
Wang Zhengxiang went to Broken Shan, Wang You, and other townships to inspect the construction of highways in Tongcun

author:Colorful Guizhou Net

On March 3, Wang Zhengxiang, chairman of the Huishui County CPPCC Committee, and Yang Shengying, vice chairman of the Huishui County CPPCC Committee, accompanied by the heads of the county transportation bureau, the environmental protection bureau and other departments, went to Duanshan Town and Wang You Town to inspect the construction of the Tongcun Highway.

The 10.085-kilometer Tongcun Highway from the huiluo expressway to Wang You is currently under intensive construction, with the Lianjiang River Dragon Boat Ferry as the boundary for construction, of which the Wang You section has been completed years ago, and the broken shan section has progressed rapidly since the start of construction on January 13, 2015, and the sudden push and excavation of earth has approached the ferry port. The ferry bridge spans 99 meters, has completed the design of the ground, and can be tendered to enter the construction site after the Lantern Festival.

Wang Zhengxiang went to Broken Shan, Wang You, and other townships to inspect the construction of highways in Tongcun
Wang Zhengxiang went to Broken Shan, Wang You, and other townships to inspect the construction of highways in Tongcun
Wang Zhengxiang went to Broken Shan, Wang You, and other townships to inspect the construction of highways in Tongcun

At the construction site of the broken shan section, Wang Zhengxiang listened carefully to the reports of the transportation department, townships and construction units, and affirmed the results achieved in the construction and construction. At the same time, it is required that relevant departments and construction units should closely focus on the annual goals and tasks, strengthen the docking of the upper and lower levels, and accelerate the progress of construction, so as to facilitate the travel of the masses along the route and promote regional economic and social development; they should strengthen construction supervision and grasp quality management. In line with the attitude of being responsible for the masses and the long-term development of the region, we should earnestly strengthen the quality management of the project throughout the entire process of project construction, and strive to create high-quality projects and projects that benefit the people; all towns and communities should focus on doing a good job in the ideological work of the masses, strengthen communication and coordination with the masses in the areas of land expropriation and housing, continue to create a harmonious and orderly construction environment, and ensure the smooth progress of construction projects.

On the same day, Wang Zhengxiang and his entourage also inspected the completion of the construction of the road from Duanshan Town to Yayang Village in Lushan Town. In the Wangyou section of the highway from Duanshan Town to Wangyou Town, he exchanged and coordinated with the transportation, environmental protection and other departments and the responsible persons of the town party and government on the planning of the highway into the town, the construction of towns, and the construction of sewage discharge, and inspected the implementation site of the ferry bridge and the construction of some dam projects. Knowing that there were financial difficulties in the 1.4-kilometer tongzu road built by the villagers of the Baiyan Foot Group in Hongxing Village, Wangyou Town, the transportation department immediately coordinated the solution of 100 tons of cement, which solved the urgent needs of the masses.

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