
Reproducing the anti-sweeping "Riding the Wind", the artistry is probably higher than Wu Jing's own Wolf Warrior 2? Script Design Lens Language Film Details History and Film

author:Guards Infantry Division

Released in 2017, "Wolf Warrior 2" is so far the highest-grossing film in China, and "Riding the Wind" is only the first unit of the movie "My Father and Me", which is also the work of Wu Jing's team.

In my opinion, Ride the Wind is more artistic than Wolf Warrior 2.

<h1 class="pgc-h-arrow-right" data-track="6" > script design</h1>

There are already many anti-Japanese film and television dramas in China, why are some of them criticized by the audience as divine dramas? In addition to the exaggerated battles in them, the plot is also very pale.

"Riding the Wind" reproduces the brutal sweeping of the Japanese army in the anti-Japanese base area in Jizhong in 1942, and shows why the Eighth Route Army was able to gain a foothold in the anti-Japanese base area.

At the beginning, the regimental headquarters of the Cavalry Regiment of the Eighth Route Army and Jizhong helped the masses in the field to grab grain, and immediately acted after learning of the enemy's situation.

During the maneuver, through the protagonist's perspective, a village slaughtered by the Japanese army is shown.

The regimental headquarters troops encountered some fleeing civilians and resolutely took the people with them.

In the face of Japanese air raids, the political commissar and staff officer led a squad to divert the Japanese aircraft.

The Japanese army brazenly strafed the Chinese people.

After the Japanese army killed the commanders and fighters of the Eighth Route Army, they cruelly hung their bodies on the cliffs to show off.

Under the siege and interception of the Japanese sweeping forces, Ma Chengfeng (Wu Lei), the traffic staff officer of the regimental headquarters and the son of the commander of the Ma Regiment, led a small group of people to deceive the Japanese troops and cover the main force to move to safety with the masses at the cost of all sacrifices.

These are all aspects of the contempt of anti-Japanese film and television dramas in recent years.

Relying on the masses, taking root in the masses, and leading the masses are the magic weapons for the New Fourth Army of the Eighth Route Army to gain a firm foothold behind enemy lines.

Reproducing the anti-sweeping "Riding the Wind", the artistry is probably higher than Wu Jing's own Wolf Warrior 2? Script Design Lens Language Film Details History and Film

Wu Jing plays the leader of Ma Renxing

<h1 class="pgc-h-arrow-right" data-track="84" > lens language</h1>

In recent years, there has been a word on the Internet called "hades filter", which describes the foreign media smearing China by playing with filming techniques.

However, it seems that China's crew will not use the "Yang filter" in recent years, many film and television dramas are narration at every turn, monologues and even read out the psychological activities of the characters, are you film and television dramas or radio dramas?

Many of the shots in "Ride the Wind" themselves are expressing rich information and conveying emotions to the audience.

However, judging from the online discussion, the audience, including many big V,000, does not seem to realize this.

At the beginning, the cavalry regiment learned of the enemy situation and marched on horseback, so the soldiers avoided the "green yarn tent", which was a manifestation of the Eighth Route Army's observance of mass discipline, and the Japanese army and the old army would not care about trampling on farmland.

The village led by the commander of the horse regiment was written with anti-Japanese slogans, implying that this was a village in the base area.

The village slaughtered by the Japanese army is only filmed in one corner, and the focus of the camera is that the wild dog running out of the village is holding a blackened red embroidered shoe, and what kind of fate the villagers suffered is left for the audience to think about.

Commander Ma's team found the anti-subordinate DaChunzi (Zhang Tianai) in the cellar, and Dachunzi held the gun left by her husband, obviously overreacting, and even fired a shot, and the commanders and fighters around us shouted several times, "We are the Eighth Route Army, not the devils!" Da Haruko calmed down. What kind of atrocities did Ohharuko hear about the devils in the cellar and react so violently?

Reproducing the anti-sweeping "Riding the Wind", the artistry is probably higher than Wu Jing's own Wolf Warrior 2? Script Design Lens Language Film Details History and Film

Anti-genus Daeharuko (middle)

Among the surviving villagers, a young man with a broken hand brought water to the Eighth Route Army, and saluted a circle of people around him with his handless arm, and everyone applauded, which was evident in the identity of the disabled veteran and the prestige of the Eighth Route among the masses.

