
The health code of Heihe household registration personnel has become a unified yellow code, and the relevant departments are gradually changing the code for those outside

author:Beijing News

On October 30, the Information Office of the People's Government of Heilongjiang Province released a message saying that from now on, the Longjiang health code of Heihe City household registration personnel will be uniformly changed to "yellow code", and citizens can call the convenience service hotline or search for the public account "Heihe Gang", click the yellow code to modify and upload it.

According to the data, the Longjiang health code is the unique identification code for the health of personnel in the jurisdiction of Heilongjiang Province, which can be used as a travel voucher.

On the afternoon of the 30th, some household registration personnel in Heihe City reported that they have been living in other cities in Heilongjiang Province for a long time, and after the release of the above news, they called the convenience service hotline many times, but they have not been able to get through, and the public account "Heihe Gang" cannot be used normally. Some citizens said that they can understand the needs of epidemic prevention and the hardships of epidemic prevention staff, and hope that the local government will provide an effective "recoding" channel as soon as possible and return to normal conditions as soon as possible.

The person in charge of the relevant department of Heihe City told the Beijing News reporter that due to the needs of epidemic prevention and control, the Heihe Municipal Center for Disease Control and Prevention issued the above decision, and has successively changed the code for Heihe household registration personnel working and living in other places, and the convenience service hotline and the "Heihe Gang" mini program are also being restored. "The convenience hotline and the telephone of the disease control department cannot be called, perhaps because there are too many people calling in, the departments are already actively promoting, we will try our best to restore the normal work and life of the citizens abroad, and we must also ensure that the prevention and control work is done."

The health code of Heihe household registration personnel has become a unified yellow code, and the relevant departments are gradually changing the code for those outside

Notice that the Longjiang Health Code of Household Registration Personnel in Heihe City will be uniformly changed to the "Yellow Code" from now on. Source: Screenshot of Weibo

The health code of household registration personnel in Heihe City is uniformly changed to a yellow code

At 6:00 a.m. on the 30th, the Information Office of the People's Government of Heilongjiang Province released a message saying that in view of the severe and complex epidemic situation in Aihui District of Heihe City, in order to further tighten the control measures, from now on, the Longjiang health code of residents registered in Heihe City will be uniformly changed to the "yellow code", and the code will be re-assigned after the current round of epidemic situation is stable.

According to the above information, during this period, it may cause inconvenience to the household registration personnel of Heihe City who have lived abroad for a long time and have left the local area for work. If you encounter difficulties in travel, work, life, etc., you can call the convenience service hotline: 0456-12345 or search for the public number "Heihe Gang", click the yellow code to modify and upload and submit, and the Heihe Cd-operative Center for Disease Control and Prevention will restore the "green code" in time according to the actual situation.

On the morning of the 30th, Ms. Wang, a household registration officer in Heihe City, found that her Longjiang health code had become a yellow code and was required to isolate at home, after she had been working and living in Harbin City, Heilongjiang Province, and had not returned to Heihe City for more than a year.

Ms. Wang began to call the convenience service hotline at 8:00 a.m. on the 30th to apply for a yellow code modification, but the phone has not been connected. She also submitted information on modifying the yellow code through the "Black River Gang" public account, but it has not been successfully modified.

"We can understand that the pressure of epidemic prevention is great, but we should make steady progress." Ms. Wang said they are also patiently waiting.

According to another candidate with household registration in Heihe City, he took the education qualification certificate examination in Harbin City, and today's first subject examination was held at 9 a.m., but because of the Yellow Code of Longjiang Health, the invigilator did not let him enter the examination room. "After I left, a teacher called me and said I could go in, but by then I was already gone."

