
The first time he participated in the host competition, after winning the championship, he said bluntly: he did not shame Zhejiang Chuan

author:Broadcast China

Recently, the Beijing-Tianjin-Shanghai-Chongqing Urban Style Host Competition came to an end, and Broadcast China found that some broadcast students won the honor.

It is summer, and various host competitions at all levels are also carried out in various places. As a broadcasting major that uses competition to practice and promote learning by competition, the host competition is the "just need" choice for many students' career channels.

Can argue against opponents, can read the right words, can tell stories... In the 12th Broadcast Host Competition of Jinan Radio and Television Station held not long ago, Da Ruilin, a student from the dubbing direction of Zhejiang Communication Institute, won the championship.

The first time he participated in the host competition, after winning the championship, he said bluntly: he did not shame Zhejiang Chuan

He bluntly said that this was the "O.Henry" style ending— the leopard tail flicked, unexpectedly, with a tearful smile.

Once a year, the sound of spring city. The Jinan Radio and Television Station Radio host competition has been held since 2010, and this year is the twelfth edition, with more than 1,000 players from more than 100 universities such as China Transmission and Zhejiang Transmission enthusiastically registering for the competition. At the same time, as an important channel for Jinan Radio and Television Station to select and use outstanding talents, after two-way selection, some of the winners will come to Jinan Radio and Television Station to enter the practice period.

In this regard, Broadcast China interviewed Da Ruilin, the first prize winner of the provincial capital city radio host competition, and asked him to tell us about the subject competition and the professional epiphany he got.

The first time he participated in the host competition, after winning the championship, he said bluntly: he did not shame Zhejiang Chuan

Broadcast China: As an announcer studying dubbing, what are your advantages in participating in the Radio Host Competition?

Da Ruilin: In addition to the basic course of dubbing, many of the special courses set up by the dubbing were very helpful for me in this competition. For example, learning about the character dubbing business allows me to use different voice states to shape a prescribed situation when stringing together a program, directly closing the distance with the audience;

The literary and artistic works performance course can put me in the news facts and have humanistic care at the same time, and analyze it from the perspective of empathy, reason, and intention, which may be more "spring wind and rain" than grabbing the position, throwing attitude, and defining the situation when I see the news.

Of course, this is not to say that the dubbing profession has much advantage over the broadcast host competition, but in these aspects, what I have learned happens to be of some help to the quality of the program.

Broadcast China: The common host competition is now subdivided into radio, television, new media and other directions. In your opinion, how is the radio host competition evaluation different from the traditional TV host competition?

Da Ruilin: In fact, if you look at it broadly, the content of the radio host competition and the TV host competition are similar, and they also require the contestants to have a good voice appearance, good language organization ability, and most importantly, the attention to news and current affairs. Radio and television belong to traditional media, so the most important role played is to convey correct values and public opinion guidance.

So to say the difference, in essence, is not big. However, from the formal point of view, the communication effect of radio and television is completely different. Broadcasting in the traditional sense has no picture to rely on, all information needs to be transmitted through the language of the host, how much useful information the audience can get from the broadcast, the key lies in how the broadcast host says, how to say, will not say, can not use the only language channels to spread the information in high fidelity and low loss.

If you only have a good skin bag, a good voice, and know nothing about news events or have never heard of it, this is also fatal for excellent talent, of course, this does not mean that broadcasting does not require a high standard of voice appearance; from the perspective of two-way interaction, the interactivity of broadcasting is stronger, so it is also necessary to have good communication skills.

The first time he participated in the host competition, after winning the championship, he said bluntly: he did not shame Zhejiang Chuan

I also noticed that the host contest to be held by Linyi TV and Jilin TV station has its own emphasis on different media of radio and television, but in the end, it comes down to factors such as whether the news horizon is broad and whether it is forward-looking for the media. Therefore, whether it is a radio or television host competition, the accumulation of "generalized draft preparation" and the broadening of horizons are extremely necessary.

Broadcast China: Your trip to Quancheng is your first experience of the event. Throughout the competition, how did you focus on the elements of broadcasting to implement the characteristics of broadcasting?

