
"Jun Jiuling" 4 post-90s male actors: Jin Han's appearance is controversial, and Wang Youshuo has the most audience popularity

author:Guo Er

To say which female protagonist in the recently broadcast film and television drama is the most powerful, when Jun Jiuling is no exception. Returning from a fallen princess to become a famous doctor in the world, Jiu Ling can be described as a standard revenge heroine.

"Jun Jiuling" 4 post-90s male actors: Jin Han's appearance is controversial, and Wang Youshuo has the most audience popularity

In the play, jiuling morality, intelligence, physical beauty, ten all-round, Wen Neng and Ning Yunzhao stream of consciousness to play chess, Wu Neng to throw pot "Heavenly Girl Scattered Flowers", medical skills gold finger is more vigorously open, not only can cure the cousin's stubborn disease for more than ten years, but also can save the people of the city, with the heroine's aura, she not only got the love of the people, but also gained four ministers under the skirt.

"Jun Jiuling" 4 post-90s male actors: Jin Han's appearance is controversial, and Wang Youshuo has the most audience popularity

Zhu Zhan, a handsome and noble prince with deep affection for only one person, stood out among the men who admired the heroine.

"Jun Jiuling" 4 post-90s male actors: Jin Han's appearance is controversial, and Wang Youshuo has the most audience popularity

Lu Yunqi, a yin-qi ex-husband who is obsessed with Jiuling to perverts, marries his sister Jiuquan in front, and qiangna jiuling as a concubine in the back, even if he raises a substitute, he must satisfy his own selfish desires.

"Jun Jiuling" 4 post-90s male actors: Jin Han's appearance is controversial, and Wang Youshuo has the most audience popularity

Ning Yunzhao, a Wen Runyuan who once had a marriage contract with JiuLing, even if Jiuling refused, he silently guarded it.

"Jun Jiuling" 4 post-90s male actors: Jin Han's appearance is controversial, and Wang Youshuo has the most audience popularity

Fang Chengyu, a cousin of a milk dog who is arrogant in the early stage and clingy in the later stage, knows that the marriage contract is false, and he does not abandon it.

"Jun Jiuling" 4 post-90s male actors: Jin Han's appearance is controversial, and Wang Youshuo has the most audience popularity

However, among these four, Zhu Zhan, played by Jin Han, is more controversial, and the focus of netizen controversy is mainly focused on his appearance. As early as before the start of the broadcast, some fans posted a refined picture of Jin Han on the set, and exaggerated how handsome and compelling his costume appearance was. However, the reaction of netizens after seeing the picture disappointed the fans, because everyone was basically complaining about his appearance, and always felt that something strange was strange, and the sweet Peng Xiaoran on the side did not seem to match.

"Jun Jiuling" 4 post-90s male actors: Jin Han's appearance is controversial, and Wang Youshuo has the most audience popularity

It was hard to wait until the drama began to air, when netizens saw Jin Han's makeup, shape and expression in it, a topic of ancient dolls and ugly men triggered by Jin Han was hotly discussed by the whole network, and even some people issued such an exclamation that internal entertainment was not saved.

"Jun Jiuling" 4 post-90s male actors: Jin Han's appearance is controversial, and Wang Youshuo has the most audience popularity

For this matter, I really can't blame netizens for being harsh on the actor's appearance, not that the average look can not be the male protagonist, but to give the director and actors a wake-up call, to play a suitable role, which is crucial for the actor.

If you don't have that look, but you have to play some world-class beautiful man, in the play a vigorous squeeze eyebrows to play cool and handsome, the audience will not pay, the groove is also expected, reasonable.

Compared with the white-clad teenager, Jin Han is obviously more suitable for the villain role of the dark belly and the bad things. Before in "Splendid Wei Yang" in Ling Yunnan, "Chu Qiao Biography" in Zhao Xifeng, he digested it perfectly, obviously is a natural villain actor, why bother to take the affectionate male protagonist route?

"Jun Jiuling" 4 post-90s male actors: Jin Han's appearance is controversial, and Wang Youshuo has the most audience popularity

In contrast, The new branch leader Ning Yunzhao, played by Wang Youshuo, is more pleasing, although Ning Yunzhao has a crush on Jiuling, he is rational enough, he can follow his heart in everything, not overstepping the rules and not demanding, this gentle and jade-like Gongzi is almost the same as his "Great Song Youth Chronicle".

"Jun Jiuling" 4 post-90s male actors: Jin Han's appearance is controversial, and Wang Youshuo has the most audience popularity

Wang Youshuo can be said to be out of the circle with "The Chronicles of the Great Song Youth", because this drama has gained a lot of fans, and the audience has always been very good, and in "Jun Jiuling", he still chose to play the role of Wenrun who he was good at, and as always, he was loved by everyone.

"Jun Jiuling" 4 post-90s male actors: Jin Han's appearance is controversial, and Wang Youshuo has the most audience popularity

Some people say that actors should try more different roles, but I think that when you have not yet established a foothold, it is best to work harder in the role you are good at, and act well in the role you are good at, and one day, this type of role will give you the best feedback.

What do you think about that? Welcome to leave a message to discuss.

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