The above-mentioned candidate said that although his hometown is in Heihe City, he and his family have been living in Harbin City, during the epidemic period did not go back, before the exam began, he has repeatedly tried to apply for a code change through the two channels given by the official, and has not yet succeeded, "can understand the needs of epidemic prevention and the hardships of epidemic prevention staff, only hope to provide an effective code change channel as soon as possible, as soon as possible back to normal state." ”

At about 9 p.m. on the 30th, Wang Girl told the Beijing News reporter that her change application had been successfully submitted and the green code had been restored. Ms. Wang mentioned that her friends around her have also been successfully recoded, "The mini program can be submitted normally now." We submitted it more than 4 p.m. and have now successfully changed back to the green code. The yellow code is only temporary, but as long as the submission is successful and patient, the follow-up will be solved. ”

The health code of Heihe household registration personnel has become a unified yellow code, and the relevant departments are gradually changing the code for those outside

Yellowed "Longjiang Health Code". Courtesy of respondents

Official: It is gradually changing the code for Heihe household registration personnel in other places

At about 1 p.m. on the 30th, the person in charge of the relevant department of Heihe City told the Beijing News reporter that the above measures are due to the current epidemic prevention and control needs, issued by the Heihe Municipal Center for Disease Control and Prevention, and the relevant departments have successively changed the code for heihe household registration personnel working and living in other places, and the convenience service hotline and the "Heihe gang" mini program are also being restored.

"The convenience hotline and the telephone of the disease control department cannot be called, perhaps because there are too many people calling in, the departments are already actively promoting, we will try our best to restore the normal work and life of the citizens abroad, and we must also ensure that the prevention and control work is done."

The above-mentioned person in charge said that the measure is only for Heihe City household registration personnel in Heilongjiang Province who need to use the Longjiang Health Code, and will not affect the household registration personnel in Heihe City outside Heilongjiang Province such as Beijing and Shanghai, and the itinerary code and health code of personnel outside the province should be normal. In addition, because of the impact of the epidemic, "some examinations have been cancelled by the relevant departments, and now they are not allowed to gather." ”

A staff member of the Harbin Municipal Education Bureau Enrollment Examination Center said that heihe city household registration candidates who took the teacher qualification certificate examination in the Harbin examination area can apply for a refund on november 1 in the Heilongjiang Provincial Admissions Examination Online, and the registration fee will be returned in the same way, if it is a candidate who has completed and passed the written examination subject, the validity period of the score will be extended by half a year.

On the morning of the 30th, according to the website of the Heilongjiang Health Commission, from 0:00 to 24:00 on October 29, there were 26 new local confirmed cases of new coronary pneumonia in Heilongjiang Province (all in Aihui District, Heihe City), and 1 new case of local asymptomatic infection (Aihui District, Heihe City). As of 24:00 on October 29, there are 2 imported confirmed cases in the province, 36 locally confirmed cases, and 1 local asymptomatic infected person.

Since 10:00 on October 29, Shengtai Community of Changhai Community in Aihui District of Heihe City and Piccup Property Insurance Community Forestry Fund Raising Building Community in Aihui District of Heihe City have been adjusted to medium-risk areas. Since 00:00 on October 30, Hongzhi Community of Luyuanchun Community of Aihui District of Heihe City, Changhui Athens City Community of Bowen Community of Aihui District of Heihe City, Shangpin Jiayuan Community of Bowen Community of Aihui District of Heihe City, and Zhongfang Building 76 of Changhai Community of Aihui District of Heihe City have been adjusted to medium-risk areas.

Wu Liangyou, deputy director of the Disease Control Bureau of the National Health Commission, said at the press conference of the joint prevention and control mechanism of the State Council that the epidemic situation in Heihe, Heilongjiang has developed rapidly since the report on October 27, and according to the current flow adjustment and virus sequencing results, this epidemic is not related to the recent local epidemic in Inner Mongolia, Gansu and other provinces and regions, and is a new epidemic caused by imported viruses.

Beijing News reporter Bo Qiyu Wu Caiqian intern Tang Saikun

Edited by Zuo Yanyan

Proofread by Wu Xingfa

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