Da Ruilin: Most radio programs pay great attention to interaction and communication with the audience, arouse emotional resonance, and pay attention to integrating recent hot events in society into the program. For example, in the simulation host in the final round of the competition, I chose the topic of "other people's parents". If it is only done as a review program, it will seem dull and single.

The first time he participated in the host competition, after winning the championship, he said bluntly: he did not shame Zhejiang Chuan

So I combined the educational anxiety caused by the popular TV series "Xiao Shede" at that time to perform a live interpretation, and crossed the list of Nan Li played by Song Jia and Tian Yulan played by Jiang Xin, I did not expect the effect to be significant, to a large extent, the program form was enlivened, added interest, and also mobilized the audience to participate in reflection, and the topic of educational anxiety, which was not very comfortable, suddenly became much easier.

In radio programs, such sound image shaping can allow the audience to ignore the subjective imagination of the host's image on the other end of the radio wave, and even avoid the various effects of the TV host due to the appearance and action of the host to the program, which can make the program more pure and the audience's attention more focused on the content quality of the program itself.

Of course, I also pay attention to the different styles of radio anchors, including the style of Zeng Xiaoxian, played by Chen He, who boiled frogs in warm water, and the very radical kind of anchors who roared at dealers in order to defend their audiences. Actually these are two extremes that I don't agree with.

Broadcasting is not an emotional thing, do programs well, peaceful and simple, there are things to say, solve problems, can not be solved by the relevant departments to solve. The host must find his own role positioning, and the "right to speak" does not represent the arrogant teacher. So I also always reflect and avoid using too much force in the course of the show.

Broadcast China: In this competition, what lessons are less carefully paid attention to in textbooks and academics?

Da Ruilin: Preparing a program takes time to plan and polish, maybe in the school stage we will always pay attention to factors such as "three inside and four outside" and "six steps in preparation", but when we really do the program, these things have no time to be carefully cut, they must be internalized in the long-term daily training, and they will be directly externalized when they are on the spot.

The first time he participated in the host competition, after winning the championship, he said bluntly: he did not shame Zhejiang Chuan

At the same time, many times the textbook can only provide a host state, a norm, a model, that is, the "skeleton" of the program, then this "skeleton" must be filled with "flesh and blood", where does "flesh and blood" come from? From life, from the accumulation of bits and pieces. We must not only pay attention to whether the show has a beautiful shell, but also consider whether there is enough work to target the audience under the support of the bright structure.

At present, the theories in some textbooks have become obsolete in the context of the rapid development of new media, we must not only consider whether the program has educational significance, but also on the basis of taking into account the social significance to explore the possibility of the program in the market as much as possible, so the program can not be made behind closed doors, we must go out and embrace the environment.

Broadcast China: Many broadcasters are keen to participate in various types of host competitions at all levels, what are the recommended source channels for how to obtain event information?

Da Ruilin: I actually didn't have any registration channels before this competition, because a brother in the circle of friends who worked in JinanTai issued an announcement of the competition.

Later, I also found that I often searched for information such as "XX Radio and Television Station Host Contest" in the search bar of WeChat, but in fact, I could find some recent announcements of the competition released by radio and television media.

Of course, some game announcements will also be reprinted in the tweet of "Broadcast China", so you can pay more attention to it. These competitions will have uneven quality and uneven quality, so when registering, you must still consider carefully according to your actual situation.

Broadcast China: In this broadcast host competition, did the organizers of the event involve new media elements and reflect the concept of integration?

Da Ruilin: In this host competition, the organizers clearly told us that this is a very traditional host competition, so to be honest, in addition to the live broadcast through the new media platform at the time of the competition, there are not too many new media elements.

There was a small episode in the rematch of this competition, because I was in a hurry to pack my things, I brought a suit without a belt, so I directly wore a loose regular dress when I was on the field. The judges of Jinan Tv asked me: "Boy, are you dressed like this on purpose?" I answered the situation truthfully, and added stupidly, "The radio doesn't actually need to be on camera." The dialect teacher said: "Don't you know that now that the media is developing, radio hosts are also facing live broadcasts?" ”

In fact, I understand very well that many radio and television stations from the central to the local, from the central to the local, from the central to the provinces and cities, are trying to synchronize the live broadcast screen. But in my opinion, this is just a transformation of the broadcast platform, and to just say "appearance is integration" is definitely to simplify complex things. Therefore, it is good that traditional media have exploration on the road of transformation and development, but there is still a long way to go.

