
"Photography sister" Chen Man: holding the red gold lock, relying on the stars out of the circle, because of the P map was despised by peers 0102030405

author:Ning Xiaoyu

At the beginning of 2021, Chen Man was invited to shoot the covers of the five major women's magazines in the fashion circle, and the finished product came out, which caused dissatisfaction and questioning from everyone.

A group of ni ni photos, let netizens bluntly say that she has lost her own unique charm, the shape is not suitable, a sudden look thought it is Li Yuchun.

"Photography sister" Chen Man: holding the red gold lock, relying on the stars out of the circle, because of the P map was despised by peers 0102030405

A group of photos of Li Bingbing, even more let people stare at it for a few minutes and can't recognize who it is, sometimes like Zhou Xun, sometimes like Yuan Quan.

"Photography sister" Chen Man: holding the red gold lock, relying on the stars out of the circle, because of the P map was despised by peers 0102030405

There is also a photo of Liu Yifei, obviously a super high "immortal appearance", but it is blurred to a mess...

"Photography sister" Chen Man: holding the red gold lock, relying on the stars out of the circle, because of the P map was despised by peers 0102030405

Photographers in the fashion industry have also posted articles suspected of being in the collective "connotation".

"Photography sister" Chen Man: holding the red gold lock, relying on the stars out of the circle, because of the P map was despised by peers 0102030405

But even if he is pushed to the cusp of the storm, even if the work is controversial, Chen Man's "group favorite" status in the entertainment industry is still unchanged.

There has always been a rumor in the circle: "There is no star that Chen Man can't shoot, only Chen Man who can't be made by a star!" ", and even some people say: Chen Man's set of photographs can top a suite.

To get such a high evaluation, what is Chen Man really relying on?

"Photography sister" Chen Man: holding the red gold lock, relying on the stars out of the circle, because of the P map was despised by peers 0102030405

<h1 class="pgc-h-arrow-right">01</h1>

Chen Man was born in Beijing in 1980 to a family of intellectuals, his father working as a graphic advertising designer and his mother a doctor.

Earlier, the family lived in the hutong, from time to time there will be rats to "guest", the average child will avoid and be afraid when they see it, but Chen Man is not.

She grabbed a pen and drew it down, her mother looked at it, and really painted like a decent one, at that time, Chen Man was only 2 years old, and her parents decided to let her learn to draw by her talent.

"Photography sister" Chen Man: holding the red gold lock, relying on the stars out of the circle, because of the P map was despised by peers 0102030405

When entering various children's palaces, Chen Man was often the youngest one in the class, but she could always become the best one in the class in a short period of time.

So since she was a child, she has won all kinds of awards, including the first place in the country and the first place in the world, and a sense of pride suddenly arose in her heart.

"Photography sister" Chen Man: holding the red gold lock, relying on the stars out of the circle, because of the P map was despised by peers 0102030405

Chen Man attended the Central Academy of Fine Arts High School in high school, and it is reasonable to say that after graduation, he should go to the Central Academy of Fine Arts.

However, due to the fact that Chen Man was very loose throughout his high school years, eating, drinking and having fun and painting all day, his academic performance could not go up at all, and he did not even pass the score line during the college entrance examination.

How could parents with different achievements allow their daughters to live all day without reading, and in desperation, Chen Man chose to repeat the study.

"Photography sister" Chen Man: holding the red gold lock, relying on the stars out of the circle, because of the P map was despised by peers 0102030405

A year later, Chen Man actually passed the exam, and the professional course still ranked first, which attracted much attention, and the teacher quietly called her to the office:

"Chen Man, did your first choice be to apply for the Central Academy of Fine Arts or the Central Academy of Drama?" If you apply to the Central Academy of Drama, we will guarantee you! ”

Chen Man listened, they were so sincere, then choose the Central Academy of Drama.

"Photography sister" Chen Man: holding the red gold lock, relying on the stars out of the circle, because of the P map was despised by peers 0102030405

In 2000, Chen Man reported to the school, majoring in the Department of Stage Art, in the same year, Tang Wei also entered the school to report, the two became alumni, what people did not expect was that after a year, Chen Man chose to withdraw from school.

<h1 class="pgc-h-arrow-right">02</h1>

Because the curriculum and atmosphere of the art department are too "quiet", and Chen Man was loose in high school, she suddenly felt that she seemed to prefer to deal with people more professionally, and before consulting with her parents, she resolutely chose to quit school.

For Chen Man's willfulness and persistence, her parents simply could not take her, and after learning that the Central Academy of Fine Arts had opened the first photography major, Chen Man immediately listed it as a target.