A child took the food from The Eight Roads, went to find his mother, turned the perspective, and found that the direction the child was looking for revealed a blood-stained foot, had the child's mother been killed by the Japanese army? This is the implication of the picture.

During the Japanese air raid, a soldier covering the crowd was seriously injured, and the camera shifted to the fighter's point of view, and the soldier insisted until the child of the cover was carried to safety by his comrades before closing his eyes.

The footage of a small group of people and horses sacrificed in battle is interspersed back and forth with the shot of the resistance to the birth of the child of the great haruko, and what is the meaning is, leaving the audience to think.

When the Jizhong cavalry regiment gathered the team to counterattack the Japanese army, the flag bearer fell off his horse, the horse regiment leader took the flag and continued to charge, and then the horse regimental commander's war horse was hit, and the other cavalry took the flag and continued to advance.

Reproducing the anti-sweeping "Riding the Wind", the artistry is probably higher than Wu Jing's own Wolf Warrior 2? Script Design Lens Language Film Details History and Film

Take the battle flag

The gray-haired veteran's war horse was hit, and the veteran fell down and stood up again, encouraging his comrades to charge with a charging posture.

The cavalry of the Eighth Route Army rushing into the Japanese artillery positions was shot backlit, which is the usual method used by the media to shoot heroes in recent years, but many domestic media and crews are not aware of the use of this method.

At the end of the battle, the Rising Sun Flag planted by the Japanese army on the slope was blown up by the Eighth Route Army, and the cavalry of the Eighth Route Army rushed to this slope with the battle flag, and the design of this shot was not more ingenious than the uniform cheering victory?

<h1 class="pgc-h-arrow-right" data-track="85" > movie details</h1>

No matter how radiant all the actors are, they all have rough skin in the movie, which is in line with the character image of the Anti-Japanese War period.

In the play, it is mentioned that the telegram was sent by Commander Nie, Commander Lü and Chief of Staff Bu.

Commander Nie = Nie Rongzhen, then commander of the Jin-Cha-Ji Military Region,

Commander Lü = Lü Zhengcao, then commander of the Jizhong Military Region,

Chief of Staff Bu = Bu Yunlong, then chief of staff of the Second Cavalry Regiment.

On the left side of the uniform of communications staff officer Ma Chengfeng is the graduation badge of the Anti-Japanese Military and Political University, which is an element ignored in similar films and television.

Reproducing the anti-sweeping "Riding the Wind", the artistry is probably higher than Wu Jing's own Wolf Warrior 2? Script Design Lens Language Film Details History and Film

The 2 in the badge represents the second issue, of course, the number of issues in the movie is not clear

Some eighth route army commanders and fighters have different colors in their uniforms and pants, which is also a manifestation of the harsh conditions in the base areas.

The cavalry of the Eighth Route Army stood on horseback to listen to the distant sound of warring weapons and recognized light machine guns, grenadiers, and armored vehicles.

The posture of the characters in the film to raise a gun to search may be problematic, and the person with the pistol is right to raise the pistol, after all, it is faster than the bolt-action rifle, but lifting the rifle so high is the practice of modern troops, nothing more than because the modern assault rifle is light, and it is generally lifted to the waist at that time, of course, Western war films also make mistakes on this issue.

The Eighth Route Army used the cover of lying down warhorses, which was indeed one of the tactical actions of the cavalry at that time, and it is shown in the "Journey to the West" and historical photos.

Reproducing the anti-sweeping "Riding the Wind", the artistry is probably higher than Wu Jing's own Wolf Warrior 2? Script Design Lens Language Film Details History and Film

The horses lay down

When the cavalry of the Eighth Route Army attracted Japanese fighters, after drilling into the valley, the machine gunner (Jiang Shui) opened fire, which was forced by the Japanese pilots to pull up and evade. After the Japanese lost this opportunity, it took considerable time to fly back, which provided time for the transfer.

When Ma Renxing and Ma Chengfeng talked about yue fei and Yue Yun at night, this plot did not know that the crew had a heart, but unintentionally, but this plot is very meaningful, that is:

During the War of Resistance Against Japanese Aggression, the Republic of China government liked to use Yue Fei's deeds to publicize the anti-Japanese resistance, which was a large-scale propaganda after the Qing Dynasty replaced Yue Fei's title of Wusheng with Guan Yu.

