day of the convergence of the two reactionary forces.

Considering that the two sides did not know each other, Li Kenong disguised himself as a connector, found the killer, and took out a telegram to prove his identity.

The killer quickly believed it, and at Li Kenong's request, he handed over the list in his hand without question.

In 1950, Mao Renfeng received a telegram from Li Kenong, and he slapped the table directly after reading it

After the results were listed, Li Kenong smiled indifferently, and then took out the "big gift" - an arrest warrant.

"You've been arrested."

said that it was too late, but I saw Li Kenong take out a pistol, and the black muzzle of the gun was pressed against the other party's head, and the other party had been pressed to the ground by the guards before he understood what was going on.

According to the list, all the killers and reactionaries lurking on the mainland were arrested and imprisoned.

In 1950, Mao Renfeng received a telegram from Li Kenong, and he slapped the table directly after reading it

Before leaving, Li Kenong also laughed at Mao Renfeng and sent him a telegram.

"Those who win the hearts of the people prosper, and those who lose the hearts of the people die."

In the telegram, Li Kenong humiliated the other party with the arrest of Ji Zhaoxiang, and advised the other party to give up the idea of blocking China's development.

Therefore, this is the beginning of the scene.

Mao Renfeng slapped the table angrily after seeing the news, but in fact, he also knew that it had become a fantasy for the Kuomintang to counterattack the mainland again.

In 1950, Mao Renfeng received a telegram from Li Kenong, and he slapped the table directly after reading it


From this, we can also see that even after the founding of New China, the outstanding leaders of our party had to face all kinds of threats at home and abroad at all times, and it was their wisdom and wisdom that could help them turn danger into relief again and again and escort the development of New China.


Wen Wei Po 2019-12-04 On the second day after the "Beiping Hidden Taiwan" case was solved, Li Kenong personally drafted a telegram and sent it to Mao Renfeng, "If you have the ability, come in person!" ”

People's Daily Overseas Network 2015-03-17 In 1950, Mao Renfeng wanted to kill Mao Zedong, Li Kenong greeted after solving the case

Kenong Li_Baidu Encyclopedia (

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