"Photography sister" Chen Man: holding the red gold lock, relying on the stars out of the circle, because of the P map was despised by peers 0102030405

People around her advised her to be cautious, after all, the new major inevitably lacked teaching experience, but Chen Man was very persistent.

She took the college entrance examination for the third time and was admitted to the Central Academy of Fine Arts as she wished.

Chen Man did not expect that a year or two later, when she was still a student, she would usher in the first "highlight moment" of her career.

"Photography sister" Chen Man: holding the red gold lock, relying on the stars out of the circle, because of the P map was despised by peers 0102030405

During college, Chen Man, like other classmates, would also take some part-time jobs to earn some pocket money, and in her sophomore year, she received a job to shoot cover photos for Youth Vision magazine.

At that time, the camera was still a film camera, and after Chen Man seriously took a picture of the model, he washed it out and found that there was nothing.

So she could only cheekily propose to the other party: shoot again.

"Photography sister" Chen Man: holding the red gold lock, relying on the stars out of the circle, because of the P map was despised by peers 0102030405

This time, Chen Man was out of the circle.

"Photography sister" Chen Man: holding the red gold lock, relying on the stars out of the circle, because of the P map was despised by peers 0102030405

With this photo, Chen Man was discovered by stylist Li Dongtian, who is a famous star stylist in the circle, and he threw an olive branch to Chen Man: I am responsible for the artist modeling, you are responsible for shooting, and we cooperate.

Chen Manshuang quickly agreed that such cooperation would allow her to begin to emerge in the fashion circle.

"Photography sister" Chen Man: holding the red gold lock, relying on the stars out of the circle, because of the P map was despised by peers 0102030405

But Chen Man's attention is half good and half bad, and her works have a characteristic: the later revision accounts for half of the credit.

For a long time, Chen Man only took one photo a month, and after taking it, he borrowed the computer equipment of his friend's studio to start retouching the drawings, and when he was tired, he lay on the small sofa and slept for a while, about a month to repair it before he could make a film.

It can be imagined how meticulous Chen Man's retouching is.

"Photography sister" Chen Man: holding the red gold lock, relying on the stars out of the circle, because of the P map was despised by peers 0102030405

At that time, many photographers were not familiar with computers and software, and what they pursued was the natural beauty of the original film characters, light and shadow, and angles, paying attention to the original taste, so they could not look at Chen Man's operation at all.

Chen Man fell into an embarrassing situation: in the eyes of the artist, she is not an artist, and in the eyes of the photographer, she is not a photographer, she is sandwiched in the middle.

<h1 class="pgc-h-arrow-right">03</h1>

Chen Man did not change his photography method because he was despised by his peers, but went farther and farther on the road of retouching.

"Photography sister" Chen Man: holding the red gold lock, relying on the stars out of the circle, because of the P map was despised by peers 0102030405

After working with Li Dongtian for a long time, Chen Man not only better understood the photography skills of the fashion circle and the entertainment industry, but also had more and more opportunities to shoot, and there were naturally many stars in contact.

Every time she takes a photo, she is not simply how to look good and how to shoot, but integrates the story and personality of the star himself, and the composition, lighting, color, including the later retouching, have their own set of ideas.

At that time, Yang Tianzhen packaged the golden lock, and joined hands with Chen Man to cooperate with Chen Man, one session of "grandfather" photos, so that the golden lock quickly became popular and deeply rooted in the hearts of the people with the image of "grandfather".

Later, Chen Man filmed Li Bingbing's desert blockbuster, in order to present a scene that is difficult to appear in reality, Chen Man let Li Bingbing run in a long skirt, and after completing the shooting, she added deserts and animals to the content to make people immersed;

"Photography sister" Chen Man: holding the red gold lock, relying on the stars out of the circle, because of the P map was despised by peers 0102030405

For example, when shooting Zhou Dongyu, she wanted to express Zhou Dongyu's frankness and fruitiness, so she gave her a silver and white shape, and this hairstyle, she found a brother with the same hairstyle, and then spliced it together.

"Photography sister" Chen Man: holding the red gold lock, relying on the stars out of the circle, because of the P map was despised by peers 0102030405

When filming director Xu Ke, Chen Man learned that there are many good and evil characters in the other party's films, so in the photo, she uses a black cat to add a sense of mystery to it.

"Photography sister" Chen Man: holding the red gold lock, relying on the stars out of the circle, because of the P map was despised by peers 0102030405

With Chen Man's exit, many photographers in the circle could not look at it, and frequently pointed out that she relied not on photography technology, but on retouching technology.

Even so, Chen Man's ideas are always different from other photographers, so they can always stand out, and in the long run, many stars have designated her to shoot, although they need to wait, although expensive, they don't care.