The first time he participated in the host competition, after winning the championship, he said bluntly: he did not shame Zhejiang Chuan

Here I would also like to talk about a special thing I experienced outside of this competition: just in early July, I went to a local county-level financial media in Sichuan to "investigate" and found that their reporters' daily work was not to interview and shoot, but to brush vibrato in the office, and when they found a relatively hot video, they took it off and stamped it with their own watermark and republished it to douyin, and their leaders were complacent when they introduced them to us, thinking that they had taken a big step on the road of media integration and development.

This is completely wrong and violates the basic principles of journalistic creation. So media convergence is a big concept, not overnight, most people are actually feeling the stones to cross the river.

In this competition, I would like to especially thank one of my teachers, he is a famous TikTok blogger "Straight Male Finance", his voice and expression on the new media platform completely jumped out of a traditional media cognition, exaggerated posture language, rich expression is external, sharp point of view, smooth logic is inside, grasping hot spots is also a highlight of his, which makes each of his works can become a hit.

So I deliberately kept the traditional show style during the competition while imitating his style, while borrowing some of his classic arguments. Judging from the expressions and reactions of the judges and teachers on the spot, they still recognized my "grafting" method.

Broadcast China: How do you view the voice screen crossover of Yao Yibin, host of the Voice of China of the Central Broadcasting Corporation?

Da Ruilin: Yao Yibin really belongs to a busy person now, and CCTV runs at both ends. When he was in the 2019 CCTV host competition, I paid attention to the luck of Yao Yibin in his competition, especially in the finals, two or two to catch the PK, the lottery decided to stay, and there was no way to draw Wang Jianning. However, Yao Yibin's performance in the competition is very fanatic, calm, tense, plain but direct to the heart, the intention of telling the story layout, reflecting the determination of a mature news program host.

In July 2020, when he first appeared on the CCTV news channel "24 Hours", I also sent a special message to the circle of friends saying that "radio players have entered television", but I did not expect that he would continue to work in the CCTV and participate in the broadcast of CCTV programs. His dual identity will give the audience a sense of freshness, and his business ability is enough to support him to work on both platforms with ease, and it will switch and adjust the state according to the needs of different programs.

The first time he participated in the host competition, after winning the championship, he said bluntly: he did not shame Zhejiang Chuan

His own style is also more affinity, and for a news program produced by the commentary department, he will give people a feeling of a harmonious spring breeze, which is very in line with his temperament. His "sound-screen crossover" also reminds us that we can't just focus on radio or television, but must have enough attention for every platform, including new media.

Broadcast China: It is reported that this broadcast host competition tends to recruit fresh graduates to join, as a school broadcast student, what kind of career planning do you have? Will you choose a behind-the-scenes broadcast job similar to that of dubbing in the future?

Darren: I will continue to participate in this kind of host competition, whether it is radio or television. When it comes to different platforms, the challenges will be different. On the one hand, it is to test their own ability, on the other hand, it is to prepare for graduation and employment as early as possible.

Because I had no intention of going to graduate school during my school years, when many of my classmates around me were preparing for graduate school, I could use my time to enrich myself, accumulate more practical experience, and learn more from excellent people.

The first time he participated in the host competition, after winning the championship, he said bluntly: he did not shame Zhejiang Chuan

In addition to participating in the competition, I am also waiting for the school recruitment of the radio and television media. My ideal career is definitely to do TV news and accumulate work experience in the front line of the media, but this has to rely on ability and opportunity, and it has to be tested by the grinding of time.

As far as my current situation is concerned, there is certainly still a big gap, so I must continue to work towards this goal. As for dubbing, broadcasting, etc., if I have the opportunity, I am also very happy to learn and participate, as a hobby and side business to develop.

The first time he participated in the host competition, after winning the championship, he said bluntly: he did not shame Zhejiang Chuan
The first time he participated in the host competition, after winning the championship, he said bluntly: he did not shame Zhejiang Chuan

Author | Da Ruilin Yang Junbo

Editor-in-charge | Sun Xiaoning, editor, | Wang Weimin Editor-in-Chief | Chen Hui

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