
The public call for the Xia Shang Zhou Dynasty Project 丨 also talked about the Wu Wang's cutting of the celestial phenomenon

author:Semi-farmer in Changshan

The study of the astronomical phenomena of the Wu King's cutting is a difficult problem for the ages of scholars of the past, the reason is still chaotic, the road is unclear, and the explanation is unclear, the previous article takes the "Present Bamboo Book Chronicle" as the mother book, and takes the five-star gathering and the eclipse of the eclipse as the base point, pushing and correcting the Wu King's cutting, and the day of the Battle of Makino is February 1, 1014 BC.

According to the 771 BC dog Rong killed the Youwang in the Western Zhou Dynasty of Lishan, this result calculates that the Western Zhou New Year is 1014-771 + 1 = 244 years, which is a full 13 years away from the document "From the destruction of Yin by King Wu to the 257th year of Youwang Fan"! Therefore, this result is difficult to convince, and this conflict is explained in detail. This article only deals with the problem of the martial kings in the literature.

One. About the Chinese. Zhou Yu "The King of Xiwu cut the silk, the age is in the quail fire, the moon is in the heavens, the sun is in the wood of the Tsu, the tatsu is in the handle, the star is in the shrew, the star and the sun are all in the northern dimension"

The Annals of the Ancient Bamboo Book say: "(King Wu) was eleven years old, and the Zhou Dynasty was a merchant. ”

The "Chronicle of the Present Bamboo Book" also states: "(Di Xin) Fifty-two years of Gengyin, Zhou Shifa Yin. ...... In February of the tenth month of winter, Zhou Shi had something to do with God, Yong, Shu, Qiang, Qi, Wei, Xu, Peng, and Pu from Zhou Shihuayin. ”

Shang Shu. Wu Cheng: "The only one month is not the first month, and the side is dead." Yue Yi Ri, 癸巳, Dynasty Step From Zhou, Yu Conquest Merchants. ”

Looking at the perpetual calendar, it can be seen that December 29, 1015 BC is the day of Ganzhi Gengyin, which is the tenth month of the Yin calendar. The next day, December 30 is the winter solstice, and December 31 is the day of the solstice, which is the month of January in the weekly calendar. Therefore, the first day of the first lunar month of the weekly calendar is either on the winter solstice or on the second day of the winter solstice.

The ancients said of the winter solstice: the solstice of the cathode, the beginning of the yang, the solstice of the sun, the solstice of the short day, and the solstice of the long shadow of the sun, so it is called the "winter solstice". Choosing to cut down on the winter solstice means "the end of darkness, the beginning of dawn", the demise of the Shang, and the rebirth of the week! It seems that the Zhou people at the time of the Shang Zhou have been able to accurately determine the day of the winter solstice, so as to strictly plan the logging plan from the winter solstice day!

Coincidentally, the inscription of the Li Gui reads: "Huan Zheng Shang, Wei Jia Zi Chao, Shi Ding Ke Faint You Shang, Xin Wei, Wang Zai Yan Shi, Yi Right Shi Li Jin, used as the Tangong Treasure Zun Yi." From the analysis of the content expressed in the inscription, the interpretation of "Year Ding" as the time meaning opposite to the Jiazi Dynasty is more accurate, thus deliberately expressing the meaning expressed by Zhou Xingshang in time and space, so the inscription "Year Ding" is interpreted as "Year Peak" (to the top), that is, the last day of the year is more in line with the meaning of the topic. This fits perfectly with the "winter solstice" analyzed above! The Wu King cut down the merchants, and there are many celestial phenomena that are beneficial to the Zhou people, and it is also unreasonable to mention the star alone here.

With the help of high-precision celestial simulation software, we obtained the celestial phenomenon of The Day of Gengyin on December 29, 1015 BC, as shown below:

The public call for the Xia Shang Zhou Dynasty Project 丨 also talked about the Wu Wang's cutting of the celestial phenomenon

On December 29, 1015 BC, Gengyin "Day in The Day in The Wood of Tsu, the Star in the Celestial Shrew" celestial phenomenon

As can be seen from the above figure, "the years are in the quail fire" is obviously incompatible, "the sun is in the wood of the Tsu, the star is in the shrew" is combined. Where "star" should be Venus.

