
Tips from the Ministry of Education: Beware of being deceived during the enrollment period of colleges and universities, and experts reveal the means of fraud

author:Everest Shenkan

Tips from the Ministry of Education: Beware of being deceived during the enrollment period of colleges and universities, and experts reveal the means of fraud

Tips from the Ministry of Education: Beware of being deceived during the enrollment period of colleges and universities, and experts reveal the means of fraud

Zhu Feng Shenkan

2024-06-30 08:45Hebei


The college entrance examination determines your future, don't let scammers ruin your children.

During the enrollment period of colleges and universities, some criminals may take advantage of the expectations of parents and students to falsely claim to have "internal indicators", "mobile plans" and "targeted enrollment plans" by forging documents, privately carving seals, setting up false registration offices and consultation telephones, etc., to commit fraud.

Tips from the Ministry of Education: Beware of being deceived during the enrollment period of colleges and universities, and experts reveal the means of fraud

There are various forms of fraud, such as falsely claiming that "low scores and high admissions" can be achieved through "supplementary admission" and other methods, or claiming to know certain leaders or admissions office personnel, who can "go through the back door" and "engage in special activities", falsely claiming to have "internal indicators" or special relationships, and claiming that they only need to pay an additional fee to obtain a university place.

Tips from the Ministry of Education: Beware of being deceived during the enrollment period of colleges and universities, and experts reveal the means of fraud

Impersonating education sector staff and offering "grants" or "student loans", these are in fact false.

Tips from the Ministry of Education: Beware of being deceived during the enrollment period of colleges and universities, and experts reveal the means of fraud

Confusing different forms of education, such as adult college entrance examinations, self-study exams, and full-time colleges and universities, in order to deceive parents.

Claiming to have a special enrollment quota for military academies, this type of scam usually involves a high fee.

Tips from the Ministry of Education: Beware of being deceived during the enrollment period of colleges and universities, and experts reveal the means of fraud

The use of forged "high-level organ documents of the army" or acceptance memoranda to enhance deception.

The Ministry of Education, in conjunction with relevant departments, has carried out an in-depth implementation of the college entrance examination escort action, and carried out a special action of "lighting up the official website logo of authoritative examination enrollment institutions" to facilitate candidates and parents to identify formal enrollment policies and service information. Candidates and parents should check the enrollment information of colleges and universities through the official website of the Ministry of Education or the officially authorized enrollment platform, look for the "official website" logo, and beware of copycat accounts or website scams.

Tips from the Ministry of Education: Beware of being deceived during the enrollment period of colleges and universities, and experts reveal the means of fraud

If you encounter a fraud incident, you should report it to the public security organ in time to protect your legitimate rights and interests.


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