
Unequal black swans

author:The secretary has a story

When I went to the unit early in the morning, two black swans were wandering on the avenue, stretching their heads and necks, as if they were looking for them, and as if they were waiting. A look of loss and confusion.

I can't help it.

I remembered that in the first half of the year, they were invited to come and put in the lake in the unit, when the circle of friends of colleagues was boiling, and they took the baby to see the swans, take pictures, and be proud. Suddenly, it has become a leading treasure in the circle and a splendid Internet celebrity.

Suddenly, the limelight was the same.

It is said that the four swans, who came not politely, asked for 15 kilograms (or kilograms) of cabbage every day, and their strength should be very good, and soon they climbed ashore and began to inspect all corners of the unit.

We also saw everyone in the circle of friends to show their waddling figures in the corridors of various buildings, under the sunset, on the avenue, their fat bodies swayed, and from a distance, they were really cute.

Unequal black swans

Black swans that came up to the meadow

When I came out, the two of them blocked the steps of the downstairs corridor, and I had nowhere to go. One of them looked at me, craned his neck, and shouted. Singing? The body does not seem to be very beautiful, the voice is not pleasant, and there is still a resentment in the small eyes.

The other one also barked.

The two brothers are difficult brothers, and they feel sorry for each other.

I was a little crying and laughing.

Coming out of their side sideways, I was busy.

Some colleagues said that when the swans stay in the lake, they feel beautiful; wandering around, is it not beautiful?

No more nobility!

The colleague replied.

Everyone giggled, and so on.

I think of the beautiful black swans that are famous throughout the country at Xiamen University, swimming around in the lake from time to time, and the curve of the neck is reflected in the lake, which fascinates many tourists!

Wang Xizhi also likes swans, what color is unknown, but we went to Lanting, and the general white swans we met were more natural and beautiful! When a Taoist priest heard that Wang Xizhi liked it, he raised a group and asked Wang Xizhi to see it. Wang Xizhi was very happy and wanted to take the goose home, so he wrote the words he wanted to the Taoist priest, and then happily "returned from the cage".

White swans are indeed elegant, but how come our black swans are not beautiful? White and black, both beautiful!

cause? Some colleagues smiled slyly: those elegances are because those lakes can't jump out; our lakes can come out, our units are open units, and our employees are friendly and literate workers!

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