After two days, that is, December 31, 1015 BC, the moon is in the heart, and the "moon is in the heavens" is combined, as shown below:

The public call for the Xia Shang Zhou Dynasty Project 丨 also talked about the Wu Wang's cutting of the celestial phenomenon

December 31, 1015 BC 6:30 "Moon in Heaven" celestial sign

Tatsudang is Mercury, which is difficult to observe due to its proximity to the Sun! On December 13, 1015 BC, before the sunrise in the morning, Mercury could be observed in the east, and it happened to be on the "bucket handle" of Dousu! As shown in the following figure:

The public call for the Xia Shang Zhou Dynasty Project 丨 also talked about the Wu Wang's cutting of the celestial phenomenon

December 13, 1015 BC 7:20 "Tatsu in the bucket handle" celestial phenomenon

In summary, Chinese. The celestial signs contained in the Zhou Yu are not compatible, but the "years are in the quail fire", and the other celestial signs are all in harmony!

Quail fire is the dividing age of the Zhou people, so "the age in the quail fire" is the auspicious omen of the Zhou people, and it is also the celestial sign of the first year of the Zhou Wen King's appointment, and naturally it is also the celestial phenomenon that the Zhou people most want to see when the Wu King cut the silk, which means that the Zhou people are ordered to take the world by the heavens.

Yi Zhou Shu. Literature such as Wen Chuan Xie and Shang Shu Da Biography record that King Wen died nine years after being ordained, and by December of the eleventh year of King Wu, Gengyin began to cut down merchants, with an interval of about 20 years. Jupiter takes 11.86 years to orbit the earth, and the second week is 23.72 years, so if the "years in the quail fire" celestial phenomenon appears again after the first year of King Wen's appointment, it will not appear again when it is in the third and fourth years of King Wu and the fifteenth and sixteenth years of King Wu, and it is impossible to appear in the eleventh and twelfth years of King Wu.

Coincidentally, the "Chronicle of the Present Bamboo Book" contains: "In the sixteenth year of (King Wu), Jizi came to the dynasty." Ji Zi (箕子): Son of Wen Ding, brother of Emperor Yi, uncle of King Huan, official to Taishi of King Sui, along with Bigan and Weizi, was known as the "Three Rens of the Late Shang Dynasty" by Confucius. However, after King Wu destroyed the Shang, Shi Zaijizi was reluctant to be an official with Zhou, and took five thousand old nobles of the Shang Dynasty to "violate the luck of Yin and go to Korea", which was called "Jizi Joseon". And this time, why not go thousands of miles to "Chao Zhou"? Probably the reason is that in the sixteenth year of king Wu, there was a celestial phenomenon of "years in the quail fire"! That is, Jupiter appeared in the quail fire year from February to May 1010 BC. When the King of Wu visited Mizi when he was in the "Mizi Dynasty Zhou", because he had the confidence of "years in the Quail Fire", the King of Wu asked the reason for the demise of The Jizi Yin Shang with a show-off posture, at this time, of course, Mizi had nothing to say, nor was he willing to say bad things about his homeland, so he never spoke, and the King of Wu also found that he had lost his words, so he asked him how to govern the country according to the Mandate of Heaven, and Mizi talked about it, so there was "Hong Fan" passed down. From this, it can be known that the surviving document "Shang Shu. ZHOU Shu. In Hong Fan's "only ten have three gods", it is actually a mistake of "only ten have six gods".

Obviously, "the King of Wu cut the silk, the age is in the quail fire" is deliberately attached by posterity.

Two. About King Wu 's Greeting (Tai) Year"

There are two records of wuwang cutting, the first expedition was returned for some reason, and later people often mixed with each other when talking about the two Wuwang cutting signs and weather, and the authenticity was difficult to distinguish, which brought a lot of interference to the study of the Wuwang vaping.

"Xunzi Confucian Effect": "The King of Wu's Curse, the day of the action, is to be jealous of the soldiers, to the east and to meet the age of the tai, to the flood, to the nostalgia and bad, to the common head and the mountain tunnel." Uncle Huo was afraid: 'Three days and five disasters are coming, is it impossible?' Zhou Gong said: "Qiao Bi Gan and imprisoned Ji Zi, Fei Lian, evil to know the government, and the husband is evil and evil? 'Then he chose a horse to go forward, and he ate in qi, and stayed in the hundred springs at dusk, and he was tired of the wilderness of the pasture. Drums and pawns change the countryside, so they take advantage of the Yin people and curse. The cover killer is not a Zhou person, because the Yin people are also. He attributed the duke of Zhou to the Duke of Zhou for ignoring the "Five Plagues" and cutting down the Wu Dynasty. But this celestial phenomenon should be the first logging, but it will be attached to the second logging.

