
All the wonders of the world smell of effort

The path of life is a spiral path, only by striding forward and turning flexibly can we rise to the ideal peak. (Image from Oriental IC)

All the wonders of the world smell of effort

The so-called life, every moment is full of choices. What I'm going through at this moment is the result of countless choices I've made in the past. No matter which road you choose, you will definitely remember the road you didn't take. Therefore, there is no regretless choice in this world, and there is no right answer in life, as long as you firmly believe that the path you choose is the right answer and turn it into the right answer. (Image from Oriental IC)

All the wonders of the world smell of effort

All the wonders of the world smell of effort. Fate never owes anyone, and there are times when we have to fight alone. Dreams need to be created, not waiting. Fate is the excuse of the weak, the excuse given to themselves by the incompetent, and the truly strong never bow their heads. May one day your efforts be given another name – miracle (Image from Oriental IC)

All the wonders of the world smell of effort

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