
Ancient Zhiwei Story 1226 (Wang You, from the Book of Search gods)

author:A drop in the ocean of ancient strange stories

Wang You

Wang You, a loose rider, was so ill that he could not rule the law, so he said goodbye to his mother. After a while, he heard a person who reported the name of the guest saying: "The guest is a certain person from a certain county and a certain township, who has done a history of driving others." Wang You had also heard his name.

After a while, the man suddenly came and said to Wang You, "I am a reader with you, of course, I have a fate; and with you in the same hometown, the feelings are more sincere and harmonious." This year, the state has a major event, and three generals have been sent to various places to collect manpower and materials from the people. A group of more than a dozen of us, Zhao Gongming's subordinates, came here in a hurry, saw that you had a high-gate house, so they came to you. It's too good to befriend you. Wang You knew that they were ghosts and gods, so he said, "I am unfortunately very ill, and the day of death is in front of me."

Now when I meet you, I beg you to save my life. The man replied, "There is death in life, and this is inevitable." The dead do not depend on the nobility of their time on earth. I now bring three thousand ping-pong and need you to be in command, and if you agree, I will consider handing over the archives to you. Opportunities like this are rare, and you shouldn't shirk them. Wang You said: "My old mother is old and has no brothers, and once I die, there will be no one to support my mother." "I can't cry when I say this. The man said sadly, "You are such a high-ranking official as a waiter, but there is no surplus in your family." I just heard you say goodbye to your mother, and it was very pitiful. In this way, you are the coat of the country, how can you let you die? I will definitely try to help you. Saying that, he got up and left, and told Wang You, "I'll come back tomorrow." ”

By tomorrow, the man will come again. Wang You said, "You promised to let me live, will you really give me such a favor?" The man replied, "The eldest old man has already promised you, will he still deceive you?" "I saw that his retinue was a hundred, all only about two feet long, dressed in black military uniforms, and painted with red paint. Wang You's family beat drums and prayed, and offered them. The ghosts heard the drums and danced to its rhythm, waving their sleeves and making a fluttering sound. Wang You would give them a banquet, but the man refused, saying, "No need." Then he got up again to leave, and said to Wang You, "Your problem is in your body, as hot as fire, and you must use water to eliminate it." Then he took a glass of water and lifted the futon and poured it on it. Then he said to Wang You, "Leave you a dozen branches of red pens, place them under the mat, and give them to people so that they can be used as hairpins." In this way, you can avoid disasters in and out, and you can do everything smoothly. Then he said.

"Wang Jia and Li Yi, I have made friends with them." So he shook Wang You's hand and bid farewell to Wang You.

At that time, Wang You could still sleep peacefully, and when he suddenly woke up in the night, he beckoned the people around him, asked them to open their heads and say, "The ghost god poured water on me, and my quilt head was almost wet." "The man on the side lifted the head of the quilt and looked at it, and sure enough, there was water, but the water was under the quilt above, and above the quilt below, and it did not seep into the quilt head, just like dew on a lotus leaf. Measured it, a total of three liters and seven combinations. So Wang You's problem was two-thirds better, and after a few days, he was cured. All the people the man had said he was going to take away were dead, and only Wang Wenying died half a year later. According to him, the people who gave the pen were all sick and war-torn, and they were all at peace.

At the beginning, there was a demon book that said: "God sent three generals, including Zhao Gongming and Zhong Hui, each of whom commanded tens of thousands of ghosts to come down and catch people." "No one knew where these ghosts were at the time.

After Wang You recovered from his illness, he saw this demon book, which was completely consistent with the Zhao Gongming said by the person he met.

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