And "Qi Taigong's Family": "In the second year of his life, he killed prince Bigan and imprisoned Jizi." The King of Wu will cut down the silk, Bu Guizhao, unlucky, wind and rain storm. The Qungong was terrified, but Taigong persuaded the King of Wu, and the King of Wu then proceeded. However, he attributed the recommendation of the King of Wu to Taigong Qi. Attach the first harvest weather to the second harvest weather.

The ancients thought that it was a german star and an auspicious star. In which age and direction, the kingdom of division of the age and the king of which direction is the kingdom of virtue and the king of virtue. King Wu marched east from present-day Xi'an to the east to conquer emperor Xin (纣) in present-day Anyang, Henan, which happened to be "facing the east and greeting the age," according to the ancients, that is, the merchants of the conquest were the state of virtue, and the emperor of Di Xin (纣) was the prince of virtue, which was obviously unsatisfactory! Coupled with the other four disasters, so the "crowd is afraid", and the class teacher returns. Therefore, "greeting (too) years in the east" is the first celestial phenomenon of the Wu King, and it is also the main reason for the return of the class. However, the traditional documents of this dispatch of troops are attached to the "Mengjin Guanbing", which means that the wise King Wu deliberately tested the loyalty of the princes who followed him thousands of miles away! Think of this statement as even more faint-hearted than the later "Beacon Theatre Princes" who became the laughing King of Zhou You!

Historia. Zhou Benji: "In the ninth year, King Wu sacrificed yu Bi. Dongguan Bing, as for Mengjin. Two years... All the princes knew: "The silk can be cut down." King Wu said, "The female does not know the Mandate of Heaven, but she is not yet able to do it." "It's a return to the teacher." According to the eleventh year of King Wu on December 29, 1015 BC Gengyin began to cut Yin, the ninth year of King Wu was 1017 BC, and the celestial phenomenon of the day of The Pengzi Of November is as follows:

The public call for the Xia Shang Zhou Dynasty Project 丨 also talked about the Wu Wang's cutting of the celestial phenomenon

The celestial phenomenon of the day of 7 November 1017 BC

Apparently, the star (Jupiter) is in the west, and it is not in line with the "east and greet the year". The Historia is wrong!

And "The Chronicle of the Present Bamboo Book": "In the winter of the fifty-first year, in November of the fifty-first year, Zhou Shi crossed the Mengjin and returned." ...... Fifty-two years of Gengyin, Zhou Shifa Yin. "According to king Wu's eleventh year Gengyin Fayin is December 29, 1015 BC, and the previous year (Wu Wang's tenth year) November is November 2, 1016 BC. The celestial phenomenon is as follows:

The public call for the Xia Shang Zhou Dynasty Project 丨 also talked about the Wu Wang's cutting of the celestial phenomenon

On November 2, 1016 BC, the celestial phenomenon of "Greeting the Age to the East" on the day of the Penzi Dynasty

Meet the "East and Greet the Age" celestial phenomenon! Therefore, the "Chronicle of the Present Bamboo Book" contains credibility.

King Wu cut the silk twice, one was the tenth year of King Wu, November 2, 1016 BC Pengzi, "east and greet the age" celestial phenomenon, late autumn and early winter, there is a possibility of heavy rain weather; the second time is the eleventh year of King Wu, December 29, 1015 BC Gengyin, for the "year star as the top" and the western celestial phenomenon, in the cold winter season, so the Old Book of Tang. will. Volume 1 quotes the Liutao as saying: "The King of Wu cut down the silk, the snow was deep and the snow was deep, five cars and two horses, there was no trace of the line, and the camp asked for advice." "There is a scene of "snow deep and deep".

Three. Regarding the Taiping Imperial Records, it is recorded: "Jiazi, the sun and moon are combined, the five stars are like beads, the Ming Shuang, the Wu Dynasty as for the Shang (southern) suburbs of Makino ..."

The Battle of Makino is february 1, 1014 BC, the 29th day of the lunar calendar, and February 3 is the first day of the lunar calendar of the sun and moon, which means "the sun and the moon are like a wall"! The celestial phenomenon on that day is as follows:

The public call for the Xia Shang Zhou Dynasty Project 丨 also talked about the Wu Wang's cutting of the celestial phenomenon

February 1, 1014 BC "Five Stars Like Pearls" celestial phenomenon

In the picture, the four stars of wood, fire, gold and water are arranged in the western sky after sunset, which is in line with the phrase "five stars are like pearls". The two "if" characters also appropriately express the celestial sign of the koshi day.

