
National Life Strivers | Measure the people's feelings with your footsteps, and exchange your sincerity for the people's hearts -- remember the "Visit Huiju" task force of the Xinjiang Branch of Chinese Life Insurance

author:Minnan Net

"Party members must wholeheartedly do practical and good things for the masses of the people." These are the words that Du Xinling, the first secretary of the Xinjiang Hotan Branch of Chinese Life Insurance Co., Ltd. (hereinafter referred to as "Chinese Life Insurance") in Inbagh Village, Tushara Town, often hangs on her lips.

At the beginning of 2018, in order to actively respond to the call of the Hetian Land Committee, the Hotan "Visit Huiju" team led by Du Xinling was stationed in a poor village with difficult conditions for a whole year. A year later, Du Xinling, who was 50 years old, and the team members resolutely decided to stay and continue to work in the village regardless of their physical condition. In the past three years, the team members have paid solidly with dedication, hard work, enthusiasm and initial intention, and written many extraordinary things in ordinary posts.

Inbagh Village, Tushara Town, Hotan City is a designated help village of Chinese Life Insurance Hotan Branch. This is a deeply impoverished village, with a per capita cultivated land area of only 0.3 mu and 1168 poor households in Lika, up to 41.4% of the entire village's registered population. Through Du Xinling's unremitting efforts and the strong support of local governments and companies, Inbagh Village was lifted out of poverty in 2018, and consolidated and improved the effectiveness of poverty alleviation in 2019 and 2020.

Hands-on "enthusiastic people"

When they first arrived in the poor village, the harsh environment, heavy work, and unfamiliar dialect gave the members of the "Visit huiju" team a "dismount.". The people who have always been good and strong constantly studied and groped, asked for advice from village cadres and villagers, humbly accepted suggestions from all sides, quickly entered the role, and devoted themselves to poverty alleviation work. The team members often went deep into the farmers and ate and lived with the farmers, and the children in the village affectionately called Du Xinling "Mother Du". "Mama Du" and the team members even learned their "second language" Uyghur for more than three years, and can have basic communication with farmers.

By going deep into the farmers and visiting the poor households, the team members quickly gained a deeper understanding of the situation of the villagers. The farmer, Khalini Yazi Maitoheti," has a daughter-in-law living with five children and unable to take care of the crops in the field. After learning about the situation, Du Xinling took the sickle and went to the ground, and led the team stationed in the village to help her harvest wheat. Uharini Yazi Maitoheti was very touched, "If there is no Secretary Du, no task force, I really don't know what to do." "Farmers such as Zetoheti Rijiefu's family, whose wife is disabled and has been treated outside for many years, the crops in the field are unattended and overgrown, and Du Xinling uses her spare time to go deep into the field to help remove weeds and ensure the harvest of crops. She also organized various village-based forces to lead farmers to carry out environmental remediation, turning the dirty and chaotic village of Inbagh into a clean, tidy and picturesque village.

While helping peasant households, the task force has organized and held many forums, seminars, and field meetings, insisted on visiting households, visited more than 550 households and more than 25,400 people, listened attentively to the voices and wishes of the peasant masses and practical difficulties, and truly achieved a clear bottom, a clear situation, and many methods. The team members insisted on doing their own work, starting from strengthening the construction of the party's grass-roots organizations and helping poor households get rid of poverty and become rich, and actively led the cadres and masses of the whole village to clarify their thinking and seek a path of development, which was praised by the Hotan Municipal Party Committee and the Party Committee of Tushala Town.

The "leader" of poverty alleviation and prosperity

Du Xinling learned the lessons of the poor efficiency of the "flood irrigation" of the poverty alleviation work in previous years, carried out in-depth research in the village for the first time, visited and explored 237 poor households that had established a file and a card, focused on the prominent problems of "two worries, three guarantees", and implemented the "one household multiple policies, one person and one policy" in accordance with the requirements of "six precisions" and "seven batches, three increased efforts", accurate to the households, and achieved accurate and stable poverty alleviation on schedule.