<h1 class="pgc-h-arrow-right">04</h1>

In her career, she ignores the eyes of others, and in terms of feelings, Chen Man is also obstinate, and her marriage has actually been not favored by her parents.

In 2007, at an event, Chen Man met a mixed-race Man of Chinese and American descent, and the two got along very well, so they came together.

"Photography sister" Chen Man: holding the red gold lock, relying on the stars out of the circle, because of the P map was despised by peers 0102030405

When getting married, Chen Man did not consider the economic situation of the other party at all, and the two had no car and no house.

However, in the eyes of many parents, they all hope that their daughters will marry well, not be wronged, and have a dependency after leaving home, so for this ordinary man, the mother's complaints are often on the lips:

"I don't make money, I don't clean up my house, I don't buy a house or a car, I don't flush when I go to the toilet..."

"Photography sister" Chen Man: holding the red gold lock, relying on the stars out of the circle, because of the P map was despised by peers 0102030405

And because of cultural differences, my husband will also say things like "why is your father so nagging" from time to time.

Many people in such an environment will feel embarrassed or even a little broken, but Chen Man is very calm, lover, as long as they like it, other people's opinions are not important.

What really made her feel difficult was when she was pregnant, when Chen Man founded a new company, and in order to give her children a warm home, she and her husband also bought a house, Chen Man not only had to be busy with work, but also had to manage the decoration.

"Photography sister" Chen Man: holding the red gold lock, relying on the stars out of the circle, because of the P map was despised by peers 0102030405

Originally there were many things, the complaints of both her parents and husband came to her at the same time, Chen Man was not happy at all, and every day he thought about how to be a conciliator in it.

The final result was that the two sides were getting farther and farther apart, and later Chen Man bluntly said that he was transferred to the United States and went back and forth between the two places, which completely solved the problem of unpleasant getting along in the family.

"Photography sister" Chen Man: holding the red gold lock, relying on the stars out of the circle, because of the P map was despised by peers 0102030405

<h1 class="pgc-h-arrow-right">05</h1>

The reason why Chen Man doesn't care so much about her husband's income is because she has a keen sense of business.

She took pictures, not to complete the task, but to arouse the resonance and discussion of the audience, so many stars loved her works.

The classic photos that Faye Wong has used so far are from Chen Man's hand, the best photo of Hu Ge Huo Jianhua is also taken by Chen Man, and Rihanna's "oriental charm" that amazes everyone is also Chen Man's creativity.

"Photography sister" Chen Man: holding the red gold lock, relying on the stars out of the circle, because of the P map was despised by peers 0102030405

There are also Li Bingbing's red lips, Zhang Ziyi's elegant beauty, Zhou Xun's "elf" temperament, Liu Wen's sunny and cheerful, Shu Qi's lazy temperament, And Guo Degang's contrasting fashion sense...

"Photography sister" Chen Man: holding the red gold lock, relying on the stars out of the circle, because of the P map was despised by peers 0102030405

The unique sense of atmosphere that no one else can photograph, she holds it just right.

While being a photographer, she also has another identity.

Once, there was a photo of Yang Ying lying on the ground, Chen Man wearing a high-slit tight skirt and high heels all over the Internet, and everyone set their eyes on the photographer for the first time.

"Photography sister" Chen Man: holding the red gold lock, relying on the stars out of the circle, because of the P map was despised by peers 0102030405

Later, some netizens found that she was not only a famous photographer, but also a popular star, because Chen Man herself had also appeared on the cover of well-known magazines, and there were many brand endorsements, and her outstanding temperament was not worse than that of stars.

"Photography sister" Chen Man: holding the red gold lock, relying on the stars out of the circle, because of the P map was despised by peers 0102030405

The ease of switching between photographers and models is presumably the heart of too many girls.

Chen Man has been controversial along the way, but she can still win the favor of the stars, not due to luck, but her dedication and unique insight into art.

"Photography sister" Chen Man: holding the red gold lock, relying on the stars out of the circle, because of the P map was despised by peers 0102030405

The reason why when everyone resisted the star to repair the map, Chen Man also went out of the circle because of the map repair, and it was also because she played this skill to the extreme, which is the degree that most people cannot reach.

Chen Man said:

A person's name is often a hint of her fate, my name is Chen Man, it is indeed a little loose, but just look at the right side of the word, it is a day above it, representing the light, below is an eye, representing the eye, and below, like a tripod, so I became a photographer.

"Photography sister" Chen Man: holding the red gold lock, relying on the stars out of the circle, because of the P map was despised by peers 0102030405

It may be a coincidence that this is a coincidence, but Chen Man's persistence and sassiness are indeed admirable.

It's not surprising that she has where she is today.