Four. About the Lunar Eclipse of the Thirty-fifth Lunar Moon of King Wen.

"Yi Zhou Shu , Volume 3 , Xiao Kai Xie": "There are five ancestors in the thirty-fifth dimension of the dimension, and Wang Nian said: "The □ of the □, the first moon of the first month, the first lunar eclipse, the worship of the eclipse is not timely," scholars have interpreted this text as the thirty-fifth day of the first month of the Zhou Wen King's thirty-fifth ancestral moon and the first lunar eclipse. However, a search of the records of lunar eclipses in the 100-year period of the 100-year reign of King Wen of the Shang Dynasty did not once match the records of lunar eclipses on the day of the first lunar month. On December 26, 1040 BC, it was combined with king Wen of Zhou on the 35th day of the zhou dynasty, but no lunar eclipse occurred.

During the Shang Zhou Dynasty, the text of the lunar eclipse record was generally "lunar eclipse" or "lunar eclipse", but the text did not appear a single "month" word, nor was it so written, and it was not correct to interpret "eclipse without time" as a lunar eclipse. "Eclipse without time" should be interpreted as the "eclipse day time" commonly used in the oracle to indicate the relationship between the time of day, the oracle bone often has "dan to eclipse day", "eclipse day to The middle of the day" record, "Middle Day" is noon, Mr. Chang Yuzhi in the "Yin Shang Calendar Research" text on the oracle bone "eclipse day" has a precise analysis and interpretation: "eclipse day" is between "Dan" and "Middle Day", that is, the ancients ate in the morning for a period of time.

Five. The beginning of the shang dynasty and the beginning of the week are self-consistent

The first year of Di Xin is deduced from the "Present Bamboo Book Chronicle" is 1065 BC. During the Xia-Shang-Zhou Dynasty Project, Dr. Xu Fengxian, a researcher at the Institute of Natural Science History of the Chinese Academy of Sciences, used the late Yin Oracle Bone Zhou Sacrifice material and the Di Xin period "Erqi QiqiQi" inscription material to deduce the possible years of the Dixin Erqi: 1074 BC, 1064, 1059 bc and other years, but unfortunately, the Xia Shang Zhou Dynasty Project chose the Di Xin Erqi as 1074 BC under the conditions at that time, and abandoned 1064 BC!

1065 BC is the first year of Di Xin, December 26, 1040 BC is the thirty-fifth day of the first month of the Zhou Wen King, 1034 BC is the first year of the Encyclope Fire for the first year of king Wen's appointment, and February 1, 1014 BC is the day of the Battle of Muye in the twelfth year of the Wu King. The following brief table of self-consistency (amendment) at the end of the Shang Dynasty and the beginning of the Zhou Dynasty was formulated (the Chronology of Wen Ding and Emperor Yi was deduced according to the material of the Oracle Bone Weekly Sacrifice, and this article is omitted):

The public call for the Xia Shang Zhou Dynasty Project 丨 also talked about the Wu Wang's cutting of the celestial phenomenon

The simplified list of self-consistent revisions in the late Shang dynasty and early Zhou Dynasty

It is debatable whether the ninth year of King Wen's appointment and the first year of King Wu are the same year. Taking King Wen's 35th lunar month as the node of December 26, 1040 BC, it was deduced that King Wen reigned for 48 years, and king Wen took the throne two years after Ji Li's death. It is inconsistent with the traditional document King Wen's reign of 50 years. If it is determined that king Wen's thirty-five ancestors may be thirty-seven mistakes, it can be perfectly consistent with traditional documents. However, it cannot be ruled out that King Wen of Zhou officially ascended the throne after Emperor Yi returned to his sister in the Second Year of emperor Yi in the Annals of the Ancient Bamboo Book, and after the "emperor Yi returned to his sister" described in the Zhou Yi.

The author once again sighed: "This Bamboo Book Chronicle" is not only not a traditionally considered pseudo-book, but also the only "golden key" to open up Chinese civilization, and its value will be continuously developed and discovered in more and more research and archaeological materials, and I have been impressed by its "divine" nature again and again in the process of research... I hope to attract enough attention from the majority of scholars!