Inbagh Village was once a very poor village, and the village collective income was only enough to pay for the daily needs of the village committee, such as water and electricity bills, office supplies, etc., and could not invest in the village collective facilities and the development of the village collective. Through the continuous efforts of the task force, in the past three years, the village collective has owned poverty alleviation workshops, night markets, libraries, activity rooms, conference rooms, more than a dozen storefronts, and even sports activity venues and cultural stages, the village collective income has nearly tripled, most of the infrastructure has been updated, and the collective development of the village has been guaranteed.

Poverty alleviation precedes aspirations. The task force focused on ideological poverty alleviation, formulated the general idea of "benefiting the people policy + means of support + change of thinking = poverty alleviation and prosperity", used various methods to convey the party and government's policy of benefiting the people and the preferential policies for transferring employment to every peasant household, and constantly dispelled the villagers' fear and concern about going out to work through "please come in and go out", broke the idea of "waiting for help", and stimulated endogenous motivation. Soon, a large number of people from the village of Inmbag went out of their homes and successfully exported 670 migrant workers. At the same time, Du Xinling actively guided large households to play a leading role, through the construction of village walnut processing plants, poverty alleviation workshops, family workshops to allow poor households that can not go out to work to find employment nearby, increase family income, and drive villagers out of poverty and get rich. By the end of 2020, 1,048 people from 520 labor households in the village had all been employed.

Pioneer model "a lamp"

Inbagh Village 5 Squad Bahar Guli Amer lacks labor skills, and the eldest son suffers from congenital lung atrophy, which forms a hollow after surgery, needs to change medicines every day, and needs to be taken care of from time to time in life. The task force communicated with the health authorities in many ways, contacted the hospital where the treatment was free, changed the child's medicine every day, and agreed to treat him free of charge. Du Xinling personally helped Bahar Guli Amer find a job and encouraged her to set up stalls at the night market to increase her income. Under the guidance of the team members, Bahar Guli sold toys in the night market and had a relatively stable income every day. Du Xinling and the team members often bring daily necessities to visit her home and talk about solving difficulties.

In the family of Abdulim Apiz, the head of the household and his wife are old and infirm, have limited ability to work, and their daughter is disabled and bedridden for many years, and the sanitation is very dirty. Du Xinling often went to the condolences and brought washing supplies, rice flour oil and other daily necessities, and took them with them to carry out environmental sanitation and rectification. Du Xinling also asked the doctor about the method of caring for Abdulim Apizi's daughter and taught it by hand.

Due to its outstanding work performance and excellent performance, in 2018 and 2020, the "Visiting Huiju" task force in Inmbag Village, Tushara Town, was rated as an advanced collective in the work of the autonomous region's "Visiting Huiju" in the village, and Du Xinling herself won the title of "Visiting Huiju" in the autonomous region in 2018 and 2020 respectively. In 2019, the "Visit huiju" task force in Inbagh Village was rated as an advanced collective in the village work of "visiting Huiju" in Hotan District, and Du Xinling was named "Excellent Communist Party Member" in Hotan City in 2018-2019, and won the title of "Advanced Individual in Visiting Huiju" in Hotan District and "Excellent First Secretary in Village" in Hotan District in 2019. In 2019 and 2020, Du Xinling won the dedication award for poverty alleviation and the title of advanced individual in promoting poverty alleviation in the commendation of Chinese Life Insurance (Group) Company to promote poverty alleviation.

One party member with one lamp. The members of the "Visit huiju" task force have always kept firmly in mind the original intention and mission of the communist party members, worked in a down-to-earth manner, dedicated themselves to their work, and their hearts were always full of sunshine and their feet were always full of strength. Adhering to the life creed of "endless dedication and striving forever", they measured the people's feelings with their footsteps, exchanged their sincerity for the people's hearts, explained the sincerity and true feelings of the communist party members with actions, and demonstrated the spirit of responsibility of the national life poverty alleviation people with a solid style and super execution.

Source: Chinese Shou Zhangzhou Branch

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