However, the side effect is that some Kuomintang soldiers found that the Nationalist army could not "shake the Yue family's military difficulties" in terms of combat effectiveness, nor could it "freeze to death without demolishing houses, and starve to death without grabbing grain" in terms of military discipline. ”

In the end, the people who wanted to understand this truth either defected to the New Fourth Army of the Eighth Route Army or wanted to defect to the New Fourth Army of the Eighth Route Army.

Ma Renxing was the Eighth Route Army that defected from the Nationalist Army.

Ma Chengfeng took away the transmitter, which was left to the regimental headquarters.

In the last charge launched by Ma Chengfeng's squad when it was surrounded, the machine gunner (Jiang Shui) was also in the ranks of the charge, noting that Jiang Shui was the company commander of Sun Desheng, the famous scene "Cavalry Company Charge" in Li Youbin's version of "Bright Sword".

Reproducing the anti-sweeping "Riding the Wind", the artistry is probably higher than Wu Jing's own Wolf Warrior 2? Script Design Lens Language Film Details History and Film

Second from the left, do you recognize it?

It is seriously suspected that the crew deliberately invited Teacher Jiang Shui to reinterpret this scene and pay tribute to the classic scene.

When the Jizhong cavalry regiment counterattacked, the direction was behind the Japanese artillery positions, paying attention to the details of the trenches that the Japanese infantry hurriedly entered--only half a person deep, raised to chest height with sandbags.

Reproducing the anti-sweeping "Riding the Wind", the artistry is probably higher than Wu Jing's own Wolf Warrior 2? Script Design Lens Language Film Details History and Film


This was precisely the characteristic of the hastily built field fortifications at that time, when the Japanese army's relatively strong combat effectiveness liked to dig fortifications while fighting, and the Eighth Route Army found that the battle became a tough battle, which was also one of the difficult points of the battle at that time.

In the end, the horse commander chases up with the Japanese commander who snatched a horse and escaped, which may be an artistic creation, but the detail of the horse commander stabbing the Japanese commander to death with a bayonet rifle is obviously a reference to the details of the use of riding guns in the cold weapon era.

<h1 class="pgc-h-arrow-right" data-track="87" > history and film</h1>

Thanks to the crew for bringing the history of the Jizhong Cavalry Regiment to the screen, many details in the film are references to the history of the war.

Ma Renxing (1904-1947), the commander of the Cavalry Regiment of the Eighth Route Army at the time of the May 1st Anti-Sweeping Campaign, was a former officer of the Northwest Army, and led an uprising to the Eighth Route Army in 1941. As the film says, he joined the army in 1926. Liberation of the four peacetime sacrifice.

Ma Chengfeng was the eldest son of Ma Renxing, who was killed in the battle of Baoqu Village in Lixian County during the anti-sweeping campaign around May 20, 1942.

On June 4, during the anti-sweeping campaign, Wang Nairong, political commissar of the cavalry regiment, committed suicide after being seriously wounded in the battle in beihao village in Anping County.

The 23rd Regiment of the Eighth Route Army mentioned by Ma Chengfeng in the film was all killed in the Battle of Snow Village on June 8, 1942, which is also the reason why Ma Chengfeng was unable to talk to daharuko about her husband's situation in the film.

As for the cavalry charge at the end of "Riding the Wind", it was not the battle after the rest that some netizens understood, and the cavalry regiment gathered the troops at this time and insisted on fighting in the enemy-occupied areas for a moment.

According to the veterans' recollections, many troops in the anti-Japanese base areas in Central Hebei at that time fought back after the breakthrough.

Hopefully, as the screenwriter said, there was also a long script at the time, and Wu Jing said that he might make a cavalry movie, hoping that the idea was to bring the complete story of the Jizhong Cavalry Regiment to the screen.

Reproducing the anti-sweeping "Riding the Wind", the artistry is probably higher than Wu Jing's own Wolf Warrior 2? Script Design Lens Language Film Details History and Film

The full version may be shot

Focus on the Guards Infantry Division Focus on military

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